Chapter 26 - Third Young Master’s Nitpicking

Upon hearing Su Chengyu's words, Ji Anyao's expression changed and she immediately snatched her cellphone back from Yin Mei'er.

She couldn't help but raise her voice and question, "Chengyu, make yourself clear! What's going on now?" 

"Anyao, I have let you down... By the time I arrived, Han Yi and Yan Lie had already gotten into a fight and I couldn't pull them apart at all! Later on, the bodyguards of the company scurried over and it took them a lot of effort to pull the two of them apart... Um, Yan Lie is disfigured and Han Yi has quite a few fractures too..."

"Fracture? How did it get so serious?! Are both of them out of their minds!?! They're both adults, why are they still unable to control themselves... Quick, tell me where they are. Which hospital are they in!?"

"Third City Hospital! Hurry and come over!"

"Okay! Wait there, Mei'er and I will be there right away!"

After hanging up, Ji Anyao briefed Yin Mei'er about the situation, and they both rushed to the hospital in a hurry. 

Before they even drove to the basement parking lot, they saw the reporters surrounding the hospital and clamoring about getting first-hand news!

Yan Lie was hospitalized because he had been beaten up by the young chairman of the Han Corporation! It was definitely a newsworthy topic that would make the headlines and stay in the hot topics list for at least half a month! 

What she dreaded the most had ultimately happened! 

When she saw that scene, Ji Anyao wished she could floor the accelerator pedal and dash over to scare the gossipy reporters away! 

With a frown,Yin Mei'er observed the situation before continuing to shake her head. 

"Seems like we can't go in. I have to think of another solution... you'd better not show yourself. I think things aren't that simple. This bunch of reporters appeared too soon and they seem to have been waiting long ago. Once they got the news, they rushed over in a bid to stir things up and make an issue out of this." 

After hearing Yin Mei'er's words, Ji Anyao had an ominous feeling. 

She seemed to be able to sense a pair of eyes staring at her back and pushing her into the net, in a bid to push her to the pinnacle of discussion before using the power of the media to beat her down! 

She had only gotten such a feeling recently, especially after being drugged yesterday. It seemed to have become even more obvious.

Ji Anyao had no idea when she offended anyone and why the culprit was using such malicious means to push her into a desperate situation time and time again. Or perhaps... she had become a thorn in someone's flesh and was pushed into a terrible state. 

'Bai Siyu is right. Perhaps, I should really put in some effort into investigating who it is that has been plotting against me and setting me up.'

However, the most important problem to solve at hand was the misunderstanding and conflict between Han Yi and Yan Lie!

Yan Lie had always had a bad temper and liked having his way. He was known for his malice and now that he had been beaten up into a pulp, he'd definitely wouldn't let things go just like that.

Although Han Yi had gone too far this time and was too reckless, she was the cause of it at the end of the day... she couldn't just stay out of it and make Han Yi bear the consequences alone.

"How do we go in then? Can you think of another solution... to lure the reporters away?"

Yin Mei'er pressed her lips together and slipped into thought. 

"News about someone committing suicide by jumping off the building would definitely become the most viral piece of news. Unless the person involved jumps off a building and diverts the attention of this group of reporters... I doubt they'd leave even if the entire building collapses." 

"Mei'er! You're always full of tricks and ideas. You must have a solution for this, don't you? My mind is in a mess now and I can't think at all..." 

"Of course! Since when have I been defeated by any issues?" Yin Mei'er raised her eyebrows and soon thought of a good idea. "Don't panic, I'll take you inside immediately!" 

Ten minutes passed. 

A few nurses scurried over with a portable bed and began yelling at the reporters who were blocking the door. 

"Move out of the way! Excuse me! Please give way! There is a patient who's in need of emergency rescue here. If we don't save him, it will be too late! If you delay the rescue of the patient, you will be held liable by the law! Get out of the way, get out of the way... He's dying!"

Hearing that someone was dying, the block of reporters finally backed away with reluctance. Although it was certainly important to get first-hand information, they had been camping at the hospital for half a day but failed to squeeze in. No one would be willing to see any casualties and be held criminally responsible.

With their heads down and clad in nurse's uniforms, Ji Anyao and Yin Mei'er both gritted their teeth and squeezed through the crowd while pushing the hospital bed. They then hurriedly rushed into the elevator.


They heaved long sighs of relief. Ji Anyao then raised her arm to wipe the cold sweat off her forehead. She was so exhausted that her fingertips were trembling.


As soon as the elevator door opened, she saw Su Chengyu standing by the door. He didn't recognize the two of them at first glance and was stunned for a while before walking over to welcome them.

"Anyao! Mei'er! You're finally here! Why are you dressed like this? What are you doing dressed like this? Do you have a uniform fetish?" 

"You've got such a foul mouth! Trust you to still be joking!? Which room is Han Yi in? Hurry and take me there!" 

"It's just a fracture. I didn't lose a single limb, I won't die." 

"Su Chengyu, are you itching for a beating too? Do you want to experience having your bones fractured?" 

"Okay, okay, okay! I won't go on anymore... Come here." 

As soon as they turned at the corner, they saw two men in suits walking over to stop the three of them. 

Su Chengyu looked up with raised brows. 

"Why? Is once not enough? Do you want to fight again?" 

The other party questioned coldly with a straight face. 

"Which one of you is Miss Ji?" 

Knowing that they were Yan Lie's bodyguards, Ji Anyao stopped Su Chengyu and stepped forward. 

"Me. What's the matter?"

She knew that Yan Lie would definitely not let the matter go just like that, but she did not expect them to look for her so quickly... She knew that they were up to no good and she reckoned that the matter would not be settled properly. 

However, since it had already happened, escaping was not a solution. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and deal with whatever came her way. 

"Third Young Master hopes that Miss Ji can personally give him an explanation about what happened today. Or else..." 

Su Chengyu's face grew sullen and he barked, "Or else what!?"

However, the man did not state things explicitly. 

"Miss Ji, you should understand the negative effects that this matter will have. Third Young Master just wants a reasonable explanation... But Miss Ji, if you don't know how to act appropriately, Third Young Master won't mind making a big deal out of it."

"What does he mean I don't know how to act appropriately? Does Yan Lie really think..."

"Chengyu, stop it! This is indeed our fault..." Ji Anyao raised her voice and interrupted Su Chengyu. She then turned her head and instructed Yin Mei'er, "Mei'er, go with Chengyu to see Han Yi first. Tell him I'll be there in a minute."