Chapter 4 - You Fell Into The Trap On Your Own Accord


Ji Anyao exclaimed in shock. 

She felt that she would often be surprised whenever she was around him.

'How can he say such shameless things with a straight face?' 

He did not blush in the slightest and his heart didn't beat at all, as if it was only right for him to do that.

"Hurry up."

Bai Siyu urged in an indifferent tone, as if he was doing work. 

However, he did not seem like a lewd lecher. 

Even then, Ji Anyao could not give in obediently! 

Putting one hand on her waist, she rubbed her ear with the other hand and raised her head to look out of the window. 

Lying through her teeth, she asked, "What did you just say? The wind was blowing too hard... I didn't hear it clearly."

Completely ignoring her pretense, Bai Siyu casually tossed a nightgown at her. He seemed to be serious and did not look like he was joking at all.

"There is not much time left. If you want to calm down the storm and let the matter blow over, do as I say... Change into the nightgown and quickly lie down on the bed."

Ji Anyao turned her head to look at him warily. 

"What do you want to do?!"

Bai Siyu smirked as those words came out of his thin lips. 

"Go to bed."

He was clearly saying something absurd, but he managed to do it effortlessly. 

He did not seem ashamed at all, and there was a tinge of playfulness in his eyes that were as deep as the sea. He even seemed confident and certain that she would definitely obey him. 

Ji Anyao refused!

With a sneer, Ji Anyao took out her cellphone from her handbag and dialed a series of digits on the keypad. 

She then put her cellphone beside her ear and raised her voice. 

"Hello? Is this Seventh Hospital? There's a psychopath here..."

"Yes, his condition is quite serious! Please quickly send someone here to handle him. He has already begun going berserk..."

Before she finished, Bai Siyu snatched her cellphone away and tossed it into the fish tank at the side.

There was a loud thud! 

Watching her cellphone sink immediately to the bottom of the fish tank, Ji Anyao's expression immediately grew sullen.


Grabbing Ji Anyao's wrist, Bai Siyu took a step forward and forced himself in front of her. 

Seeing that she didn't know any better, he seemed to be losing his patience, and his tone immediately became stern.

"You have two options... You either change into the gown or I'll help you do it."

Ji Anyao had always been stubborn and pampered by everyone ever since she was a child. She had never been humiliated in such a manner before!

Overwhelmed with fury, she raised her hand and was about to slap him! 

Bai Siyu was quick enough to react as he grabbed her wrist and pinned her forcefully against the wall. 

He squinted his deep, abyss-like eyes that were glowing with some austerity. 

With a mirthless smile, he said coldly with contempt that he did not try to hide, "You walked into a stranger's room so easily and you didn't leave immediately after you saw me coming out of the shower in a towel... You're so brazen, what are you pretending for? Haven't you been waiting for this?"

Ji Anyao was so infuriated that she began shaking. 

She tried to break free, but the disparity between the physical strength of men and women was clearly evident at this moment.

As soon as she struggled a little, she was pressed forcefully against the wall. The pressure exerted against the bones on her back made her feel a sharp pain.

Ji Anyao had always been bold and had fought many fights, but she was clearly not a match for the man in front of her.

Under his strong pressing, she couldn't even move an inch at all!

It was as if she was nailed to the wall with no way to escape or retreat... She couldn't help but feel a little desperate and fearful.

Besides, they were in an intimate posture where they were leaning close to each other, and his masculine aura was shrouding her entire body. 

Ji Anyao finally began to panic, her eyes slightly red. She was anxious and angry.

"Bastard! Let go of me!"

Bai Siyu had no intention of letting go, and the contempt in his eyes increased.

"You're the one who got yourself into this. No one else is to blame."

Ji Anyao's voice was sharp, and she was incredibly furious.

"I told you to let go!"

Frowning hard, Bai Siyu probably did not expect Ji Anyao to resist so aggressively.

His face turned a little swollen, and he was grasping her tiny and delicate chin with his long and cold fingers. He tightened his grip a little, so much that Ji Anyao was almost bursting into tears.

"Then do as you're told, I don't have much patience."

Ji Anyao grimaced in pain and was unable to speak for a moment. Her red lips had turned a little pale as she was biting them.

Bai Siyu lowered his head and moved his thin, blade-like lips near her ear. As he spoke, his breath brushed against her cheeks and made her shiver a little.

"Don't test my patience. I... can do anything to you. Do you want to try?" 

Do you want to try?

That was a threat and a warning.

He was overbearing and domineering, unable to tolerate any defiance. 

Ji Anyao stubbornly remained silent and did not compromise either. She simply stayed still without feeling awkward at all. 

The wind blew in from the window with some rain, hitting her arm and making her feel a little cold. But it was not as cold as the increasingly eerie chilliness that was emanating from the man's body.


Bai Siyu said in a fickle tone. His temper was erratic. 

He tightened his grip on her chin and moved her head over to make her look straight into his dark, bottomless eyes. 

The face of a frightened yet stubborn girl with reddened and widened eyes was reflected in his dark pupils... She was a little innocent and aggrieved, with some anger and resistance. 

She effortlessly aroused his desire to conquer her. 

Lowering his head, Bai Siyu forced his lips close to hers in an attempt to kiss her.

Ji Anyao moved her head away, and her chin immediately turned pale. 

The gaze that landed on her face became rather sinister. She felt as though her skin had been sliced by a knife that left wounds that were neither too deep nor too shallow. 

"It's not like we haven't kissed before. Why are you dodging?"

Bai Siyu snorted with laughter and loosened his grip a little with a hostile expression, seemingly a little dejected.

'Is this woman made of clay?'

'I've already done so much, how could she not have any reaction?'

"Let go of me."

Ji Anyao repeated the same words and sounded like she was sobbing. 

Although her eyes were filled with stubbornness, there was not a single tear in them. 

Bai Siyu couldn't help but become a little more softhearted.

He had no choice but to give in. 

He even explained to her, which was rare of him. 

"What are you afraid of? It's broad daylight. I can't possibly force you, can I? Besides, you're the apple of Old Master Gu's eye. I wouldn't dare to touch you..." 

He said those words with a pretentious smile, and it seemed to be an act. 

Ji Anyao was less worried. 

She reckoned that he wouldn't dare to take liberties with her since he knew her identity. 

Even if he really harbored desires on her, he would have long thrown her onto the bed. There was no need for such a stalemate. 

"Are you acting again?"

Ji Anyao asked after adjusting her expression. 

She sounded a little wary. Having learned her lesson once, she dared not be careless again. 

"Rest assured." 

Bai Siyu let go of her completely. 

"There are no paparazzi this time, we don't have to worry about making headlines."