Chapter 10 - Men Are Fearless "Yes... I'm threatening you."

It was Bai Siyu! 

Ji Anyao immediately picked up the phone and answered eagerly and anxiously. 

"Hello? Is that Mr. Bai? If you're still at the hotel, leave immediately! I don't want to cause more trouble..." 

Bai Siyu was not bothered by Ji Anyao's warning at all. His tone remained carefree and lofty. 

"I don't like following the commands of others and no one can order me around." 

Although she had only met him twice and could not say that she knew him like the back of her hand, she could more or less tell what his temper was like. 

Ji Anyao took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress the annoyance in her heart, and tried to rephrase her words. 

"Well then, what must I do to make you leave?"

"Why do you want me to leave?" 

"Of course it's because of the trouble you've caused! How dare you have the cheek to ask!?"

Bai Siyu laughed when he heard her words and seemed to be gloating. 

"Why? Did your rabies band-aid fall off?"

She was not far from Verias Hotel and was only less than ten traffic lights away. Han Yi's car was speeding quickly and he had probably already covered more than half of the distance. 

Ji Anyao was not in the mood to chat with Bai Siyu. 

She couldn't help but urge, "Are you going to leave or not!?"

"There is no need for me to do that..."

Bai Siyu remained indifferent and he had absolutely no intention to leave the hotel.

Ji Anyao couldn't help but be a little dejected.

It made sense... He was the heir of the esteemed Bai Group who dominated the entire Yaojiang City. He would always be the one to force others into a corner. How could he possibly flee and hide just because someone was going to find trouble with him? 

'Did she make such a request because she's too naive?'

After hanging up, Ji Anyao stepped hard on the gas pedal and zoomed past the traffic light with a loud whoosh, causing water to splash up immediately. 

In the presidential suite of Verias Hotel, Bai Siyu looked down at his cellphone screen, his pupils constricting and his knuckles turning pale because of how hard he was clenching his fists.

No one dared to hang up on him.

'This woman doesn't know any better.'

Pinching the cigarette butt with his fingers, Bai Siyu slowly got up and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the passing traffic below.

He was slowly scanning her with his eagle-like eyes, as if he was catching a prey. 

Afterwards, he raised the corners of his lips and an evil smirk graced his face. It was as if he had found an even more interesting way to play this game as a bloodthirsty glow formed in his eyes, filled with danger and seductiveness.

Ten minutes passed.


Ji Anyao violently pushed open the door of the room, panting heavily and scurrying in. As soon as she entered, she yelled.

"Han Yi!" 

However, after looking up and walking around the living room, she realized that it was silent and there was not a single person in sight. All the items were put in place and there were no signs of destruction at all.

Ji Anyao couldn't help but be stunned, thinking she had gone to the wrong room.

She finally opened her mouth in bewilderment and disbelief when Bai Siyu walked out of the bedroom.

"Why are you the only one here? Didn't Han Yi... come up?" 

"He has left." 

Bai Siyu answered calmly without any expression on his handsome face, as if nothing had happened just now at all and that everything was just her illusion. 

After being stunned for a moment, Ji Anyao slowly recovered from the shock with a look of bewilderment on her exquisite face. 


Han Yi was exasperated just now and it was the first time she saw such a scary expression on his face.

If the two of them were to face each other, there would inevitably be a bloodbath... But Bai Siyu told her that Han Yi had left without doing anything?

'That can't be, something must have happened between the two of them!' 

"There is no reason. I've already helped you resolve your troubles and in exchange for that... you have to accompany me for one night."

When Bai Siyu said that, he even sounded a little demanding and he was not discussing with her at all. Since he said so, she had to comply and there was no room for compromise, much less the option of refusing.

"You'd better go look for someone else, I'm not free." 

Knowing that she could not find out anything from Bai Siyu, Ji Anyao did not continue to waste her efforts and turned around to leave.

Bai Siyu did not stop her. 

He simply sneered and asked, "There are still some things in your bag... don't you want them anymore?" 

Ji Anyao abruptly stopped dead in her tracks!

Previously, she did not find her bag in the room and had left in a hurry with Han Yi before she could even ask about it.

She was still wondering why he would suddenly give her a call. It turned out he was trying to threaten her with the things in her bag!

Ji Anyao didn't care about the bag itself.

However, there were many documents in her bag and an invitation letter that was extremely important to her!

She could replace those identification documents, but once she lost the one and only invitation card, she would not be able to get it back. 

Hence, she had to get her bag back no matter what! 

"So? Have you thought about it?"

All of a sudden, there was a slight wave of heat from behind her and he leaned over. 

There was a faint tobacco scent in his breath and his tall shadow suddenly enveloped her while his faint nasal breath lingered around her neck, making her feel ticklish. 

Ji Anyao subconsciously tensed up and began to feel a little wary. 

She had repeatedly been set up by him and she had already been extremely traumatized! 

Ever since she was a child, she had never been afraid of anyone, but... she dared not provoke him at all.

She could not afford to provoke him either. 

The Bai Group was the leading enterprise in Yaojiang City and it absolutely dominated the entire city!

No matter how well the other businesses were doing, they would have to be careful in front of Bai Group. Hence... Bai Siyu deserved his title as the "crown prince" of Bai Group. 

Since she was favored by Old Master Gu, Ji Anyao often went against Gu Mingyuan and had become lawless. She did not expect to run into her nemesis and get defeated by him. It was just her luck! 

'I really have to go to the temple and offer some incense to get rid of the bad luck, lest I keep encountering obstacles.'

However, that was for later. The most important thing she had to do now was to serve the ancestor behind her!

Pissing him off wouldn't do her much good.

Ji Anyao was not stupid and she understood that simple fact. 

She turned around and asked, "Tell me, how do you want me to accompany you? As long as it's not too excessive a request, I can consider it."

"Have you learned your lesson?" 

Bai Siyu smirked and put his arm around her slender waist. 

Ji Anyao could not figure out his motive and could only vaguely sense that he had evil intentions. 

She couldn't help but press the back of his hand and ask him a question while giving him a warning too.

"I don't care what you want to do, but I have a bottom line... Even if you want to go overboard, there should be a limit, right?"


Bai Siyu chuckled in a low voice that was filled with seduction.

"How am I going overboard? If you won't even let me hug you, what's the point... If you don't want those things, just say so. When I'm in a good mood, I'll help you burn them..." 

Ji Anyao glowered at him angrily. 

"Are you threatening me?!"

Bai Siyu squinted and suddenly leaned over to inch closer to her.

He said dangerously, "Yeah... I'm threatening you."