Chapter 5 - Caught Red-handed In Bed

As soon as Bai Siyu moved away, Ji Anyao felt as though her entire body had become much lighter, and there was a throbbing pain in her chin. Clearly, he had used too much force. 


'Barbarous beast!'

Gritting her teeth, Ji Anyao glared at him with infuriation. 

Bai Siyu laughed when he saw the way she was behaving.

He was born with an exquisite face and delicate features which were absolutely perfect. Even with just a slight smile on his face, he looked suave and made one's heart race with joy. No wonder all the women in the city were head-over-heels in love with him!

However, Ji Anyao could not go crazy for him. She had almost fallen into his trap just now and was still somewhat terrified. 

Her fingertips trembled and a cold chill was sent down her spine. She was drenched in cold sweat.

Given the circumstances just now, she would be at a huge loss as long as Bai Siyu had a single evil thought. Although he was foul-mouthed, he hit the nail on the head... Today, she let her emotions rule over her head after reading the newspapers and due to her impulsiveness, she charged in without hesitation.

She landed herself in trouble and let herself be wronged for no reason. 

"There are many women who want to climb onto my bed, but do not have that opportunity. You don't know how lucky you are."


He lit up a cigarette.

Placing the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, Bai Siyu took a puff of it and leaned against the bed. With his eyes half-closed, he exhaled and hung his head low, causing tiny water droplets to trickle down from the strands of hair in front of his forehead. They cast a flickering shadow on his handsome face.

It was drizzling outside the window and a ray of golden light was cast through the window horizontally from the gloomy obscurity, causing his taut and skin to glow sensually. 

Ji Anyao almost couldn't resist it when she saw the alluring scene. 

She immediately looked away with an unnatural expression, but her tone was rather harsh and she was still clearly infuriated. 

"If you want to stage an act, there are plenty of women for you to choose from, and with a single command of yours, they'll come flocking towards you... Why are you holding yourself cheap and compelling me instead of picking one out of the four of them?" 

"Holding myself cheap?" 

Bai Siyu sneered and exhaled a mouthful of white smoke which was blown onto Ji Anyao's face. 

While she tilted her head to dodge him, he pressed his thin lips against her ear.

He lowered his voice and it was full of evil and seductiveness. 

"You seem to have forgotten... be it last night or today, you were the one who threw yourself at me. Isn't it inappropriate for you to call me cheap? Huh?"

His low and hoarse voice trailed off with a tinge of contempt and mockery. 

Knowing that she was wrong, Ji Anyao could not resist any longer. She grabbed the nightdress from the headboard and made a dash for the door.

"You'd better... not forget what you said!" 

A moment later... 

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps from afar, Bai Siyu pinched the cigarette with his fingers to extinguish it and turned around. 

He initially thought that there would be a feast for his eyes, but in the end, there was only a small raised bump on the bed with a head popping out from under the blanket. Even her neck was covered tightly and her cheeks were flushed, appearing absolutely alluring. 

Finally, she was no longer seething ferociously and was revealing the shyness that a girl ought to have. However, she was still gritting her teeth and looked rather amusing. Faced with the dim, contemptuous gaze, Ji Anyao was both ashamed and infuriated. 

She couldn't help but curse, "Damned pervert!"

Bai Siyu was not bothered. 

"There's no use scolding me. I wasn't the one who chose the nightdress. I... didn't get to take a closer look at it." 

While speaking, he strode over and lifted a corner of the blanket before bending over to lie down beneath it. 

To his surprise, he tugged it twice but it wouldn't budge. 

He looked up to see that Ji Anyao was clutching the blanket tightly and refusing to let go. 

She was staring straight into his eyes, her round and widened eyes making her look like an owl standing guard. As long as he moved a little, she would immediately swoop over and bite his throat. She seemed extremely malicious and ferocious! 

While they were in a confrontation, there were sounds of a commotion coming from the corridor outside the door that were mixed with the sounds of high heels clicking against the ground. They sounded extremely domineering and were far more arrogant and furious than when Ji Anyao arrived! 

"Miss Shen! You can't go in! Hey... Miss Shen! Wait a minute..." 


Ji Anyao's ears twitched and she heard the key word "Miss Shen". The corners of her mouth curled up and she immediately understood something...

'Hey, she's here to catch us in bed!'

'No, that's not right!'

'Wouldn't that make me his mistress!?'

Realizing that something was wrong, Ji Anyao subconsciously wanted to get out of bed with the duvet, but she was too slow. When Bai Siyu saw the gap, he hurriedly pulled it, instantly wrapping the two of them together tightly in the duvet.

Ji Anyao's heart trembled and she looked up again, only to see the enlarged handsome face appearing right in front of her. There was a smug and sinister smile on his face, and a conceited and evil look in his eyes. He was exceptionally sly!

After being tossed around by Bai Siyu, Ji Anyao almost fell on top of him!

The two of them were so close that they could almost feel the palpitations of each other's hearts and the increasing temperatures of their bodies through the thin layer of silk. Their breathing became heavy, hot and rushed.

Ji Anyao's cheeks were so flushed and bright that they seemed to be dripping blood. As she struggled to lift the blanket, Bai Siyu grabbed her by her wrist and firmly pressed her against the headboard. 

The hot breath landed on her face like steam from boiling water, making Ji Anyao feel so warm that she couldn't stop trembling.

"Don't move, you know the consequences..."

As he spoke, Bai Siyu's breathing became a little erratic. His tone was dangerous and threatening, such that she couldn't tell whether he was being serious or not.

Ji Anyao's body stiffened a little, and she couldn't help but tense up. 

"Siyu... Who is she!?"

A sharp and shrill voice sounded in her ears all of a sudden, filled with irrepressible anger and hysterical jealousy. It was as if she would dash forward, tear Ji Anyao into pieces, and burn her to ashes at any moment!

Ji Anyao would have never expected to be "caught red-handed in bed" in this lifetime!

She had trusted this beast wrongly! 


When she didn't get any response, the woman became so enraged that she went forward and lifted the duvet.

In the next second, when she saw the scantily clad Ji Anyao lying on top of the topless Bai Siyu, she immediately grimaced hideously and shrieked hysterically in a sharp and ear-piercing voice!

"Who are you!?! How dare you climb onto Siyu's bed!?" 

Grabbing Ji Anyao forcefully with bloodshot eyes, the woman seemed to have gone mad as she raised her arm in a bid to slap Ji Anyao. 

Ji Anyao was unlucky enough to be embroiled in this conflict for no reason. How could she let herself get slapped again for nothing!?

After grabbing her wrist, Ji Anyao twisted it forcefully before pushing her forward. The woman was in so much pain that she shrieked and frantically took a few steps back to stop herself from falling onto the ground.