Chapter 3 - How Do You Want Me To Take Responsibility?

On the top floor of the office tower of Bai Group, the elongated shadow of a tall and slim man was reflected in the ice-blue glass window. 

He had a toned figure and a handsome face. His white suit was immaculately trimmed, highlighting his impeccable figure and nobility. 

Under his slightly furrowed brows, the skyline of the bustling city was reflected in his deep eyes. But there was not a single ripple in them at all. 


The abrupt ringing of the cellphone suddenly broke the silence in the room as it continued to vibrate and ring on the desk.

While in a trance, Bai Siyu ignored it. 

The ringtone rang for a while and then abruptly stopped.

After a few moments, the cellphone vibrated again. The caller seemed to be refusing to give up!

Bai Siyu turned around and glanced at the cellphone, which had a flashy case, on the desk. His eyes glistened and he seemed to have thought of something. 

He grabbed the cellphone and answered the call. But before he could even say anything, the caller on the other end of the line began lashing out at him. 

"Bai Siyu! Give me your location if you have the guts to!" 

Bai Siyu smirked. 

"Why? Do you regret it now?" 

"Hah! Don't mention that to me! Where are you? I'm going to find you right now. What happened yesterday... is not over!"

The caller was rattling on and on like a machine gun. Bai Siyu seemed to be able to imagine how infuriated she looked. 

He reckoned that she was probably stomping her feet in anger. 

Last night, the two groundbreaking pieces of news were blown out of proportion and caused a huge uproar in the city overnight. Everyone knew about it, and she suddenly became a famous figure of A City. No one would be able to stand it. 

After Bai Siyu casually reported the address, the caller hung up fiercely. 

"Just you wait and see!" 

An hour later, in Verias Hotel. 

Strutting through the lobby in her 10-centimeter high heels, Ji Anyao puffed her chest out and held her head high. She was suave and proud, as if she was going to war.

"Where is Mr. Bai?" 

The bellboy of the hotel was first stunned, perhaps because he was intimidated by Ji Anyao's assertiveness and aggression. Immediately afterward, he smiled and stepped forward. 

He asked, "Are you... Miss Shen?" 

"Miss Shen? Who's that?" Ji Anyao asked, crinkling her nose. 

The bellboy seemed conflicted and was at a momentary loss for words. 

"I don't care who Miss Shen is. Take me to see Mr. Bai. If there's anything..." Ji Anyao raised her chin and scoffed gently. She continued nonchalantly, "I'll bear the responsibility!"

He scanned Ji Anyao from head to toe twice. Although he could not recognize her, he could tell from the fact that she was dressed in designer clothes that she was not to be trifled with. Hence, he dared not make things difficult for her and immediately responded. 

"Well... come with me then." 

After exiting the elevator, the bellboy led Ji Anyao all the way to the room and stopped in his tracks.

He said smilingly and politely, "Mr. Bai is in the room. Please make yourself comfortable."

"Got it."

Ji Anyao assented and waited until the bellboy walked away before raising her hand to take off the large sunglasses that covered half of her face. She then turned her head to glance around.

'Hah! Not only did he ask me to meet him at the hotel, but also it's a presidential suite!'

The gilded and luxurious suite had an extravagant and licentious vibe, as if he was afraid that others did not know how wealthy he was. 


Cursing under her breath, Ji Anyao took a step forward and pushed open the door that was half-open. She then entered angrily with resentment.

If not for the fact that she had been tricked by that well-dressed scum, how could she have been so unlucky as to get photographed by the paparazzi?

At the end of the day, it was all his fault! 

As soon as Ji Anyao entered, she ran into the man who had just walked out of the bathroom. 

Bai Siyu was dripping wet and topless, baring his toned body. With only a towel wrapped around his waist, his sexy and well-defined eight-pack abdominal muscles and V-line could be seen clearly!

Ji Anyao's jaw dropped and eyes widened! 

'What's going on?!'

'Is he trying to seduce me? Must he do that? Why isn't he acting logically?'

"Do you want it?" 

Bai Siyu leaned over, exuding a slightly musky fragrance which was the scent of his shower gel.

As usual, he did not speak much.

However, his tone was seductive, and he seemed to be teasing her while seeming condescending.

Ji Anyao swallowed her saliva and took half a step back. Before she even stepped out, her aura was trumped by his!

It couldn't be helped. The scum was at least 1.8 meters in height. Even though she was wearing 10-centimeter high heels, she was still much shorter than him and had to look up at him to make eye contact.

She was extremely frustrated.

"Don't bother playing that trick with me. You'd better save those words for your little lover, Miss Shen!"

Ji Anyao pushed him away and quickly strode to the table. She then pulled out a stack of newspapers and slammed it in front of Bai Siyu. 

"Clear up the mess you've created! Don't say that you don't want to take responsibility, that's too cowardly!"

Glancing at the eye-catching headlines on the newspaper and the various photos, Bai Siyu frowned slightly and pointed to one of the photos with a look of displeasure. 

"My face looks crooked in this photo." 

Hearing these words, Ji Anyao almost bit her tongue.

"That's not the point! Hey... are you really not planning to take responsibility? Are you really that timid?" 

Bai Siyu raised his head, revealing some evil intentions in his eyes. 

"How do you want me to take responsibility?"

"I don't care what method you use, be it to clarify the matter or to look for a random woman and make her the scapegoat. In any case, I want you to put this matter to rest as soon as possible. Don't let me get affected..."

"Okay, I'll take responsibility." 

Bai Siyu agreed readily, speaking in a crisp voice. 

Slightly stunned, Ji Anyao looked up at him in disbelief, thinking that she had heard wrongly. 

As soon as she wanted to verify it, she heard Bai Siyu speak again. 

"But... on one condition." 

Ji Anyao sneered, having long expected that he wouldn't have any good intentions. 

"Don't talk about 10 million or 100 million yuan. I don't care... It'd be useless even if you give me the national treasury. I'm not that in need of money and I can't serve you well either." 

"I can tell. Well your temper..." 

He stopped as soon as he finished speaking. 

Ji Anyao was tempted. Just as she was about to ask, she stopped again. After pausing for a while, she decided to ask the question. 

"What's wrong with my temper?" 

Bai Siyu raised his eyebrows and shot her a glance before giving her a nonchalant answer. However, she did not know whether he was joking or not.

"Just what I like." 

Ji Anyao was speechless and she felt as though her anger was stuck in her chest! 

'How did I run into such a person?'

'He's overbearing, narcissistic, self-centered, and foul-mouthed!' 

Seeing how infuriated Ji Anyao was, Bai Siyu grinned wider. 

"Why don't you think about it?"

Since Ji Anyao couldn't defeat him, she could only glower at him fiercely! 

"What condition?" 

Bai Siyu turned around to look at the headboard of the bed and answered nonchalantly, "I'll bed you first."