Chapter 25 - Bedded Young Master Bai!

As soon as she saw Han Yi's reaction, Ji Anyao knew that something was going to happen. Hence, she couldn't care less and hurriedly chased after him. 

"Han Yi! Han Yi, wait! It's not what you think!"

However, before she could run far, she was grabbed by the arm and dragged backwards by Yin Mei'er. 

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you chasing after him for? Are you going to go out on the streets wrapped in that duvet! Yan Lie deserves to be hung up and beaten up into a pulp for doing that to you! You should let Han Yi go after him!"

"Mei'er! That's not what happened! It's not him!" 

"Who else can it be then?" 

"You guys have got it all wrong! It's not Yan Lie! This matter... I'm in such a state... not because of Yan Lie. Ah... I don't know what to say. In short, it doesn't have much to do with him..."

"What? Anyao, make yourself clear. Wasn't Yan Lie the one who brought you out of Seduction nightclub last night? Now you've become like this again... If Yan Lie wasn't the one who did it, who else could it be?"

More and more people were gathering at the corridor and pointing at them while looking over. 

Han Yi was walking so quickly that he disappeared in the blink of an eye. 

Ji Anyao was anxious, but she knew that her current appearance was too eye-catching and she couldn't let others hear her either. Hence, she had no choice but to pull Yin Mei'er and Su Chengyu back into the room and whisper to them after closing the door. 

"I can't remember what happened yesterday, but... the person who appeared in the room when I woke up this morning was not Yan Lie but Bai Siyu!"


Yin Mei'er raised her voice in astonishment. 

"Bai Siyu? You've bedded him! Oooh!" 

"Shh! Don't be so loud! Are you trying to harm me!?"

She was quick to cover Yin Mei'er's mouth, her forehead covered in cold sweat. She knew that she couldn't let Yin Mei'er handle such matters because the liar loved drama and was completely unreliable! 

"But..." Ji Anyao moved her hand away while Yin Mei'er softened her voice. Staring at Ji Anyao with her eyes wide open like they were about to fall out, she paused and found it unbelievable. "Did you really sleep with Young Master Bai? Are you sure!?!" 

Su Chengyu was also touching his head with a look of surprise and confusion. 

"What exactly happened last night? How did it somehow... become Bai Siyu and not Yan Lie? Ji Anyao, what's going on with you!? You've gotten intimate with two of the most newsworthy men in the city at one go..."

"Screw you! It's not the time to make fun of me! I'm dying of anxiety, okay?"

Ji Anyao couldn't help but roll her eyes and she felt that she had made the wrong friend. All Yin Mei'er did was gloat and add fuel to the fire. She was not of any help at all! 

Seeing that Ji Anyao was really anxious, Yin Mei'er stopped teasing her and patted her back to comfort her.

"Anyao, don't panic... You've already slept with him, there's no point in panicking or being anxious. Put on some clothes and leave this place as soon as you can. Otherwise... when the paparazzi receive the news and come over to block the door, we won't get to go out!" 

"Yeah! Mei'er, you're right! I saw someone taking some photos just now..." 

"But Han Yi..." 

"I'll call him to explain!"

"Don't call, it's useless! Han Yi is hopping mad now, there is no way he will answer your call... By the way, Anyao, call him with your cellphone! He'd definitely pick up your call..." 

"My phone is out of battery!"

"Your anxiousness must have turned you silly! Take out the SIM card of your cellphone!"

"Okay... I'll go get my cellphone! Which one of you has a cellphone to lend me!?"

In a moment of panic, Ji Anyao almost dropped her cellphone as she swiped it with shaky fingers. Unable to stand it any longer, Su Chengyu grabbed it and sighed helplessly. 

"Let me do it! Go sit on the bed and have some water... You look like you're getting a heart attack." 

As he spoke, he casually took out the SIM card, loaded it onto his own cellphone, and then dialed Han Yi's number.

The cellphone rang for a long time but no one answered. 

Ji Anyao looked over and paid close attention to him. 

"Well? Did Han Yi pick up?"

"He doesn't want to answer... I reckon his anger is getting the better of him! No man would be able to tolerate this. Yan Lie is dead this time..." 

Looking at Su Chengyu's gloating expression, Ji Anyao couldn't help but frown and curse at him. 

"Su Chengyu, are you still my friend? Can't you see that I'm in trouble and I'm incredibly frustrated? Why do you still look like you're watching a good show? You are trying to drive me to my grave..."

"What for!? Look how terrified you are, your little face has turned pale. How pitiful... Isn't it just going to be a fight at most!?! It's alright, don't worry... If you really can't stop worrying, I'll go over and check the situation for you now... be good!" 

Patting the top of Ji Anyao's head, Su Chengyu comforted her and then dashed out. 


Sobbing and lying in Yin Mei'er's arms, Ji Anyao even felt like dying. 

"What's going on with my life!?! Why am I so unlucky!? All these terrible things are happening to me one after another. What sins have I committed to deserve this!?"

"Okay, okay, I know you are aggrieved."

"You're still laughing!"

"No, no, I'm not laughing... If you want to cry, keep crying, I'll cry with you! Cry your heart out! Now you sit here while I go down and buy you a set of clothes. Let's get out of here, okay?"


Ji Anyao nodded like a deflated ball and sat by the edge of the bed, too unmotivated to live. Fortunately, Yin Mei'er was beside her and she suddenly felt much more confident. No matter how unreliable she might be, it was better to have someone with her than to be alone and anxious.

"Be good." 

After coaxing Ji Anyao softly and making sure that she wouldn't do anything rash to harm herself, Yin Mei'er finally left the room with a peace of mind and hurried downstairs to get her some clothes.

Glancing at the pieces of her dress on the floor, Ji Anyao felt that Bai Siyu was atrocious!

Not only did he take advantage of her, he even left the room dressed decently, leaving her all alone in the hotel room stark naked. He didn't even give her some clothes to wear. He was so mean! 

Fortunately, Yin Mei'er was fast and soon returned with several bags of clothes. Ji Anyao couldn't be bothered to take a shower at all. Instead, she hurriedly changed into the clothes and left the hotel.

The moment she arrived at Yin Mei'er's house, she received a call from Su Chengyu before she even had the time to take off her shoes. She could hear his anxious and excited clamoring from afar... 

"Anyao! It's over! Something has really happened this time! Han Yi... he... he..."

"What happened to him? Tell me what happened... What exactly happened to Han Yi?"

At the other end of the line, the person swallowed his saliva hard before speaking. 

"He beat Yan Lie up to the point where both of them are hospitalized!" 

"What!? Repeat yourself!"