Chapter 14 - Tonight, You're Mine

He finally had something nice to say. 

Ji Anyao's ears were slightly warm, and she couldn't contain her shyness whenever she received compliments. Hanging her head low, she walked out while muttering to herself in a muffled voice.

Bai Siyu caught up with her and held onto her hand. He interlocked his fingers with her, placing his palm against hers. 

His body temperature was low and the skin on his hand was rather chilly, but Ji Anyao felt that her palm was turning warm. Not used to holding his hand, she subconsciously wanted to pull away.

"You're mine tonight."

Bai Siyu tightened his grip on her hand and declared his rights, not giving her the chance to dodge at all.

Knowing that it would be useless to argue, Ji Anyao could not be bothered to struggle and simply made do with it. 

Having lost several battles, she had gotten enough experience and learned enough lessons to know that she was no match for this man, or at least she couldn't go toe-to-toe against him. Otherwise, she would be the one to lose in the end.

'It's only going to be for a night anyway. Once I get my bag...'

'Since I can't provoke him, I can just hide.' 

Bai Siyu looked to the side to see that Ji Anyao was craning her neck and turning her face away from him, seemingly extremely reluctant. His eyes turned gloomy and he suddenly let go of her. Just as Ji Anyao secretly heaved a sigh of relief, she felt him grabbing her by her waist and pulling her into his embrace. She was tightly pressed against his body. 

Ji Anyao looked up in exasperation while Bai Siyu stared at her with a straight face, as if nothing had happened at all. 

He said casually, "Holding you like this feels better." 

Ji Anyao had never been a meek and obedient bunny-like girl, but in front of this vicious and overbearing man who was like a domineering wolf, she felt like she could not put her abilities to use... 'I'm not going to suffer a loss. I'll bear with it!'

The nightlife of the city usually started at about 9 pm and would reach its climax at midnight.

When Ji Anyao stepped out of the car, the entire street outside the nightclub was already filled with cars, many of which were luxury sports cars that were worth 10 million yuan.

Although it was the most luxurious nightclub in the city, Seduction actually had a subtle and low-key appearance.

The facade was paved with dark brown tiles, following a theme of monochrome colors. However, it was not monotonous and was instead elegant and imposing, with a large signboard that was emitting a moon-white luster, resembling the moon that was hanging in the sky. They were looking down on the entire street from above, like an unparalleled king.


Bai Siyu walked up to Ji Anyao slowly and raised his elbow a little, gesturing at her.

Although she was unwilling, Ji Anyao had already reached that place and it was not like she would retreat. 

She reached out to hold onto Bai Siyu's arm and leaned against him a little. They were both very tall and had domineering auras. When they walked on the streets, they seemed to be above all and they attracted the gazes of many passersby around them. 

Some people even began discussing softly among themselves.

"Hey, hey, look... isn't that Young Master Bai?"

"It's really him! Wait, who is the woman next to him?" 

"I haven't seen her before, have you?"

"No, I haven't either." 

"Look at the way she's dressed, what else can she be? Women these days would do anything for money. Despite knowing clearly that Young Master Bai has a fiancée, she still went to cozy up to him. How shameless..."

"Hey, you have to be pretty to do that! If Young Master Bai likes me, I'd be willing to hold myself cheap for him too..." 

"Come on!" 

After walking all the way, no one recognized Ji Anyao, and Bai Siyu couldn't help but sigh.

"You're the daughter of the prestigious Gu Family, but no one can recognize you at all. How... have you been living for the past two decades?" 

"Isn't it good that no one knows me?" Ji Anyao did not agree with him. She continued in a disdainful tone, "I'm not like some people who think they are monkeys in the zoo and like to be surrounded by people all day long..."

"You're very good at scolding others." 

"I haven't started scolding yet..." 

While the two of them spoke, they entered the nightclub. 

Under the lights, the crowd became boisterous and there were sounds of drums and music. There wasn't a single area that was quiet at all, and everyone seemed to be screaming in hysterics. 

The men and women on the dance floor were dancing joyously under the colorful light and their warm breaths filled the air. 

Under the lead of the staff in the nightclub, Ji Anyao and Bai Siyu arrived at a private room that was deep inside the venue. As soon as the door opened, a burst of exaggerated laughter spread out like heat waves that swept through all their auditory cells. 

"Young Master Bai is here!"

A sharp-eyed person was the first to discover them, and he immediately raised his voice. 

In the blink of an eye, numerous gazes were cast on them. After seeing Ji Anyao who was beside Bai Siyu, they were slightly stunned and seemed to be bewildered. 

Next, one of them teased, "Indeed, he's brought a woman with him... Where did you get this chick? She's quite pretty." 

"She's not bad, but she's covered in so much clothes, there's nothing to see!" 

"Hey! Young Master Bai, what are you getting up to? I heard that your wife will be coming over later. If she sees you "cheating" so brazenly and flares up... we will be the ones to suffer!"

"What? Sister-in-law is coming over too? Shen Bin, you're kidding, right!?"

"This is the last thing I'd dare to joke about!" 

As soon as he said that, everyone in the room gasped. They also seemed to be gloating and were even eager to watch an exciting show. 

Not expecting this at all, Ji Anyao frowned. 

She couldn't help but ask Bai Siyu calmly, "Is what he said true? Is your fiancée really coming over? You can't dupe me like this..."

"I didn't know she would come."

Bai Siyu answered indifferently without any expression on his handsome face. 

"No, if she's coming, I can't stay here... I'd better go!"

'What a joke, I had somehow become a "mistress" for no reason. Why would I stay behind and get taught a lesson by his fiancée?' 

'Unless my brains are fried, I must leave! There are no two ways about this!' 

She had to leave immediately! 

Bai Siyu grabbed her arm tightly, not intending to let her leave. 

"I said, you are mine tonight, so you can only stay by my side. You can't go anywhere."

"I'm not playing this game with you anymore. If you want to burn my things, just go ahead!"

'He's going overboard with the bullying!'

'Does he really think I'm that well-tempered?!'

'Do you believe I'll scratch you to death with my claws!?'

"If you leave like this, I will be very embarrassed... If you think that you can still leave here in one piece after embarrassing me, you can go ahead and turn around to leave now. I'll give you a head start of ten steps."

When Bai Siyu said that, he was actually smiling and in the eyes of others, he seemed to be whispering some sweet nothings to her. 

However, only Ji Anyao knew... how terrifying his low voice was. It was as if it would eat her alive!