Chapter 34 - We've Slept With Each Other, Are We Still Considered Strangers?

When she heard those three words, Yin Mei'er opened her mouth wide, and it looked like she could swallow an entire dinosaur egg. She would have never thought that Bai Siyu was the one who called at such an awkward time! 

After waiting for a long time and not getting her reply, Bai Siyu repeated again. He was rarely ever that patient.

"Put Ji Anyao on the phone. I need to talk to her."

There wasn't a single trace of emotion in his indifferent voice and he seemed really standoffish. His voice was so cold that Yin Mei'er couldn't help but shudder, thinking that he had showed up to demand an explanation!

Just as she was hesitating and contemplating if she should hang up and feign ignorance, Yin Mei'er's mother gave Ji Anyao some untimely words of comfort. 

"Anyao, I've heard some of the rumors about you and Mr. Bai in the past two days. Yet, something like this happened today. If you really don't know him, you should heed my advice in order to prevent the rumors from spreading and affecting you negatively… Hurry back and let Old Gu hold a press conference and step forward to clarify the truth."

As soon as she heard this, Yin Mei'er immediately got anxious.

She retorted, "Mother, how can you let Anyao go home at such a juncture!? Right now, things are heated and you know what's going on in Anyao's family... If she goes home now, she'll be skinned alive for being in so much trouble!"

"What do you know?" Glaring at her and thinking that she was just being insensible, she chided, "Anyao is Old Gu's daughter after all. If something happens to her, will he just leave her in the lurch?" 

Yin Mei'er chuckled, not agreeing with her mother.

"It'd be great if he really doesn't care! He's easily convinced and I'm just afraid that he might believe the words of those who are trying to add insult to Anyao's injury to harm her... Anyway, he's done that before." 

Seeing that Yin Mei'er and her mother had started arguing, Ji Anyao did not want to give them any more trouble.

She hurriedly asked Yin Mei'er, "By the way, Mei'er, who called just now? Was it Han Yi?"

Hearing her question, Yin Mei'er finally realized that she was still holding the cellphone. She looked down to see that she hadn't hung up yet. 

All of a sudden, a look of panic showed on her beautiful face and Yin Mei'er rushed forward to make some hand gesture and mouthed a few words to Ji Anyao while facing away from her mother. 

"Bai... Bai..."

She obviously couldn't let the elders know that Ji Anyao and Bai Siyu had slept with each other. 

Pride mattered a lot to the prestigious and affluent families, but they had old-fashioned mindsets too. Men could go about their philandering ways, but women had to stay clean and chaste or else, they would be a disgrace to the family. 

It was unfair from the start and there was no point in arguing. She could only hide it... Even though the truth would be exposed someday, she would conceal it for as long as she could. 

Ji Anyao had yet to react and she only realized what was going on when she saw Yin Mei'er mouthing the word 'Bai' several times. She immediately stood up and took the phone from Yin Mei'er before dashing upstairs. 

"Auntie, I need to take a call, it's a little urgent..." 

Seeing her panicked look, Yin Mei'er's mother was a little puzzled, but she did not say anything. She pulled Yin Mei'er to the sofa and argued with her about insisting on letting Gu Mingyuan handle the matter.

After all... things had escalated to this point and it was no longer a trivial matter that could be solved easily. 

Ji Anyao placed the cellphone beside her ear, and began to speak only after running into Yin Mei'er's room and closing the door.


Bai Siyu retorted indifferently. 

"We've already slept with each other... and you still say you don't know me? In your eyes, what does it take for me to become someone you know? Do we have to sleep with each other a few more times?"

Ji Anyao was furious after hearing his words and she had even forgotten what she wanted to say. 

She humphed coldly and retorted, "I've only been bitten by a mad dog for a day. Is that considered close?"

She naturally didn't sound nice because she was saying those words of anger. 

Bai Siyu did not get angry. Instead... he seemed to have heard some contempt and ridicule in her tone. 

"Haven't you been vaccinated? Then, do you know how long the rabies vaccine will be effective for?"

Ji Anyao frowned slightly, unable to keep up with his rhythm.

"Why are you asking this question?"

"Answer my question first."

"Half a year." 

"Yes, half a year... So, do you know what that means?"

Knowing that he definitely didn't have any good intentions, Ji Anyao changed the topic, not wanting to continue. 

"What are you calling over for? The news just now..." 

"It will last for... half a year, that is six months..." Bai Siyu's voice drowned hers out as he interrupted her. He had gotten used to being tyrannical, domineering and getting what he wanted. "That means that during this six-month 'immunity' period, you'll be fine even if you're bitten by a 'mad dog' every day… Is that right?" 

His words were ambiguous. 

Ji Anyao could obviously tell what he meant. She did not want to respond, but she could not stand his arrogance.

Gritting her teeth, she retorted, "Do you think I'll let off the mad dog who bites me next time? Don't worry, I'll hit it to death with a rod and not give it the chance to bite others!" 

"Next time?"

Bai Siyu smiled. He was good at catching the keyword. 

"So you are looking forward to 'next time' so much... Sure, I will satisfy you as soon as possible."


Ji Anyao suddenly had the urge to throw the cellphone!

Yet, that beast was very manipulative.

He asked, "Are you happy about that news?"

He was naturally referring to the marriage certificate. 

"Happy!?!" Ji Anyao wanted to laugh out loud. She was infuriated, but she still maintained a smile. "You're gloating, aren't you? Don't tell me that you were the one who created that complicated mess!"

Bai Siyu did not deny it.

He simply asked with a sinister smile, "Didn't you say that you wanted me to be responsible?"

"Yes, I did say that! But is that how you take responsibility?!" Annoyed to the extremes, Ji Anyao felt like laughing in irritation. "Bai Siyu... I didn't expect you to be quite good at joking. You actually made a joke out of such stuff."

"I ruined your reputation and slept with you, so I'm marrying you... Is that not enough? Otherwise, how do you want me to be responsible for it?" 

"Hah! You used a fake marriage certificate for news. How smart!" 

"If I say it's real, it's real."

Bai Siyu said without any emotion in his voice, as if he was talking about a business deal or just talking about the weather today.

"Of course... if you can go home and get your household register, we can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau right now to get a real one."

Ji Anyao simply thought that he was joking, so she naturally wouldn't be serious with him. However, she had to refute! 

"The Civil Affairs Bureau has already closed for the day!" 

"We'll go tomorrow then."

"It's the weekend tomorrow and civil servants don't work on legal holidays!"

"The day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow is also a weekend!"


"It's the Qingming Festival on Monday. Happy Holidays! Bye!"