Chapter 8 - Let's Get Engaged!

"Anyao, you... are the person in those photos, right?"

The air in the car fell silent because of Han Yi's words and the ambiance became a little oppressive. 

The man tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his eyelids half-covering his gloomy eyes. The breeze that was blowing in from the window was rather chilly as it had just rained.

Sensing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Yin Mei'er spoke up first and humphed coldly.

"This heir of the Bai Family is really not what he seems to be on the surface. He looks like he abstains from lust, but he says such lewd things... Even I feel uncomfortable hearing his words, let alone Han Yi. How can he use you for a joke?" 

"Yeah! He can't make a joke out of you!" 

Su Chengyu immediately chimed in as he leaned in from behind. 

"Anyao, have you told him? You're the heiress of the prestigious Gu Family and Old Master Gu's precious granddaughter, and not a sordid escort like what they say in the newspapers..."

"Ah, you two... Can you do me a favor and stop mentioning him?" 

Ji Anyao couldn't help but interject as she hung her head low and pretended to be using her mobile phone.

They had left the hotel for a long while, but she couldn't stop thinking about his face and his evil smile which sent chills down her spine and caused her to get goosebumps. She constantly had a hunch that nothing good would happen.

"I must be really unlucky to have run into such a scum. If I could turn back time, I'd rather be chased by that group of guys who were chasing after me on the streets than hide in his car..."

Hearing the reluctance in Ji Anyao's tone, Han Yi's face eased a little. He turned his head and raised his hand to touch her head, consoling her softly.

"Don't dwell on it any longer. I'll settle this for you." 

Ji Anyao said begrudgingly, her face full of resentment, "You don't have to. One should bear the consequences of their own mistakes. That guy was the one who created this trouble, so he should be the one to clear the mess. I'm the victim, why should I help him take the blame?"

Yin Mei'er's eyes lit up and she inched closer, seemingly somewhat surprised.

"What? He agreed to handle those scandals?"

Ji Anyao raised her eyebrows and said resentfully, "If he dares to disagree, I'll skin him alive!"

This time, she ended up in the lion's den and might have been taken advantage of by the beast, but she fortunately managed to escape unscathed. As long as Bai Siyu could keep his promise and put an end to the scandal immediately, she would not have made a wasted trip.

However, after this lesson, she would definitely walk away if she were to see him again! 

It was not that she was too afraid of him but rather, she found him to be an ominous jinx! 

The car slowly drove through the gate and pulled over by the garden. As soon as Ji Anyao opened the car door, she saw Gu Antong running towards her with a gloating expression, as if he was out to watch a good show. 

"Ji Anyao, how dare you come back?!"

Ji Anyao raised her eyebrows and cast a disdainful glance at him.

"This is my home, why won't I dare to come back?"

"You still don't know, do you?"

"The trouble that you've caused has already made it to the newspapers. Don't think that no one can recognize you just because your face was covered. A lot of people have seen that outfit of yours... Don't blame me for not reminding you. Father is waiting to teach you a lesson in the hall now. His face is extremely sullen and he's so furious that he's about to get a heart attack. You're dead!" 

Gu Antong was Ji Anyao's half-brother, who had always been at odds with her since they were children. He would often go against her and was led astray at a young age. He liked seeing Ji Anyao get reprimanded and whenever she did, he would laugh and gloat at her. He was truly a rascal!

Ji Anyao disliked him too, but he was still a kid after all and was not too scheming. Since he said that, it was definitely true.

"I won't go in then." 

Ji Anyao turned her head away in an attempt to flee. 

She didn't expect Gu Mingyuan to hear about it so quickly. It seemed that someone was bent on getting her in trouble and had backstabbed her. She had gotten used to such despicable tricks long ago.

Fortunately, Gu Antong could not hold it in any longer and went to "inform" her in advance. She was not that stupid... If she were to face Gu Mingyuan at such a time, she would definitely be dead. 

"Ji Anyao, you're really such a wimp! If you leave, don't come back again. I don't want to have a sister who's someone else's second wife. It's too humiliating!"

The rascal was rattling on and on, and his words were particularly callous. 

Not wanting to argue with him any further, she quickened her pace.


Han Yi quickly caught up and grabbed her arm. 

"I'll accompany you. On the account that there are outsiders... Uncle Gu probably wouldn't be too harsh with you. This matter has already been exposed, so you have to give him an explanation sooner or later. You can't keep hiding and staying away from home." 

Ji Anyao pursed her lips, not agreeing with him. 

"It's not like you don't know Gu Mingyuan's temper. He cares about his pride the most. This time, I've thoroughly embarrassed the Gu Family. He'd definitely skin me alive. Besides... there must have been many people who added fuel to the fire and are waiting to make matters worse for me. Why would I send myself to death? I'm not tired of living." 

"Anyao, Uncle Gu is also concerned about you..."

"Concerned? When did he ever care about me? He didn't even give my mother a second glance when she passed away. "

 "Okay, let's stop talking about Uncle Gu. Old Master Gu dotes on you greatly, if you just leave at this juncture... Aren't you afraid that he'd be worried about you?" 

Ji Anyao's eyes glistened at the mention of Old Master Gu.

She turned around and looked at the house, but she still didn't want to go in. 

"But Han Yi, I don't want to go home and hear them lecture me at all. I'm unlucky enough to have run into such a terrible matter. If I continue hearing them nag, I'd definitely be annoyed to death...Forget it, I'll go hide at Yin Mei'er's place for a few days!" 

Waving her hands, Ji Anyao opened the car door and tried to enter. 


The tall Han Yi suddenly called out and chased after her, wrapping his warm palm and slender fingers around her waist. His tone became gentle and his low voice was full of affection. 

"Why don't we get engaged?"

Ji Anyao paused and turned around, squinting involuntarily because of the glaring sunlight. 

"What did you say? Can you... repeat yourself?"

Holding her hand and placing it on his chest, Han Yi looked at her affectionately and placed his other hand on her waist to pull her closer to him. He was much taller than Ji Anyao and thus, when he was talking, he lowered his head and spoke to her gently as if she was his lover. 

"As long as we are engaged, those rumors will cease, the Gu Family's pride will be saved, and Uncle Gu will no longer make things difficult for you..."