Chapter 7- Mark On The Neck!

Ji Anyao said those words rather quickly, not giving Bai Siyu the chance to interrupt at all. Gripping her cellphone tightly with her slender fingers, she seemed to be on guard, for fear that he would toss her cellphone into the fish tank too. 

Watching how careful and wary she was, Bai Siyu squinted his eyes and burst into laughter. 

'What a strange woman.'

After hanging up, Ji Anyao raised her brows and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. She then turned around and waved her cellphone at Bai Siyu, seemingly a little smug.

"My friend is here to pick me up. He's nearby and he should be reaching soon." 

Although she did not state it explicitly, it was obvious what she meant— "My friend is here, you can't do anything to me anymore. You'd better... behave yourself!"

Unfortunately, she had used the wrong method. 

If it were someone else, that "warning" would be effective. However, if she thought that it would work on Bai Siyu, she could only be described as naive! 

Who was he?

He was the heir of the prestigious Bai Group who could ruin a large number of businesses with just one word and force the owners of businesses of various sizes to go bankrupt!

He had always been the one to threaten others and never the other way around.

Faced with Ji Anyao's smug and provocative gaze, Bai Siyu smirked a little and grabbed her wrist to pull her into his arms.


Ji Anyao called out softly before getting caught off guard and slamming hard against his toned chest.

Bai Siyu pressed his hand against her back and lowered his head to press his thin lips against her slender and smooth neck. The cold touch of his lips caused goosebumps to form on a small patch of her skin, making her feel as if she had been electrified.

He pursed his lips and sucked on her neck. 

The reddish-purple mark was particularly eye-catching when contrasted against her fair skin. It was full of an ambiguous and charming aura that would drive his imagination wild.

Realizing what Bai Siyu had done to her, Ji Anyao whimpered a little and hurriedly pushed him away. She dashed quickly to the bathroom, as if she had suffered a catastrophe!

Twisting her neck, Ji Anyao hurriedly went to the bright mirror and saw the eye-catching hickey on her neck almost immediately.

It was extremely striking and noticeable, and it could not be ignored at all. 

'This damn beast!'

'He definitely did it on purpose!'

'Once people see this hickey, who will believe that he and I are innocent!?'

'I won't be able to explain myself!'

'No! I can't let anyone see this!'

After turning around, Bai Siyu leaned against the door and watched gloatingly with an evil smile. 

Seeing that Ji Anyao was infuriated, he wanted to add fuel to the fire. 

"Why isn't your friend here yet? Didn't you say that he's downstairs?" 

"Hah! You'd better not get smug too soon. I won't let you get away with it!" 

Glaring daggers at him, Ji Anyao strode to the shelf at the side and began rummaging through it to find something.

What else could she be finding? A band-aid of course! 

God rewards those who try. She really managed to find a medicine box!

Beaming with joy, Ji Anyao immediately removed the lid of the box and began rummaging through it to find some plasters. She then continued to raise her brows at Bai Siyu smugly. She began unwrapping two band-aids and placing them on the suggestive hickey on her neck right in front of him, covering it entirely! 

Bai Siyu did not pay attention to her neck and instead looked down at her fair legs with a sinister smile. His words were even more lewd.

"I won't mind if you paste two more band-aids on your knees."

Ji Anyao was first stunned to hear his words, which she could not quite understand at first. 

By the time she understood what she meant, her face became flushed immediately! He clearly knew about those things too and yet, he still pretended to be a decent gentleman. Only a fool would believe her!

Someone began knocking on the door at the right time and Ji Anyao, who was blushing red, was successfully saved from the awkward situation.

After being held up by Bai Siyu for such a long time, she suddenly recalled the fact that she had not changed into her own clothes yet. Extremely frustrated, she dashed into the bathroom... A beastly, soft and long sigh sounded from behind her. 

"You want to cover up, huh..." 

Ji Anyao slammed the door shut with a loud thud, wishing she could chop him up! 

Flustered, she frantically removed his shirt and took off the nightgown. When she was halfway done with putting on her clothes, she heard a familiar voice questioning in a menacing manner. 

"Where is Anyao?!"

"She is in the bathroom. She has just finished taking a shower..."

Bai Siyu answered casually and mindlessly, clearly bent on giving her a hard time. 

"Bastard! How dare you..." 

Han Yi was filled with fury. He clenched his fists and was about to punch the chiseled and handsome face that was like God's artwork! 

"Han Yi!" 

"Calm down, don't get physical here!" 

Yin Mei'er exclaimed and rushed forward with Su Chengyu to stop him in a moment of panic. 

"Don't stop me! If he dares to touch Anyao, I won't spare him!"

Han Yi rarely got angry, but this time, he was furious.

However, he was stuck in a helpless position with his arms being held back tightly by Yin Mei'er and Su Chengyu, rendering him immobile. He had no choice but to kick the shelves to vent his anger. All of a sudden, everything was strewn all over the ground, thus causing a huge mess.

Ji Anyao heard the sounds of an intense commotion going on outside and it was as if the place was being torn down.

She hastily put on her clothes and rushed out from the bathroom without taking another glance at Bai Siyu. She grabbed Han Yi's arm and pulled him outside, sneering as she did!

"Don't listen to his bullshit! I only have an upset stomach... He's just a lunatic. Ignore him. Let's go!"

After sizing Ji Anyao up, he realized that there were no water droplets on her body and she didn't seem to have just taken a shower. Han Yi's face was still as gloomy and sullen as ever. 

Extremely worried, he asked, "Did he really... not do anything to you?"

"What can he do to me? I'm just here to take something. Do you believe him or me?" 

"But what he said just now..."

"Hey, hey, are you out of your mind too? I've already told you to ignore him. Let's leave this place before talking about it, lest we get caught by the paparazzi again and they start spreading rumors or writing nonsensical articles..."

"Wait a minute. Anyao, what happened to your neck?"

"I was bitten by a dog."


Yin Mei'er called out in exaggeration.

She frantically asked, "Does it matter? Should I go to the hospital to get that rabies vaccine?"

"Bullsh*t! Of course I have to! The doctor has already said that the wound is a bit deep and it's a third-degree exposure. I have to get a full vaccine!"

"Why are you so careless..."

"You can't blame me for that... That dog actually went mad and leaped over to bite me. What can I do? I couldn't dodge in time..."

Hearing the chatter in the corridor fading away, Bai Siyu's face gradually turned gloomy.

He had always been a victor who was loved by all. Yet, for the first time in his life, he was called a "mad dog". It was not as simple as a provocation!

'Third-degree exposure, huh?'


'I can't take this vaccine for nothing.'