Chapter 33 - Marriage Certificate (2)

Upon hearing the mention of Bai Group, Ji Anyao's ears moved a little and she somehow had an ominous premonition and couldn't help but look up at the screen. 

If it appeared on the financial channel, she wouldn't be that sensitive about it, but it appeared on a gossip talk show... They were striking a soft spot!

Yin Mei'er apparently also realized it and knowing that she had struck a sour chord in Ji Anyao's heart, she wanted to switch the channel. However, the host had already begun going off about the topic. 

"Well! He was my husband too! But who would have thought that the nation's husband would secretly get married behind our backs! The name on his marriage certificate is not Miss Qin, the prospective daughter-in-law of the Bai Family whom everyone thought he would marry. Instead, it's the name of the woman who has been the focus of the scandals in the past few days, who's also the legendary and very mysterious daughter of the Gu Family... What's her name again?"

"Ji Anyao." 

"Yes! It's Ji Anyao! What a strange and complicated name. Her surname is surprisingly not 'Gu'. No wonder I couldn't remember it immediately..."

Hearing her name on TV out of the blue, Ji Anyao's eyes widened and she was flabbergasted! 

'What's going on!?!'

'I must be hallucinating, huh!?'

'Otherwise, why would I somehow... get involved with Bai Siyu?' 

'What's the marriage certificate about? What nonsense is that!?'

Yin Mei'er switched to another channel, but she was just as dumbfounded to hear those news... As soon as she pressed the button on the remote, she pressed it again with shaky hands to switch it back to the previous channel. 

The earth-shattering news was like a bomb that blasted her and Ji Anyao terribly. It was completely unexpected and it caught them off guard! 

The TV show host was still shrieking with an exaggerated expression.

"Ah! I really can't believe it! It's unbelievable... I reckon our female viewers are in the same mood as me at this moment! I'm heartbroken, I'm so heartbroken. I feel like my heart is being stabbed by a knife! But the truth is just so cruel that it makes me shake... Wang Xiaojian, continue hosting on your own for a while, I have to go and cry my heart out!"

The camera then panned to the male host who had a sympathetic expression. 

"Next, let's see how things really are. Let's see if the nation's husband... is really married or not."

"So this is the cause of the matter! Soon after the photos of the female protagonist of this scandal and Yan lie getting all passionate with each other were exposed today, someone posted the photos of the marriage certificate of the nation's husband, Bai Siyu, and that woman! They were posted on the forum! As soon as the photos were exposed, they were spread around all major media platforms and sparked a heated discussion!" 

"As we all know, the Bai Family and Qin Family have long agreed to let their children marry each other. These are the photos from the engagement party of Miss Qin and Mr. Bai. Ever since their engagement, they have been very inseparable and loving, and there is no news of any disharmony..."

"So, some attentive netizens began to question the authenticity of this so-called 'marriage certificate'. They suspect that someone deliberately made this up for the sake of garnering attention, while taking advantage of the news that had gone viral in the past few days." 

"As for the authenticity of this marriage certificate, let's take a look at the photos... From the photos, we can only see that they look different from what they look like recently. Wow! There are simply no traces of photoshop! Anyway, I can't see any flaws... I heard that the current technology is so advanced that digitally doctored photos can seem extremely realistic. Ahem, that's enough, I can't advertise for the forgery industry..." 

"Since the photo of the marriage certificate was exposed, there are now countless media reporters rushing to the headquarters of the Bai Group, desperate to confirm the news with the nation's husband himself. These are photos of the scene.... there are really a lot of people! Our production crew member can't even squeeze in! However, even after waiting for half a day, Mr. Bai hasn't stepped forward to make any clarifications. It seems that this matter is not just a groundless rumor... I am also looking forward to seeing how things turn out next! Our team that's in charge of the columns will continue to keep a close eye on this incident. It's now time for a commercial break. We will see you in the next program!"

Seated in front of the TV screen, Ji Anyao was still in a state of confusion after watching several commercials. 

'Marriage certificate? My marriage certificate with Bai Siyu?!'

'Why don't I know about such a thing!?'

'Where on earth did that photo come from? It's digitally doctored! Yet they said that there are no traces of photoshop!'

'Deceptive means are incredible nowadays. If not for the fact that I'm personally involved... No, even if I'm involved, I can't find any flaw in that marriage certificate even though I know this isn't true!' 

Of course, something fake would never become real. 

Ji Anyao was not worried about that, but she simply did not expect someone to play such a trick…'So, who was the one who made that "marriage certificate"? And what is the purpose? What kind of benefit... could it give him!?'

Ji Anyao's mind was instantly filled with those questions.

She felt extremely troubled and her head was about to explode! 

She had been standing on the stairs for a while. Yin Mei'er's mother obviously also heard the gossip news on the TV and when she slowly made her way down the stairs, she couldn't help but ask a question in confusion.

"Anyao, is that true? When did you get a marriage certificate with someone from the Bai Family?"


Yin Mei'er exclaimed feebly and greeted her by taking her arm.

"Why do you believe everything you hear? Since it's gossip... how can it be true!? Anyao doesn't even know the heir of the Bai Family, how can they get married!?"

"But the news on the TV seems real. See, there are photos too..."

"Society is a mess nowadays. It's hard to tell real from fake now... You watched Anyao grow up, don't you believe her? Don't you believe me, your daughter?"

"Of course I believe you two, but things have gotten so big. The Gu Family is probably vexed now... I'm worried that Anyao will not cope well when she goes home." 

"She just won't go home then! Let Anyao stay here until things blow over!" 

As she spoke, her cellphone suddenly vibrated and Ji Anyao seemed petrified as she hadn't snapped out of her trance yet. Thinking that Han Yi had gotten some information, Yin Mei'er picked up without even looking. 

"Hello, Han Yi... How are things going? Hello, hello? Why aren't you saying anything!?"

After a moment of silence, a cold and indifferent voice sounded from the other end of the phone as Yin Mei'er thought that the signal reception was bad. The voice was so alluring and magnetizing! 

"Put Ji Anyao on the phone." 

Yin Mei'er was stunned at first, but she subconsciously asked, "You're not Han Yi? Who are you?!"

"Bai Siyu."