Chapter 11 - Are You Not Afraid That I'd Drug You?

Clenching her fists with all her might, Ji Anyao finally curbed her urge to hit him. 

For the sake of getting back her invitation card, she had no choice but to compromise. 

"Where... are you intending to take me to?" 

Seeing that she had mellowed down a little, Bai Siyu let go of her and got up to back away. He whispered gently through his thin lips, "Seduction."


She could tell from the name that it was not a decent place.

Ji Anyao knew of that place. It was the city's most extravagant and lascivious nightclub, which was the favorite place of the wealthy who would spend lots of money there.

At that place, patrons were free to perform all sordid acts that were prohibited in broad daylight. There was an abundance of alcohol, women, and the thrill of squandering lavish amounts of money... It was all enough to drive one mad! 

Ji Anyao raised her brows a little and squinted. Scanning him from head to toe, she felt that his suit and tie were out of place in the nightclub. 

"Do you patronize such places too?"

She was just mocking him rhetorically and was not intending for him to reply.

Bai Siyu answered indifferently, "I'm going there for business."

Ji Anyao suddenly laughed.

"You don't intend to... go in this outfit, do you?"

Bai Siyu looked up. 

"You have a problem with that?"

"I wouldn't dare." Ji Anyao looked away, not wanting to poke her nose into his business. "As long as you like it."

That man had always acted according to his own will, and there was nothing unsuitable or wrong with him as he was the one who called the shots... Even if he showed up at the nightclub in a sports attire, his aura would definitely be enough for him to pull it off perfectly. Ji Anyao did not doubt that at all.

That was how unfair heaven was. Not only was he born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he had impeccable, stunning looks too.

Looking up at the clock and realizing that it was still early, Bai Siyu made a phone call. Less than half an hour later, someone knocked on the door and entered with a few bags in hand, as if he had just gone on a shopping spree at the mall.

"Young Master Bai, I've bought everything." 

"Okay, put it on the table." 

The person who arrived put the things down as he was told, turned around, and asked respectfully, "It's dinnertime. Young Master Bai, would you like to go out for dinner or stay in the hotel?" 

"Get someone to deliver the food here." 

"Yes, please. Wait a moment, Young Master Bai."

On the balcony, Ji Anyao had just hung up after talking to Yin Mei'er on the phone. It took her a long time of explaining before Yin Mei'er stopped her exhaustive questioning. Just as she was about to turn around, her cellphone rang again.

Looking down at the screen, Ji Anyao's lips curled into a contemptuous smile. She didn't pick up or dismiss the call, and instead let the cellphone continue ringing over and over again, echoing in the empty living room.

Holding a glass of red wine, Bai Siyu walked out and leaned half his weight against the door sluggishly.

"Why didn't you answer the call?"

"None of your business!" 

Casually throwing the phone aside, Ji Anyao entered, sat down at the dining table and ate by herself. After a long and arduous day, she was famished, especially since it was a little late. 

Bai Siyu looked down and took a glance at her cellphone to see the words displayed clearly on the screen.

"Gu Mingyuan." 

Seemingly having understood something, Bai Siyu looked away. He had heard of the complicated relationships between the members of the Gu Family, but he did not pay too much attention to it. All he knew was that the first wife of the CEO of the Gu Corporation was the precious daughter of the You Family. Later on, something happened and the two families turned against each other which led to the severance of all dealings and ties they had with each other. Soon, Gu Mingyuan married his second wife, who was an unknown woman. She seemed to be his former secretary and was sort of a homewrecker who ended up becoming his rightful wife. 

Being born in such a family, coupled with the fact that she was young and vigorous, it was only normal that Ji Anyao would be at odds against her father. 

Bai Siyu was not interested in her life and was only interested in her body... Last night, she ran towards him anxiously and even shoved him into the trunk of the car before getting caught off guard and falling onto him in a moment of panic. Although her waist was thin and slender, her chest was well-endowed, and she almost effortlessly aroused his lustful desires. He had excellent self-control, but she posed an irresistible temptation to him.

On the other hand, he did not dislike that temptation. 

Hence, he went with the flow and openly acted out a racy scene in front of the reporters and the cameras. 

Bai Siyu was rarely interested enough in anything, but once he took a liking to something, he had to get his hands on it, be it a person or an object, regardless of whether the other party was willing.

By the time Bai Siyu walked back to the dining table, more than half of the food on the table had already been devoured by Ji Anyao, and she seemed to have a tendency to continue eating, with no intention to leave anything for him. It was as if she was trying to protest his actions and express her strong dissatisfaction using such a method!

"You're eating so quickly. Aren't you afraid that I may have spiked it?"

After putting down the wine glass, Bai Siyu pulled the chair back and sat down. He crossed one long and slender leg over the other leisurely while staring at her calmly as she wolfed the food down. There was an evil grin on his face.

"Who are you scaring!?! In this era, who would spike food with drugs... Do you think we're in a television drama?"

Ji Anyao couldn't care less as she picked up another slice of foie gras with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth. Since she was in a foul mood, she had to eat some comfort food. She would never torture her stomach! 

"There are so many cases of rape and murder of young girls in society, why didn't you mention it?"

Bai Siyu sounded extremely serious and didn't seem to be joking. Ji Anyao chewed continuously and looked up again to see that he was casting a critical gaze at her. 

She asked with slurred words, "Bai Siyu, are you serious?" 

The evil in the corners of Bai Siyu's eyes intensified and his words were vague yet indifferent. He seemed to be serious but also flippant.

"What do you think?"


She started coughing violently.

Ji Anyao's body jolted and she choked on a mouthful of rice, afraid that he was being serious. Without uttering another word, she got up and dashed to the sink at the side before reaching out to dig her fingers into her throat to make herself vomit.

"Stop vomiting. If I had really spiked your food, the effects should have already kicked in long ago since you ate so much."

Bai Siyu leaned back in his chair comfortably, as if he was out to watch a good show. He managed to effortlessly play Ji Anyao out with just a few words of his.

Ji Anyao stopped moving, drooped her shoulders and walked to the sofa. She thumped herself down, feeling like it would be a waste of her energy to get angry.

Since he had a hold on her, she would be controlled by him. How could she resist? 

She was just that incompetent. 

At the end of the day, she was feeble by nature and was not as defiant as she seemed. She could not bring herself to be determined on rebellion because there were people she cared about and dreams she had to fulfill.

Otherwise, if she had a little "backbone", she wouldn't have been able to continue living in such a family and making life hard for others and herself. 

"Are you done eating?" 

"I'm full from anger." 

"Indeed, you're a pampered heiress. You've got quite a bad temper." 

"You're worse than I am."
