Chapter 32 - Marriage Certificate (1)

Pulling Ji Anyao back onto the sofa by her arm, Yin Mei'er gently patted the back of her hand and comforted her softly. 

"Perhaps we can change our thought process... It's not that you have offended anyone, but because your appearance has hindered someone's interests, do you think there will be such a possibility?"

Waving her hand, Ji Anyao was completely clueless. It was all a disaster that was uncalled for!

"Who can I get in the way of? The only person who detests me is that woman, but she's been displeased with me for more than a decade. If she wanted to harm me, she would have done so a long time ago. Why would she wait until now? Besides, she's living well as Mrs. Gu, and there's no need to cause such a big hoo-ha. Besides.... if Gu Mingyuan is embarrassed, she'd be shamed too."

"Did you notice anything unusual when you were in Seduction nightclub? You were photographed clearly in the photos and the lights were so dim, but I could recognize you too. Such photos can't be taken from far. That person should have been rather near you..." 

Upon hearing Yin Mei'er's words, Ji Anyao frowned and thought about it carefully. 

She nodded and seemed to have thought of something. 

She then shook her head again to dismiss her thoughts. 

"No, that's not right..." 

Yin Mei'er watched the changes in her expression, not knowing what was going through her mind. Hence, she couldn't help but ask a question with her eyes full of suspicion.

"What's not right?" 

"If I've offended someone, it must be Bai Siyu's fiancée..." 

"You mean Miss Qin?"

"Yes, her... Last night, she confronted me at Seduction nightclub and wanted to assert dominance. She even found out my background. Clearly, she's not a simple person. Besides, at that time, she was also present when I ran into Yan Lie at the corridor... so I'm suspecting if the photos in Seduction have something to do with her..." 

"Then what are you shaking your head for? I bet she's the culprit!" 

Yin Mei'er sneered and picked up her cellphone to call Su Chengyu in an attempt to make him investigate while using Qin Muyan as a lead. 

"Once news like this comes out, it will both ruin your reputation and cause you to be associated with Yan Lie, so you can no longer continue 'pestering' Bai Siyu... Yeah, that's right! She has a motive and the one who will benefit the most from this..."

"Wait a minute." 

Ji Anyao leaned over and pressed the back of her hand to stop her. 

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. Later on, she returned with Bai Siyu and the time in between wasn't too long. There should have been no chance for her to come back and tail me and Yan Lie."

Yin Mei'er continued to sneer, disagreeing with her. 

"That's easy to explain! She wasn't around but that doesn't mean she can't make someone else stay to keep an eye on you guys... What do you think?"

"That's true, but I've been feeling like I was being stalked a few days before that night. I got involved with Bai Siyu only in the past two days. Qin Muyan may have something to do with this matter, but the real culprit who manipulated this... can't be her. Besides, Bai Siyu behaved very well in front of her, and the two of them seem to be on good terms. Qin Muyan has absolutely no need to create such a big hoo-ha to mess with me."

"The two of them are on good terms?" 

Yin Mei'er was amused by her words. 

She couldn't help but tease with a grin. "If they're really on good terms... Mr. Bai wouldn't have left his fiancée in the middle of the night and gotten intimate with you instead of her. Ji Anyao, you're so oblivious! Don't you see the marks on your body? If Mr. Bai isn't attracted to you in that sense, would he have been so passionate with you? Is it possible that he had been drugged too?"

Ji Anyao pursed her lips and recalled everything that happened in the private room last night. Bai Siyu had been protecting Qin Muyan like she was a gem and simply disregarded Ji Anyao. 

In his eyes, she was just a plaything that he wanted in a spur of the moment and he would get bored of her soon enough. 

'He doesn't care about me at all.' 

That was a naive thought that only an innocent girl who was unaware of the cruelty of the world would have. She was not that stupid.

"Men are all the same, they let lust rule over their heads and they only crave a sense of novelty. They'll throw women away once they get bored of toying with them... Yan Lie is known for being a playboy, but Bai Siyu is not completely innocent either. Others just don't know the dirty things that he does in private." 

"That's true." 

Yin Mei'er sighed regretfully. 

Everyone in the upper class society was glamorous, but not all of them were innocent. 

Even if Bai Siyu liked Ji Anyao, his fiancée was not going to sit back and do nothing like an ornament on display. Everyone knew what an arranged marriage for the sake of business relations was like... He could toy with all sorts of women, but the woman he married would have to be compatible with him in terms of background and status. 

Although the Qin Family was not superior to the Gu Family by a far margin, the focus of their businesses was different... Clearly, the Bai Family needed the Qin Family's support.

Everyone was smart enough to know what they truly needed.

Yin Mei'er understood that logic, but she didn't state it explicitly. Bai Siyu didn't truly adore and care for Ji Anyao, and what he felt for her could not be compared to what Han Yi felt about her. 

She made those jokes, only because she wanted to divert Ji Anyao's attention. Although Ji Anyao seemed strong and looked like she did not take to heart what happened last night... who could truly turn a death ear to criticism? 


Ji Anyao's eyes lit up and she suddenly had an idea.

"We can go to that hotel to ask for the surveillance video. The other party followed me and Yan Lie all the way to the entrance of the hotel and also took so many photos. He would have definitely left many traces..."

As soon as Ji Anyao thought of it, she wanted to execute it immediately and was just about to stand up. 

However, Yin Mei'er pulled her back to the sofa and pressed her shoulders down.

"Just stay here, don't go anywhere! I'll ask Chengyu to call the hotel and investigate..." 

Before Yin Mei'er finished, Ji Anyao interrupted her.

"No, we can't let Han Yi intervene in the matter of getting the surveillance camera footage from the hotel! If he sees Bai Siyu in the video, he will definitely suspect something! After all, he knows that Bai Siyu stayed in Verias Hotel, and if he sees that Bai Siyu stayed in the same hotel as me last night... I don't know what kind of trouble he will cause!"

"Okay, okay, sit still! We won't let Han Yi see it then... I'll tell Chengyu to pay attention to this. Just sit here with a peace of mind." 

She finally persuaded Ji Anyao. 

Yin Mei'er had broken into cold sweat and casually switched on the television, trying to ease the tension. 

In the end, the exaggerated shriek of the gossip show host sounded as soon as the LED screen lit up. 

"Oh my god! This can't be true! Wang Xiaojian, tell me that this isn't true! The heir of the Bai Group, the nation's husband of girls across the nation..."