Chapter 15 - Targeted By Third Young Master Yan

After saying that, Bai Siyu let go of her hand. 

Then, he took half a step backwards and looked like he was setting her free.

However... Ji Anyau was well aware that he was capable of doing anything. 

He was a man who would not show his feelings and would not easily experience any fluctuations in his emotions. 

However, anyone who offended him would face his wrath and be tormented badly! 

Ji Anyao did not want to die yet. At this juncture, provoking Bai Siyu was obviously not a smart choice. If she were to embarrass him in front of everyone now, he would definitely take revenge on her.

After some contemplation, Ji Anyao had no choice but to force herself to hold his arm tightly. 

She answered softly, "Okay then, I can stay, but don't go overboard either. If history repeats itself, I can't guarantee... that I won't embarrass you!" 

She was naturally referring to the incident in the hotel where Shen Yue reprimanded her. 

She had become a "mistress" for no reason, but she could not get herself out of that situation either. She couldn't even clarify matters. 

The fact that Bai Siyu brought her here as a female companion, coupled with his prestigious status, no one would believe her side of the story no matter how much she tried to explain herself. 

Under such circumstances, any explanation would only be redundant. 

She had no choice but to adapt to the situation and try to get through it unscathed. 

A faint but attractive smile graced Bai Siyu's face. Without uttering a word, he pulled Ji Anyao towards the crowd.

Seeing this, the sensible ones got up to move away and actively made space for them. 

"Young Master Bai! Come sit here, sit here..." 

After sitting down, Ji Anyao finally had the time to scrutinize each and every one of those people there. 

They were a bunch of playboys who were eating, drinking, and enjoying themselves while spending their money lavishly. Such nightlife habits were common in their circle. 

Upon sight of the heir, Bai Siyu, they immediately surrounded him one after another, and greeted him smilingly while exchanging pleasantries with him. 

There was only one person who remained still. 

He was dressed in a burgundy shirt with the buttons by the collar undone, exposing his neck on which there were two bright lipstick stains.

He had an exquisite pair of eyes and defined features. He could be considered an extremely handsome hunk. 

Ji Anyao recognized him to be the Third Young Master of the Yan Corporation. 

He was like a big shot. 

Although his family's business was not as massive as that of the Bai Family's, his family members were powerful figures in the entire city and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they were rivals of the Bai Family. 

He had a complicated family background and rumor had it that there was someone else presiding over them. Ji Anyao would get goosebumps whenever Yin Mei'er occasionally brought it up to her... Although what Yin Mei'er told her was only the tip of the iceberg, it was already impressive enough. 

If she guessed correctly, the only reason Bai Siyu decided to go to that place was because of that man. 

Third Young Master Yan was seated sluggishly on the couch with his long and slender legs crossed. 

Placing one hand on the leather sofa and holding a brightly lit cigarette in his other hand, which was emanating luxurious wisps of smoke, he looked over and his long and narrow fox-like eyes met Ji Anyao's eyes. 

Greatly startled, Ji Anyao smiled composedly and took the chance to look away.

Since Bai Siyu felt that he was difficult to deal with, she wouldn't bother provoking him.

However, the other party smiled at her, his eyes curving upwards. 

He even chuckled while making a teasing comment. 

"Where did you get this chick? She looks familiar." 

No one dared to ignore the big shot when he spoke. 

Although he was bright, he had a foul mouth. 

He answered, "Third Young Master, since you find her familiar, surely it can't be that you've had an affair with her before?" 

"How can that be?" Yan Lie took a deep puff of his cigarette and continued speaking slowly while the smoke spread, "Women whom Young Master Bai is attracted to must have a clean background. Why would Young Master Bai fancy a woman who has been toyed around by other men?" 

That person hurriedly tried to explain as he realized that he had said something wrong. 

"I was just joking! Young Master Bai, don't take it seriously! I'll chug this glass of liquor!"

As he spoke, he raised his head to gulp the liquor down in one go while everyone around him cheered. 

Yan Lie and Bai Siyu were the only ones who ignored them. 

When they made eye contact, there was no anger but a subtle tension and animosity between them. 

One was a frivolous playboy who had gotten used to throwing his weight around. 

The other was an heir who had just returned to the nation to take over his family's business.

As the saying goes, if two ride on a horse, one must stay behind. It was normal for both of them to dislike each other. However, they would definitely get in a bloodbath soon. 

Ji Anyao did not care about the conflict between them, and she was secretly praying that she wouldn't become the cannon fodder. 

At this moment, she suddenly looked forward to seeing Bai Siyu's fiancée! 

If that woman came, she would at least not be targeted by everyone now... She might even get "chased away". That would be wonderful! 

Sensing that there was something wrong with the ambiance, the well-rounded woman yelled loudly in a sultry voice, her eyes furrowed into a frown. 

"Is the game going to go on? I'm waiting eagerly..." 

"Yes, yes! Of course it's going to go on!" 

"Come on, come on! Turn up the music!"

"Let's get high!"

The crowd echoed, and the music in the room was suddenly so boisterous that it seemed like it was going to overturn the roof.

Under the colorful lights, the woman who spoke just now curled her long and slender eyes and cast a charming glance. She then stood up, twisted her slender waist, and walked towards Yan Lie slowly. She then raised her hand and pushed him forcefully! 


Everyone burst into laughter and cheered when they saw that. 

Third Young Master Yan was pushed onto the couch where he laid languidly with a sinister smile. He squinted his foxy eyes a little and looked at the seductive beauty beside him. 

With affection in her eyes, the girl danced and slowly inched closer to the man in front of her. 

The music in the nightclub was lively and the people were getting excited. 


Just as the woman threw her arms around Yan Lie and was about to kiss him, he stopped her sluggishly. 

"That's enough, it won't be fun if you go overboard. Something bad will happen..." 

Everyone laughed after hearing those words. 

Ji Anyao finally knew what it meant for there to always be someone better. Compared to Bai Siyu, Yan Lie was much wilder.

"Young Master Bai, do you want to join us"? 

Holding onto two cards, Yan Lie handed it to them. 

Although he was asking Bai Siyu, he was looking at Ji Anyao. 

He said that she looked familiar, not because he wanted to start a conversation. 

It was because he had indeed seen her before. 

Of course, that was not important.

Most importantly, she was brought in and accompanied by Bai Siyu.