Chapter 27 - Who Slept With You?

"I don't find that safe!"

Su Chengyu furrowed his handsome eyebrows, knowing that Yan Lie was not to be messed with and was a notorious playboy. Now that he had called Ji Anyao over, he definitely had ill intentions.

"If you want to go, I'll go with you!"

As soon as he walked over, he was stopped by the man in front of him.

The latter warned sternly in a monotonous voice, "Third Young Master has specially instructed that only Miss Ji is allowed to see him, so as to avoid unnecessary conflict."

"Huh?" Su Chengyu smiled in disdain and said coldly, "This is impossible, he can dream on! Go back and tell your Young Master to come at me if he can. I'll be waiting!" 


Ji Anyao raised her voice, grabbed his arm, and yanked him back hard!

"Can you listen to me for once? If Yin Mei'er goes in alone, Han Yi would definitely suspect something... You don't have to worry about Yan Lie. There are so many reporters downstairs blocking the door. If something happens, it'll make the headlines anytime. Even if he's Third Young Master Yan, he won't go overboard. Just go over with Mei'er, I know what to do about Yan Lie." 

"But Yan Lie..."

"Enough, she's the only person who can solve the issue. Anyao is right, letting your anger rule over your head won't solve anything. Let her try to sound Yan Lie out for now. We'll see what conditions he raises before discussing... Let's go!" 

Yin Mei'er tried to persuade Su Chengyu as she held onto his hand. 

Su Chengyu finally gave up. He turned around to give Ji Anyao some instructions. 

"Take your cell phone with you. In case Yan Lie acts inappropriately, call me immediately and I'll go look for you as soon as I hear my cellphone ringing!"

"Yes, I know." 

Ji Anyao nodded. With Su Chengyu and the others around, she was not too worried. 

She turned around and said to the two men, "Please take me there." 

"Miss Ji, please."

In the age of materialism, even the VIP wards of hospitals were divided into classes.

Han Yi was not that particular about the classes and thus stayed in the general VIP ward. On the other hand, Yan Lie was used to living in luxury, so he of course, had to stay in the best ward. 

The spacious room had a luxurious decor and it looked more like a hotel room than a ward. Even the smell of antiseptic that was common in most hospitals had been replaced by a refreshing fragrance. Yan Lie did know how to enjoy himself. 

"Third Young Master is inside, please feel free to enter, Miss Ji." 

That person then closed the door without any intentions of entering. 

Slightly tensed up, Ji Anyao tried her best to calm down as she entered unhurriedly, not wanting to seem any less domineering than he was. She did not want to let him lead her by the nose. 

After taking a few steps, Ji Anyao's eyes lit up and she raised her head. 

As soon as she did, she saw the man leaning against the window languidly and smoking cigarettes. He was tall and burly, and his posture was rather lazy. Other than the patient's gown that he was wearing, nothing about him seemed inferior.

Compared to the Han Yi who had suffered a fracture, he seemed to be in a much better state. Ji Anyao even doubted if this sinister and cunning guy was just conning her. 

'He only has an abrasion on his face. Must he be hospitalized?'

'Even a woman isn't as fragile and pampered as him!'

'However, there's nothing I can do if a thick-skinned person is shamelessly pestering me.'

Ji Anyao pressed her lips together and waited for a while.

Seeing that he wasn't giving her any reaction at all, she couldn't help but ask, "Tell me, how do you want to settle this?"

After she said that, Yan Lie finally turned around. 

His head was wrapped in a few layers of gauze and it did seem to be wounded. He looked particularly amusing and most of his handsome face was covered by the bandage. He seemed to be seriously injured, but she wondered if his wound was really that exaggerated.


Yan Lie tossed the cigarette butt away casually without looking at Ji Anyao... He was naturally displeased about suffering a beating for nothing. Hence, his tone was hostile and unfriendly as ever. 

"That guy suddenly ran over and punched me in my face. He said that I slept with you! Hah... I wanted to sleep with you, but unfortunately, something happened to you last night and that didn't work out. Someone else took advantage, but I had to take the blame. Do you think... I can suffer this grievance for nothing?"

"So... what do you want?"

"No hurry, tell me about it first..." Stepping away, Yan Lie walked towards Ji Anyao slowly and stopped in front of her. Looking at her from above, he asked with an ambiguous and evil smile, "Who slept with you last night?"

Ji Anyao moved her face away, not used to being so close to him. 

"You don't need to know."

"Why not?" Seeing that she had avoided him, Yan Lie deliberately leaned over even more, his lips lingering close to her face. The hot air he exhaled caused her to get the goosebumps as she felt a tingling and numbing sensation. He said, "I suffered such a great injustice for no reason. I ought to know... who I took the blame for, right?"

"I won't know even if you ask me..." 

Ji Anyao continued to retreat, planning to feign ignorance to the end. 

"When I woke up, I was the only one left in the room. Well, you know that I was drugged last night in Seduction nightclub, so... I have no memory of what exactly happened..."

Upon hearing those words, Yan Lie snorted, obviously not believing her at all! 

"How are you so sure... that the person who slept with you wasn't me? You even got Su Chengyu to come over to stop the fight." 

Slightly stunned, Ji Anyao did not expect his mind to work so quickly. It was too difficult to fool him. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue lying. 

"In fact... to be honest, I have suspected you before but there is no evidence, so before I get my facts right, I do not want to create unnecessary trouble. And... even if it really was you, I do not want Han Yi to intervene in this matter."

"Ji Anyao, it's a pity that you're not an actress..." 

"Why? You don't believe me?"

"Why should I believe you? Why should I believe a woman who treats me like a fool... Eh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look me in the eyes and say it again if you dare to..."

Pinching Ji Anyao's chin, Yan Lie raised it slightly and stared at her with a sharp gaze in his eyes, as if they were daggers that pierced hers. He was grinning and his foxy eyes were curved, seemingly mocking her. 

"You really don't know... who you slept with?" 

Ji Anyao dodged without revealing any emotions in her eyes. She had long gotten used to lying through her teeth. What would she not dare to do? 

"Yeah, I don't know." 


Yan Lie burst into laughter, as if he had heard an interesting joke. 

"You called yourself a fox, but you really are one. The Gu Family is really something. They've raised such a good liar... Unfortunately, I never believe what women say, especially a woman as beautiful as you...To tell you the truth, I just called the hotel and they said that Bai Siyu left at 9:37 while you called the front desk at 9:41. Although you hung up after it rang twice, it was just a few minutes... Are you going to say that you didn't wake up before Bai Siyu left? Who would believe you?!"