Chapter 21 - Carried Away By Third Young Master Yan

While in a trance, Ji Anyao felt herself getting picked up by someone.

She seemed to have fallen onto soft and fluffy cotton wool and swayed together with that person's footsteps. 

She subconsciously wanted to struggle to break free, but she didn't have the energy to do so and instead, fell even deeper. 

"Don't go... I want to... stay behind."

Carrying her in his arms, Yan Lie strode out of Seduction nightclub. 

Upon hearing her words, he couldn't help but smile ambiguously with a tinge of sympathy and empathy. 

"What for? Weren't you in a rush to leave just now?" 

"I have to… wait for someone..."

"Wait for someone? Who? Bai Siyu? Dream on. If he were to return, he wouldn't have abandoned you and left just now."

Ji Anyao didn't answer him. 

She couldn't hear his words clearly at all and was simply expressing her own thoughts. 

However, he ignored her requests and continued walking without stopping. 

Ji Anyao was panicking, but she was too weak to do anything. 

Her body was burning hot from head to toe and while she was flailing her arms, she happened to touch his cold skin. She couldn't help but lean closer... Despite knowing that it was dangerous to do so, she couldn't control herself and it was as if her limbs didn't belong to her. 

Yan Lie had never been a righteous gentleman and he'd definitely take liberties with women when they were vulnerable. 

However, it was not the place to do it.   

At this juncture, Ji Anyao was no longer wearing the blazer which she had already taken off long ago and left behind in the private room together with the necktie. 

She looked absolutely charming in the thin, skintight dress. 

Besides, she had become all soft and feeble because of the effects of the drug. Even her breath was warm, making her extremely alluring. 

Yan Lie's Adam's Apple bobbed slightly and he immediately sped up. 

After a long time of walking, Ji Anyao's consciousness gradually began to fade and she was only slightly sober. 

She could still feel herself getting shoved into a car and picked up again after traveling for a while. In the end... she was thrown onto a bed where she was slipped under a soft duvet. Unable to sustain any longer, she closed her eyes and dozed off in a trance. 

In that private room of the lustful Seduction nightclub, a tall and standoffish man walked through the crowd, attracting the attention of many who started whispering amongst themselves. 

Some women who were dressed provocatively tried to come forth to flirt with him, but before they could even speak, he had walked away as if he didn't see them. 

He walked all the way and pushed the door open to see that there was a huge mess in the private room. Everyone else had already left long ago. 

All that were left were some liquor bottles that were toppled over and strewn messily around the ashtray, evidence of the chaotic commotion that just took place. 

The icy cold gaze in his tempestuous eyes became gloomier when he saw the black blazer on the sofa. 

He asked in a voice that was as cold as ice, "Where has she been taken to?"

"I think... she was carried away by Third Young Master Yan..." 

"Yan Lie? He's got some nerve."

His face was cold and it was hard to tell if he was angry or happy. 

An invisible tension arose in the entire room, making it nerve-wracking and difficult to breathe. 

In the hotel, Ji Anyao woke up in a daze. 

Due to the boiling temperature of her body, her mind was foggy and she tried her best to open her eyes and take a clearer look. However, she could only open them a little and it felt as if her eyelids had been glued together. 

  Under the bright white light, she could vaguely see a tall, blurry figure looming over her head, making her feel like there was nowhere she could escape. His unique breath was overwhelming her senses. 

It was unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar. 

Before she could even recognize or take a closer look at who the person was, she slipped back into deep slumber and lost consciousness. 

Some time passed...

By the time she regained her senses, she heard the sounds of her ringtone ringing continuously. 

It sounded like a sparrow that was clamoring continuously in front of her. 

Ji Anyao felt like her head was about to split open, and she reached her sore and feeble hands out while she was half awake to grab at the direction that the ringtone was coming from. While struggling, she pushed a pillow over in an attempt to cover the annoying ringtone. 

All of a sudden, the ringtone ceased and silence was restored in the room. 

Only the sounds of water splashing in the bathroom could be heard and they were stimulating one of Ji Anyao's nerves. 

'Water? Why are there sounds of water? Who's  showering in the bathroom? Who!?'

While she was trying to find some useful information from her chaotic thoughts, the sounds of water flowing in the bathroom ceased abruptly. 

Ji Anyao immediately heaved a sigh of relief and took it that she had been hallucinating. 

She turned over and planned to continue sleeping. 

She thought that it would be better to just sleep. Otherwise, the soreness of her body would truly be unbearable. 

However, before she even fell asleep, her cellphone started ringing again in an untimely manner. Incredibly annoyed, Ji Anyao couldn't help but reach out to grab the duvet and put it over her head! 

She seemed to have vaguely heard someone coming out of the shower and walking towards the side of the bed to pick up the call. 

"You guys go ahead first. I'll head over later. Got it."

Ji Anyao was confused for a moment when she heard the voice. 

She then seemed to have realized something. 

The voice belonged to Bai Siyu! 

Recovering from the shock and realizing what was going on, Ji Anyao shivered and sobered up immediately!

She lifted the duvet immediately! 

With her eyes wide open, she faced the man who was standing in front of the headboard... 'It's that beast Bai Siyu!'

"Why are you here!?!" 

Flabbergasted, Ji Anyao's jaw dropped. 

She was in utter disbelief!