Chapter 20 - Leaving Her Alone

"Yeah... are you afraid?"

Leaning against Yan Lie's shoulder in a drunken stupor, Ji Anyao's words began to sound slurred. 

Noticing that there seemed to be something amiss with her, Yan Lie couldn't help but have a gloomier look in his eyes as he looked down at her cheeks, only to realize that it was indeed abnormally flushed.

"What's wrong with you? Why has your face suddenly become so red?"

"I'm alright, I tend to become like this after drinking too much alcohol..."

Ji Anyao looked down with a luster in her eyes. 

While speaking, she stood up leisurely and quietly pulled out her cellphone before placing it in her pocket. She then stood up and left. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom."

After that, regardless of the reaction and the slightly strange gazes of the people around her, she opened the door and walked out on her own.

After finding a slightly secluded place, Ji Anyao immediately took out her cellphone and dialed Yin Mei'er's number. 

"Hello? Mei'er... I'm at Seduction nightclub." 

"Yes... I had some drinks and I feel a little dizzy. Come and pick me up, stop asking so many questions..." 

"Yeah, bring Chengyu along too." 

"Okay! Also... don't tell Han Yi about this. He mustn't find out... Did you hear me?" 

After hanging up the phone, Ji Anyao raised her hand and touched her cheek.

It was indeed burning badly. 

Although she had a good alcohol tolerance level, she wouldn't drink to such an extent. 

Frowning a little, Ji Anyao couldn't help but suspect if there was something wrong with the alcohol that she had just drunk. However, everyone else seemed normal and she was the only one who was reacting that way. 

The alcohol was the same and there seemed to be nothing unusual about the glass. Hence, for a moment, she was uncertain and had no choice but to call Yin Mei'er for help. 

Initially, she did not intend to let Yin Mei'er know about what happened tonight. 

Yin Mei'er could not keep her lips sealed and might just spill the beans someday, and end up causing unnecessary trouble.

Unfortunately, the development of things was beyond her expectations. In addition to Yin Mei'er and Su Chengyu, she could not find a more suitable candidate.

She hung up.

Ji Anyao took a deep breath and smacked her face in a bid to make herself sober up. 

She then pretended like she was not involved and returned to the private room. 

Given her current situation, she felt that leaving now would only make things harder... There were all sorts of dubious people in such a sordid place and she couldn't promise that she could leave safely in one piece. Hence, she returned to the private room to wait. 

She reckoned that Yin Mei'er should be arriving soon. The game in the room was still ongoing and it probably wouldn't end soon. 

Besides, both Bai Siyu and Yan Lie knew of her identity. She reckoned that they wouldn't do anything vicious and out of line. 

At least... it was much safer than being outside. 

Thinking about it, Ji Anyao returned to the couch. 

She had naturally returned to Yan Lie's side and even leaned over joyously.

Her eyes were slightly smoky and were curled into a crescent shape. Her cheeks were also unusually rosy and she looked rather sultry. 

Bai Siyu's eyes became gloomier and were giving off an icy cold vibe.

Others might not have noticed it, but Qin Muyan was very sensitive. 

From the moment she entered, Bai Siyu had been keeping his eyes fixed on Ji Anyao. Even if he had been remaining composed, he could not guarantee that nothing would happen. 

Clearly, she wouldn't allow anything that would displease her to happen! 

"Siyu, it's getting late. We have another appointment tomorrow morning. Why don't we get going!?! I happened to run into Auntie in the day and she wanted me to give something to you. It's in my car, I'll pass it to you later..."

Her excuse was perfect and it left him with no reason to turn her down. 

Bai Siyu naturally wouldn't turn her down as he nodded and agreed. 

"Okay, I'll send you back." 

Yan Lie crossed his legs and leaned on the back of the sofa, not stopping him. 

Holding Ji Anyao by her slender waist, he could sense the peculiar warmth that was coming from her body. Seemingly having sensed something, he smiled even wider. 

Under the messy strands of hair, his foxy eyes were glistening with a faint luster, and the tone of his voice became a little ambiguous.

"The two have left, shouldn't we also go somewhere else?" 

While speaking, he did not deliberately try to hide anything, but Ji Anyao could naturally tell what he meant. 

Not far in front of her, Qin Muyan was holding onto Bai Siyu's arm intimately as she walked away.

He was walking away resolutely and leaving her behind. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was heartless. 

"Sure, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go..."

Ji Anyao deliberately said in a delicate and coquettish tone. 

She initially wanted to irk him, but there was nothing she could do since he didn't give her any reaction... She pursed her lips and found it a little senseless. She then waved her arm and pushed him away.

"Don't stick so close to me, it's warm." 

Yan Lie smiled and raised his arms before pulling her into his embrace. 

He asked in a teasing tone, "Huh? What did you say?" 

She held onto his wrist and subconsciously pulled him away. Ji Anyao felt her head getting heavier, just like her eyelids as she couldn't quite open it.

It was extremely noisy and she couldn't hear clearly what he was saying. 

However, she muttered softly. 

"Don't bother me... let me calm down a little. Lower the temperature of the air conditioner. It's too warm..."

Ji Anyao's face had reddened and she slipped into a state of confusion as she unconsciously leaned against Yan Lie. He squinted and took a puff of his cigarette. 

He continued to blow out some smoke and stare at everyone menacingly. 

"What's the matter?" 

Sensing the unfriendliness in Yan Lie's tone, the people immediately fell silent, not daring to kick up a fuss. 

Shen Bin tried to please him with a smile. 

"Well… it seems that someone has set her up. Isn't that... what you want, Third Young Master?" 

"Nonsense, isn't that obvious?" 

Yan Lie glanced at him sneeringly and continued, "I mean... who spiked her drink!?"

"It's not me! Third Young Master, others will resort to underhanded means, but you won't! Even if my brains are fried, I won't come up with such a lousy solution for you."

Shen Bin frantically waved his hands to deny before smiling deferentially, not daring to offend the daunting Yan Lie. 

The others shook their heads too, not daring to admit at all. 

Knowing that it was impossible to get an answer, Yan Lie did not continue. Instead, he raised his hand to extinguish the cigarette between his fingers, allowing the ash to drop into the ashtray. He then blew out a clear wisp of smoke...

"Get lost." 

The moment he finished speaking, everyone flocked away like birds as they were chased and shoved out of the room by Shen Bin.