Chapter 19 - Indeed, He Treats Her Differently

The music in the room was deafening. Wave after wave and under the stimulating effects of the alcohol, the crowd was getting crazier and crazier. Since it was rare to meet Bai Siyu and Yan Lie at the same time, they had to get drunk. 

The game was still ongoing and they were getting more and more unrestrained as the limits of the challenges were eased. They were all hot-blooded as their senses were stimulated. 

"No. 3 and No. 7! Who has those cards? Come on, hurry up! Show them!" 

Bai Siyu flicked his fingertips and threw the card onto the table. Under the bright lights, the Three of Clubs card was revealed. All of a sudden, everyone began clamoring and breaking into a commotion at Qin Muyan. 

"Miss Qin, hurry and take a look! Is No. 7 with you?" 

 "Yes, yes! Hurry and take a look!" 

"If Miss Qin has drawn that card, it'll be a feast for our eyes! They're such a good-looking couple, it'd be a pleasure to look at them!" 

Qin Muyan looked down with a straight face and some anticipation in her eyes. She slowly turned the card over, only to see that it was an Ace of Spades. A look of disappointment appeared in her eyes, but she remained poised and elegant with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Sorry, I didn't draw No. 7. I've let you guys down."

"Ah! Why is that so?" 

"What a killjoy!" 

"Who has No. 7 then? Stop being wishy-washy and show your card!" 

 Everyone was immediately dejected and they started mumbling. 

It was not that they really felt sorry for Qin Muyan, but rather, she was at least the eldest daughter of the Qin family, so it was only right for them to suck up to her. Besides, the card wasn't with them anyway, so they wouldn't let someone else take advantage. 

They decided to be mean and hostile since they could. 

Holding the Seven of Spades in her hand, Ji Anyao, who had learned her lesson, directly reached out to grab the wine glass this time. 

"I'll drink as a forfeit." 

Her red lips parted and she slowly said those words with some contempt. The corners of her eyes were upturned and she seemed to be mocking and provoking him. 

Bai Siyu looked at her with a gloomy gaze, keeping his face expressionless.

Yan Lie looked at the two of them, but he didn't show any intentions to step forward and drink on Ji Anyao's behalf. He continued to lay on the couch sluggishly while making some malicious comments. 

"Drink more. Once you get drunk, it'll be easier for me to take you to my bed..." 

Ji Anyao ignored him and downed the wine, glass after glass without the slightest pretension. She was straightforward and unlike a woman... She knew very well that the people around her were all crooks who wished the worst upon her. Since no one would help her at all, so why should she be shy and embarrass herself?

Seeing that she had the self-awareness to behave properly, Qin Muyan remained silent and turned her head to look at Bai Siyu's reaction. She couldn't help but frown a little. 

She understood Bai Siyu very well. The more composed he acted, the more concerned he actually was.

Perhaps, he wasn't aware of that himself either. 

However, she could tell that indeed... he treated Ji Anyao differently. 


After chugging the last glass of wine, Ji Anyao tossed the wine glass behind her, causing it to fall onto the ground and shatter into bits. The joy in her eyes intensified. Perhaps because of the alcohol, she seemed much sultrier and she did resemble a fox. 

She was like a coquettish, seductive, and elusive little fox. 

Her eye makeup was smoky, her cheeks were rosy, and her red lips were glistening under the light because some of the alcohol had stained her lips. Her lips were glittering and full of an alluring aura and fragrance.

Bai Siyu was seated opposite her and made eye contact with her glassy eyes, the gloominess in his eyes intensifying. 

"Come on, come on, let's continue..." 

Seeing that she had drunk so much alcohol in one breath without even burping, the people around her couldn't find a reason to make things difficult for her. Hence, they had no choice but to give up. They continued to distribute the cards and the slutty ones continued to be coquettish as they swayed their bodies and danced to the beat of the music. The room was filled with an extravagant and restless vibe. 

Perhaps because she had a drop too much at once, Ji Anyao felt dizzy while the temperature of her body rose. Her face turned red like a ripe apple and even her fair neck was stained with some rosiness. It could not be seen clearly from afar, but Yan Lie, who was seated right next to her, soon noticed her strange appearance. However, he didn't think much of it. He simply thought that it was because of the effects of alcohol. He curled his lips and smiled sinisterly. 

"Don't be a hero if you can't drink. As long as you beg me... maybe I'll help you drink."

"Beg you?" Ji Anyao smiled and her eyes gradually became glassed over. "What do you want me to beg you for?" 

"Of course, I want you to beg me to..." He grazed his thin and cold lips across her ears like a venomous snake, causing Ji Anyao's heart to tremble especially after hearing his alluring words. He said in a low and hoarse voice, "Help you get out of the tricky situation." 


Ji Anyao chuckled and pushed him away as she tried her best to sit straight, not planning to answer him. 

'If he was sincere about helping me, he would have done so long ago. Why would he wait for me to beg him?' 

Even though he said that, it was not that he had really fallen for her but rather, he just deliberately wanted to spite the man opposite him. 

A flirtatious man like Yan Lie had toyed with all sorts of women before. 

How could he ruin things because of her?

In his opinion, she was just a pawn whom he could use to spite Bai Siyu. In Bai Siyu's eyes, she was probably less than a pawn and perhaps was only a bait whom he could abandon at any time. 

She wrinkled her nose and looked at the card in his hand. Ji Anyao couldn't help but suspect if someone was purposely setting her up. 

"Why is it me again?" 

"You're very lucky, huh? You draw the right cards all the time. It's either Young Master Bai or Young Master Yan," said a woman with heavy makeup. 

She sneered sarcastically and her words were full of disdain and jealousy that she couldn't hide... Initially, they were having fun, but as soon as Ji Anyao appeared, she stole all the limelight. Of course, the woman would be jealous.

"This is considered lucky?" 

Ji Anyao flicked the card away with her fingers and pursed her lips speechlessly. Her body was getting increasingly warmer and when she looked up, she seemed to have seen overlapping shadows. She even found it difficult to concentrate and had no choice, but to clench her fists tightly and bear with it. 

Clearly, she could not do a forfeit anymore. Since she had already kissed Yan Lie once... it wouldn't matter if she did it again. 

While thinking about the worst-case scenario, Ji Anyao grabbed Yan Lie's shoulder and bit his neck... The person wanted her to bite him until there was a bite mark on his neck. Hence, Ji Anyao decided to be a little overachieving as she bit him hard till there was a bright red mark on the back of his neck, as if she was a vampire. 


Yan Lie seethed and frowned in pain before bursting into laughter. He gritted his teeth and said, "You're really like a fox. You were so ruthless with the biting!"