Chapter 35 - Put Him On The Blacklist!

Before Bai Siyu could say anything, Ji Anyao had hung up on him! 

She would have never thought that Bai Siyu was the one who posted the photo of their fake marriage certificate on the forum! 'Does he think it's child's play? How childish!' 

'Indeed, this man is unreliable!'

Right from the beginning, she had already expressed clearly that she wanted him to personally clarify the rumors of them getting intimate in the car. She wanted him to either get a woman to be the scapegoat or clear her name! 

In the end... he came up with such a lousy idea and made her the focus of attention, as if he couldn't wait for the entire nation to know that they had an affair! 

Not only were the rumors of them doing the deed in the car spreading out of control, it even seemed to be getting worse. 

To make matters worse, there were photos and rumors of her and Yan Lie "checking into a hotel room"... 

Ji Anyao felt that she was really in huge trouble this time. At this rate, she would have to admit to the rumors! 

She hung up on him again. 

Bai Siyu smiled derisively as his face gradually turned tempestuous. His eyes were glowing like ice under the moonlight, deep and tranquil. 

He placed his fingertips on the cellphone screen, his neatly-trimmed nails round and shiny... Just as he was contemplating if he should call her again, his cellphone began buzzing abruptly. 

His eyes lit up and before he could consciously process it in time, he had already swiped his finger across the screen to answer the call. 

However, he didn't hear the voice that he imagined he would. 

"Siyu! Did you see the news? The photo of your so-called marriage certificate with Ji Anyao is circulating all over the Internet... Things are blowing out of proportion, the media personnel and reporters are blocking the entrance of the office. Even Old Master Bai has been alarmed. They want you to come forward to make a clarification..."

Bai Siyu turned Qin Muyan down before she even finished. 

"Don't bother."

"But the impact of this matter is detrimental. So far, more than one shareholder has called to ask about the truth of the matter. I think... it's better for you to step forth and issue a statement to clarify things... Siyu, are you listening?"

"You can deal with the shareholder. I'm not interested in dealing with such gossipy rumors."

"I know you don't like it. If it's another woman, so be it, but Ji Anyao is also involved with Yan Lie... If you don't speak up, some people might try to take advantage of the situation and use this opportunity to stir greater rumors. I'm worried that things will get out of control and make the situation worse!"

However, no matter how Qin Muyan tried to persuade him painstakingly, Bai Siyu remained unmoved.

After all, he was the one who planned and created those news. Of course, he couldn't shoot himself in the foot.

"Let the media say what they want... If I have to step in to clarify every time there's a rumor or I'm involved in a scandal, wouldn't I have to sit in front of the cameras and hold a press conference every single day? Would I still have time to deal with other matters?"

Hearing the displeasure in Bai Siyu's tone, Qin Muyan couldn't figure out his attitude for a moment, but she knew that it was pointless to continue talking. She would end up making him feel disgusted anyway. Hence, she had no choice but to stop talking. 

"Okay, I know. I will..."

Before she even finished, Bai Siyu's cellphone suddenly vibrated again and he quickly hung up after saying something perfunctory. 

This time, Bai Siyu did not rush to pick up the call. Instead, he looked down at the caller ID that was displayed on the screen. 

It was really Ji Anyao.

After swiping his finger across the screen, Bai Siyu placed his cellphone beside his ear. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a beeping tone. He was still too slow this time and the call had ended. 

Naturally, he had to call her back. 

The ringing lasted for a long while, but there was no response from the other end. 

"What's going on?"

Casually throwing the cellphone onto the desk, Bai Siyu grimaced and lit a cigarette.

Halfway through his smoking session, he frowned with some annoyance, and then picked up the cellphone again to dial her number until the spark at the end of the cigarette was about to burn his finger. Ji Anyao finally picked up the call in a wishy-washy manner, as if she finally couldn't stand it anymore. 

"Hello? What else do you want!?"

She sounded rather aggressive, as if she was speaking to an enemy. She neither sounded gentle nor nice at all. 

Although he had been impatient and was eager for her to pick up, Bai Siyu was no longer in a hurry to speak when she finally did. He slowly snubbed the cigarette butt between his fingers into the ashtray, gently pressing it down twice. 

Sensing that Ji Anyao was about to rush him, he finally asked rhetorically, "Weren't you the one who called?"

"You mean just now...?" Ji Anyao's tone gradually became mellow and she was no longer as assertive as she was in the beginning, but it was not that much better. "I pressed the wrong number by accident. I didn't mean to call you."

"Who were you intending to call then? Han Yi? Or Yan Lie?"

"It's none of your business! Since there is nothing important... I'll hang up!"

Even if there was, she'd still hang up! 

She just wanted to hang up on him! 

'He acts all highly mighty like he's above everyone and the world revolves around him. Does he really think he's that precious? I'm not going to curry favor and flatter him!' 

After thinking about it, Ji Anyao still felt uneasy. Hence, she lowered her head, swiped her fingers across the screen twice and silently blocked Bai Siyu's number. She then let out a long breath, as if she had gotten her revenge!

Bai Siyu was not that furious about her hanging up on him twice in a row and he seemed to have gotten used to it. He didn't care about his pride and called her again. However, he couldn't reach her no matter what. 

He was not a fool and quickly realized what was going on. 

'How dare she block my number?'

'Hah, very bold.' 

Ever since he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, Bai Siyu had never thought that anyone would dare to block his phone number, and a woman at that. 

If word of this leaked out, he would be utterly embarrassed! 

Bai Siyu grabbed his jacket and draped in on his body before walking out with big strides. 

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Qin Muyan walking towards him.

"Siyu, why did you suddenly hang up on me just now? The matter hasn't been settled yet..."

"You can deal with it." 

Bai Siyu did not stop in his tracks and continued walking forward with some ferocity on his cool and handsome face, making him seem daunting and unapproachable. 

"Hey, Siyu! Where are you going? There's a bunch of reporters surrounding the entrance. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for you to go out like this..." 

However, before he could finish, Bai Siyu had already entered the elevator and Qin Muyan couldn't catch up with him in time. She had no choice but to watch the doors close, after which some emotions surged in her beautiful eyes. 

It was not that she was being paranoid, but rather, Bai Siyu was... acting out of the ordinary today.