Chapter 13 - You're Worthy Of Being The Woman I'm Attracted To

After looking at the dress that Ji Anyao disliked, Bai Siyu's gaze was burning and full of disbelief. 

"Since these clothes are sold in the mall, they're meant to be worn by humans... Since others can wear it, why can't you?" 

Ji Anyao expressed that she found it to be completely unacceptable. 

"I've never worn clothes in such a style before. I'm not used to it..." 

"You'll get used to it after you wear it a few more times," said Bai Siyu as he walked forward and put an arm around Ji Anyao's shoulder, slowly pushing her back into the bedroom. He coaxed in a gentler and mellower voice. "Be good... I want to see you in it." 

Ji Anyao clenched her fists with a look of reluctance. 

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because you can get your things back intact only if you make me happy... You understand this logic very well, don't you?"

Bai Siyu smirked sinisterly, refusing to compromise. 

Although she clearly had a noble status, Ji Anyao had to perform such a lowly act. To put it nicely, Bai Siyu was unrestrained. To put it unpleasantly, he was despicable!

"Bai Siyu! You'd better not fall into my hands!"

After saying those words angrily, Ji Anyao once again slammed the door shut forcefully in exasperation.

The sudden loud bang was much more intense than before and the joy in Bai Siyu's eyes intensified.

He felt a different sense of satisfaction when she looked at him with anger and embarrassment while being unable to do anything to him. 

A minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes passed...

She looked at the clock on the wall and watched the hands of the clock turn 45 degrees. It was still silent in the bedroom. 

The door was tightly shut and there were no signs of it being opened, as if the person inside had long vanished.

Bai Siyu's patience was wearing thin and he suddenly stood up to walk over. He then reached out to turn the handle of the doorknob and enter. 

"Ah! Why did you come in?!" 

Startled, Ji Anyao hurriedly grabbed the duvet to cover the front of her body, staring at Bai Siyu warily with her guard up. She seemed to be blushing and there was a tinge of shyness in her eyes.

"You were silent for such a long time, I thought you had escaped through the window... Tsk, why are you covering your body? You have to show it to me sooner or later anyway."

He strode towards Ji Anyao and pulled away the silk duvet that she was covering her body with, after which he tossed it to the side. 

He smirked and scrutinized the ravishing beauty in front of him from head to toe, with a look of amazement in his deep, dark eyes. 

Standing in front of the mirror, Ji Anyao looked at the black pleated dress that she was wearing, which hugged her waistline perfectly and accentuated her beautiful curves, making her look charming and enchanting.

There was a slit on one side of the asymmetrical dress that revealed her fair, slender, and long legs. Her waist-length hair was draped across her shoulder and at a glance, she looked like a beautiful oil painting. 

Sensing that Bai Siyu was staring at her, Ji Anyao bit the corner of her lip gently, looking a little flustered. 

She couldn't help but urge him a little.

"Are you staring... Don't stare at me like that. It's as if you've never seen a woman before!"

Although there was some panic within her, Ji Anyao nonetheless bit the bullet and mocked the man in front of her, refusing to be defeated by him in terms of dominance. 

Albeit the fact that Bai Siyu was in control, she had a rebellious nature and would never take it lying down. 

Once Bai Siyu crossed the line and went past the threshold of her tolerance... she would retaliate! 

"You're dressed like this..."

Bai Siyu approached her and moved his arm past her shoulder to support himself against the cabinet. He was like a cliff that was towering over her, making her feel so nervous that she was somewhat out of breath.

His dangerous breath and words were lingering beside her ear. 

"Isn't your outfit meant for seducing men?"


Ji Anyao was immediately infuriated to hear his words!

Before she could even retort, Bai Siyu removed his blazer and placed it on her shoulders, covering more than half of her body. 

His sudden action made Ji Anyao freeze a little as she subconsciously clutched the corner of the blazer tightly to cover herself well. 

With a faint smirk, Bai Siyu said righteously, "You are my woman. Of course, you can only be dressed charmingly for me alone. I can't let those guys take advantage. You'd better keep the blazer on you at all times. If you dare to remove it, hah..." 

As he spoke, his eyes curled up attractively and he didn't hide the playfulness in his gaze at all. 

However, his tone was extremely threatening. Even though he did not finish his sentence, she dared not ignore his words.

Ji Anyao grabbed the blazer and leaned back, her back tightly pressing against the cabinet. 

She was a little frightened to hear his words.

After a pause... she suddenly processed what he said and realized that something was wrong! 

"No... wait! Make yourself clear. When did I become your woman?!"

"Oh, my bad, I ought to rephrase my words." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You are... the woman I'm attracted to." 

Bai Siyu grinned sinisterly and spoke with evil intentions.

Ji Anyao turned away from him, not wanting to talk to him at all! 

Bai Siyu added composedly, "However, it doesn't matter whether or not I rephrase my words. It's only a matter of time..." 

"If you want to leave, hurry up! Cut the crap!" 

Before he even finished, Ji Anyao pushed him away by his shoulder and walked out! 

However, Bai Siyu grabbed her wrist to stop her before she even reached the door. 

Ji Anyao looked back and glared at him angrily. 

"What else do you want?"

Bai Siyu looked down and glanced at her with a raised brow. 

"Don't you think your low neckline is too eye-catching?" 

"You were the one who gave me this dress and made me put it on. Now, you think it's too provocative... Sir, are you pulling a prank on me?"

Ji Anyao pursed her lips in disdain. She was born with a rebellious nature and she simply wanted to defy him! 

While speaking, she deliberately lifted the blazer that was draped on her shoulder with some sultriness in between her brows.

"If I show up in that place in a provocative outfit, won't I be bringing you glory?" 

She was obviously trying to provoke him by saying that. 

To her surprise, Bai Siyu laughed even more gleefully, as if he had gotten a benefit. 

"If you want to seduce me, just say so, no need to make excuses."


Ji Anyao felt that she had been defeated by his brazenness and narcissism. She simply buttoned up the blazer and wrapped it tightly around herself! 

"You're really silly..." 

Bai Siyu muttered as he casually pulled away the tie on his neck. 

Next, he walked forward and placed the tie on Ji Anyao's neck before tying a knot at her neckline. It looked casual but exquisite.

Although her outfit made her look rather "refined", she was also giving off unique vibes and didn't seem strange at all. It might be a mix of contrasting styles, but they somehow complemented each other well.

"Okay, that's it... No wonder I'm attracted to you. You look good in anything."