Chapter 6 - You're The Only One I've Touched

Not expecting Ji Anyao to retaliate, the woman glowered at her with anger flashing in her almond-shaped eyes. She was so exasperated that her body was shivering continuously as she raised her reddened fingertips to point at Ji Anyao's nose.

She hollered loudly in a sharp voice, "You... How dare you hit me!? Are all young girls nowadays so shameless? How are you still so righteous when you've come in between someone else's relationship. Well... since your parents don't know how to take their daughter in hand, I'll teach you a lesson on their behalf, you shameless little b*tch!"

As she continued lashing out at Ji Anyao, her words became increasingly harsher and unpleasant. She had long lost her rationality and was about to leap over ferociously to yank at Ji Anyao's hair!


The culprit, who had been watching indifferently from the side, finally spoke up. He reached out and tugged Shen Yue's arm, sweeping his gloomy gaze across to look at her with unconcealed exasperation written all over his face. It was as if a storm was about to descend. 

Shen Yue held her breath and the anger on her face was mixed with some fear. However, she was still grimacing and the mania in her eyes did not decrease.

"Let go of me! I'm going to teach this darned girl a lesson! How dare she seduce you? How dare she!?"

The look in Bai Siyu's eyes became even more austere as he grabbed Shen Yue's arm tightly and flung her out. Although he wasn't using too much force, it was enough to push her out of the door and cause her to stumble onto the ground. 


Her shrieking was like a thunderstorm that exploded on the ground! 

The way Shen Yue fell was extremely exaggerated and she was obviously pretending. 

"Siyu! You actually hit me because of this shameless hussy? What kind of a hex did she put on you? Does this mean... that the photos on the newspapers this morning are all true!? Are you out of your mind!? How can you do this!? You're letting Muyan down! She even got up early in the morning to help you contact the various media platforms to stop the negative news from spreading..." 

Bai Siyu raised his eyebrows lightly. Having lost his patience, he spoke up coldly to interrupt her.

"She won't mind." 

"But she's your fiancée!"

"You're poking your nose too far into my business." Bai Siyu said with a sullen expression on his handsome face. Ignoring the crowd around him, he said indifferently to the hotel service staff who was rushing over frantically, "Take her out and close the door." 

The service staff immediately answered worriedly and stepped forward to speak to Shen Yue awkwardly as he was put in a spot. 

"Miss Shen... please leave." 

Seeing that he was trying to drive her away, Shen Yue suddenly kept her eyes wide open with a look of disbelief.

She could not help but call out in a higher-pitched voice, "Siyu?" 

However, at the next second, she had the view of his tall and indifferent back and the door getting slammed impatiently in her face as a response. 


The forceful slamming of the door was so loud that it caused the entire room to quiver twice. His menace and anger made Shen Yue feel some pain in her face, as if she had just been given a tight slap. 

She was indeed too eager and was not composed enough… but how could she possibly stay calm when faced with such a situation!? 

Standing at the side with an awkward expression, the service staff nonetheless bit the bullet and urged her. 

"Miss Shen..."

Before he could finish, he was stopped by Shen Yue's angry holler. 

"I will leave on my own!" 

Glaring at the tightly shut door, Shen Yue's eyes were filled with anger and viciousness. She whipped out her cellphone from her bag and quickly dialed a number. While waiting for the call to be connected, she left indignantly.

"Hey! Muyan... where are you? I have something to tell you! I just saw Siyu. He brought a woman to the hotel behind your back! Hah, I caught him red-handed!" 

"... What? You don't care!? Are you crazy too? Hello..." 

Bai Siyu walked back to the room, and he initially thought Ji Anyao would be shocked by such a scene.

However, as soon as he looked up, he realized that he had underestimated her abilities. 

The clothes she had changed out of were still hanging in the bathroom, but she couldn't just wear a skimpy nightdress. Hence, while Bai Siyu was dealing with the hysterical shrew outside, Ji Anyao casually picked up a shirt from the closet and wore it over the nightdress. 

His shirt was rather loose on her. Although Ji Anyao was tall, she was much shorter compared to Bai Siyu. Besides, she had a petite frame and thus, his shirt looked like a dress on her. Although the hem was way above her knees, it could shield her thighs. She was giving off a subtle, seductive charm. 


Ji Anyao had no idea how alluring she looked. 

Resting her chin on her hand, she leaned against the wall and raised the corners of her eyes with a smile on her lips, looking as if she was enjoying a show and gloating! 

Seeing that Bai Siyu was returning to the room with a sullen expression on his handsome face, she added fuel to the fire, as if that would agitate him and allow her to take revenge for the thrilling encounter she had just experienced.

"This woman is really something. She talks so loudly and she sounds like a machine gun... I didn't expect you to have such a special taste."

Bai Siyu glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, subconsciously scrutinizing her. 

"What do you mean?"

"Look how crazy that woman was. She claimed to be doing justice for your fiancée, but she was eyeballing your body the whole time... Don't tell me you haven't bedded her before." 

"Bedded her?" 

With a nonchalant smirk, Bai Siyu walked towards Ji Anyao, his tall and looming figure shrouding hers like a mountain.

He pulled her over by her slender waist which was so soft that it was almost like she was boneless, making him feel an urge to rub her into his body. 

Ji Anyao's expression changed a little and she subconsciously tensed up and raised her hand to push him away. 

Before her fingertips even touched his shoulder blades, they fell into his large palm and he wrapped her arms around his slightly warm waist. Their bodies were even closer now and the ambiance became ambiguous and unsettling.

"I've only ever touched you..." 

His voice was gentle and light, and he seemed to be telling the truth but not too. 

His eyes were like the vast ocean, deep, bottomless, and emotionless. One would subconsciously be mesmerized by his gaze, and he was full of dangerous compulsion.

Ji Anyao found it a little hard to resist him. Although she had a strong determination and willpower, she couldn't resist the repeated seduction by the perfect man in front of her. Besides... the intimate position that they were in was enough to make her blush.

"She's already gone, there is no need to act anymore, right?!"

Ji Anyao looked away and reminded him in a high-pitched voice, for fear that he would be too immersed in the acting and do it for real.

"Yeah... we can stop acting." The Adam's apple in Bai Siyu's throat moved up and down as he whispered with a devilish smirk, appearing extremely seductive, "Let's do the real thing." 

Ji Anyao's face immediately turned hot and she became at a loss for words. Her cellphone, which she had placed on the bedside table, suddenly began buzzing and vibrating.

It was her cellphone, the one she left in his car earlier.

As if she had been saved, Ji Anyao frantically pushed Bai Siyu away and immediately ran over to pick up her cellphone. She then hurriedly pressed the answer button.

"Hello? I'm at Verias Hotel... Yes! The presidential suite..."