Chapter 31 - Young Master Bai saw the news.

Qin Muyan didn't think much of it and simply smiled apologetically as she handed the coffee over to him. 

"I didn't expect the engine of the car to become faulty all of a sudden. It's so late and you still have to send me home. I disrupted your rest. Take this coffee as a token of apology from me..."

Hearing these words, Bai Siyu stopped spinning the pencil in his hand and smirked, as if he had thought of something.

Clearly, Qin Muyan misunderstood what he meant.

He was not referring to sleeping too late because he had to send her home. 

However, it was reasonable for Qin Muyan to not understand what he meant. If Ji Anyao the feisty little feline heard him, she would have lashed out at him again and called him shameless. 

Bai Siyu was extremely handsome and his features were chiseled. He had a straight and high nose bridge, and when his thin lips were pressed together, he looked like a character in an oil painting, aloof and unapproachable. He smiled vaguely, but he was still dashing. 

Qin Muyan couldn't help but get distracted by his good looks. However, she had no choice but to suppress her emotions, not daring to reveal much. 

She knew that Bai Siyu had always disliked women who took the initiative and threw themselves at him. If she revealed too much of her emotions, it would only annoy him. Since they were engaged, he would belong to her sooner or later as long as nothing cropped up in the middle.

Given the situation, all the more she had to stay calm and restrained. 

He held onto the cup of coffee that Qin Muyan handed up and took a small sip before placing it at the side. 

"It's just a trivial matter, there's nothing to atone for."

"I almost caused you to be lectured by Old Master Bai, how can it be considered a trivial matter? It's getting late... are you hungry? Let's go down for lunch! I heard that the newly opened French restaurant serves delicious food. I'll treat you..." 


Bai Siyu closed the file and checked the time before grabbing his blazer which was at the side. He then headed downstairs together with Qin Muyan. 

Due to the fact that he hadn't had breakfast yet, Bai Siyu was hungry and decided to order a few more dishes. Just as he was about to cut open the foie gras, he heard a noisy chatter from the seats behind him.

"Wow! Quick, look! Here's the latest news... this set of photos is really racy!"

"Yan Lie is so handsome! I wish I was the one getting the kabedon..." 

"Stop being so man-crazy! You're too inferior for him!" 

"Yeah! Speaking of which, I really haven't heard of the Gu Family having such a daughter... I know Gu Ningxi, but I have never heard of her sister. I only know that Gu Ningxi has a younger brother."

"Exactly! They clearly stated that she's the daughter of the Gu Family, but why is her name Ji Anyao? Isn't that strange? I bet she's an illegitimate daughter, that's why she takes her mother's surname. The Gu Family is keeping her hidden..."

"Your analysis makes so much sense! Look how much she resembles a fox. She must have inherited it from her mother, the old vixen! It's only been a few days, but she's already been caught getting intimate with a man in the car and checking into a hotel with another man... Tsk, she's such a wanton woman!"

The three women were gathered at the table, discussing the headlines. All of a sudden, a hand reached over and snatched the cellphone away. 

"Hey, hey..."

"What are you doing? Why are you touching the belongings of others... Ah! Young Master Bai..." 

Looking up to see the 1.89-meter-tall Bai Siyu who was standing by the table, the trio felt tremendous pressure and started quivering, not daring to make a single sound.

Keeping a straight face, Bai Siyu looked down at the screen of the cellphone and scanned the content before raising his arm again and shoving it into the glass that was half-filled with fruit juice. 

With a sound, the chilled sweet orange juice overflowed immediately. 


One of them couldn't help but grunt softly, feeling a heartache for her cellphone that had been damaged for nothing. However, she did not dare to look up directly at Bai Siyu. Who would dare to confront him? 

Before she could even react, she saw the tall and taut figure walking away with big strides. 

"Siyu! Where are you going? You haven't eaten anything yet..." 

Qin Muyan exclaimed. Since she couldn't stop him, she had no choice but to pick up her bag and quickly chase after him.

Bai Siyu didn't stop in his tracks even though he heard her calling him continuously. While walking, he took out his cellphone and dialed a number.

"Dongzi, come to my office... Yes, right now."

Wujing Estate. 

Ji Anyao lay on the leather sofa. She had no idea when she left the hospital or how she got to Yin Meier's house. All she felt now was a splitting headache that was causing her excruciating pain! 

She felt like her head was about to explode. 

The blow that caught her off guard came like a tidal wave that choked her throat tightly, making it difficult for her to catch her breath.

She originally thought that what happened in the morning was terrible enough, but she didn't expect that it was just the beginning. The worst was yet to come... There was a huge conspiracy right in front of her that seemed like it would devour her at any moment! 

"Anyao, don't be like this... Sit up and drink a glass of water, calm down."

Yin Mei'er passed Ji Anyao a glass of iced water and pulled her up from the sofa before shoving the glass into her hand. She frowned worriedly. 

"Since it has already happened, there's no point in dwelling on it. Just rest assured and leave this matter to Han Yi and Chengyu to deal with, they will help you take down those news and photos... As for Uncle Han's side, I will ask my parents to intervene. During this period of time, you shall temporarily stay in my house. Don't go home for the time being, lest some people with evil intentions add fuel to the fire and add insult to your injury... You'd be making yourself upset for nothing!"

She looked up and chugged the iced water in the glass. It was so cold that Ji Anyao could not stop shivering.

Her angst and irritation seemed to have frozen as she did not get vexed again 

Ji Anyao slammed the glass down onto the coffee table and suddenly stood up with anger written all over her face! 

"No! I can't sit around and do nothing! I'd like to see... which imbecile is getting up to such tricks behind my back. This is going too far!"

After saying those words, Ji Anyao stormed off in exasperation. 

"Anyao... don't be impulsive! All the reporters are looking for your whereabouts now, if you go out like this... you will be pestered by them!" Yin Mei'er hurriedly stepped forward to stop her. "Let's wait for Han Yi and the others to come back for a discussion!" 

"But I can't stand this!" 

Rubbing her temples in pain, Ji Anyao tried to recall something. 

"I can sense that that person knows me. Otherwise, he wouldn't know so much about my whereabouts... No wonder I've been feeling like someone has been following me. Last month, I went back to Jin City and stayed there for more than half a month. I don't remember offending anyone at all during that period of time..."