Chapter 36 - I'll Give You A Mace!

Frowning, Qin Muyan immediately took out her cellphone and dialed a number, as if she had suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, Jin, call Verias Hotel and ask if Bai Siyu returned to the hotel last night... If he didn't, try to find out where he went last night. You can try finding some leads from Yan Lie... Yes, do it immediately, and give me an answer as soon as possible!" 

After hanging up, Qin Muyan lifted her beautiful eyes and strutted towards the office in her pair of crimson heels. 

She ordered the secretary at the door, "Send some people to go down immediately to set up the venue and notify the reporters that we are holding a press conference!"

Hearing this, the secretary was slightly surprised. She had clearly seen Bai Siyu leaving and it looked as if he did not intend to come out to clarify the truth about the scandal.

Hence, she couldn't help but ask a question to clarify her doubt.

"Has the CEO agreed to hold a press conference? But I just saw him walking out of the office, and he seemed to be going out..." 

Before she finished, a cold and menacing gaze was shot at her. Knowing that she had said something wrong, the secretary couldn't help but but hang her head low and keep quiet. 

"You just have to do as you are told! Why do you care so much? Do I still need to report to you and get your approval for the decisions I make?"

"I... That's not what I mean..." The secretary explained softly, keeping her head lowered. She immediately picked up the phone at the side and pressed the quick-dial button. "I will call the personnel immediately to inform them! "

Qin Muyan did not go on further, but her face was turning increasingly hostile. 

Of course she couldn't let such news continue to spread. Since Bai Siyu was unwilling to come forth to clarify things, she would have to step in. Otherwise... some people who lacked self-awareness would probably think that she was just his fiancée in name. 

'Things better not be what I suspect it to be. Otherwise, I won't mind making her pay a painful price for their stupidity!'

In the Yin Family's residence. 

In the past two days, there had been too many changes and events. It took Ji Anyao a great deal of effort to maintain her composure and not overreact on impulse.

However, no matter how much she had "gotten over it", her spirits could not be lifted. 

At dinnertime, she didn't have much of an appetite, and since she couldn't turn down the generous offer from Mrs. Yin, she hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of rice. However, she still couldn't eat much after all. Hence, she put down her chopsticks.

"I'm full."

Yin Mei'er's mother looked at the bowl in front of her with a worried expression. 

"How can you be full when you've only eaten a little? Is the food not to your liking? Tell me what you'd like to eat, I'll ask Aunt Zhang to make you some more..."

"It's alright, I don't have an appetite... I'll go upstairs."

Ji Anyao stood up with an apologetic smile after saying that. 

Knowing that she was feeling upset, Mrs. Yin stopped forcing her.

She comforted her gently, "Go get some rest then. Don't think too much about it. There'll definitely be a solution for this. Later on, I'll ask Aunt Zhang to make you some snacks and serve them to you upstairs. Have some if you're hungry. Don't starve yourself, alright?"

"Yes, thank you." 

Ji Anyao nodded and was about to walk away when she heard the sound of footsteps shuffling quickly towards her, followed by Su Chengyu's voice. As usual, he was boisterous and playful. 

"It smells so good! I'm starving to death! You guys are really heartless. You're enjoying such good food at home and you didn't even call to inform me when it's time to eat! So much for going around running errands for you guys..."

Yin Mei'er raised her eyebrows nonchalantly. 

"You've already had your fill. What should we call you for?" 

Su Chengyu walked over, pulled out a chair, and sat down straight away. 

He retorted, "What do you mean I'm full? What did I eat?"

"The exhaust of your car!" 

"Okay, you two, cut it out." Mrs. Yin interrupted and shook her head helplessly. After glaring at Yin Mei'er, she turned to look at Su Chengyu and asked, "How did things go? Can you stop all those nonsensical rumors?"

Due to the fact that he had been rushing, Su Chengyu was a little out of breath.

After taking a huge gulp of water, he pursed his lips and answered with a look of displeasure, "No… The news is getting out of control! Someone is secretly getting up to tricks again. This matter is hard to deal with. It will take some time to be resolved!"

"Someone is getting up to tricks in secret?" Upon hearing his words, Yin Zhengrong, who had not made a sound, could not help but raise his head and cast an inquisitive glance at him. "What does that mean?"

"Anyao said that she has been feeling like she's being followed by someone lately and soon, those racy photos were exposed. We planned to investigate with the leads that we currently have and went to the hotel to check the surveillance camera footage... Guess what we found in the end?!"

Ji Anyao frowned as soon as she heard that, knowing that it was not good news.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at the hotel?"

"Yes. The surveillance camera footage had been stolen and erased completely... This is a clear sign of the culprit's guilty conscience. Anyao, I think you'd better not go out in the next few days, so that you won't be targeted again! It's better to find a place where you can hide for a while. It's no secret that you and Mei'er are close, so maybe that heartless maniac will find his way here."

"What's the point of hiding? Anyao didn't do anything wrong, why does she need to hide? As for that coward who only knows how to get up to despicable tricks... it'd be best if he finds his way here. I'll break his legs!"

"You're right." 

Su Chengyu nodded. 

He pursed his lips and chimed in, "If he really dares to come, call me! I'll give you a rod or even a mace!"

As they were talking, they heard someone else walk in.

Everyone looked up and roughly guessed that it was Han Yi, but they didn't expect him to arrive with someone else. 

When she saw Gu Mingyuan, Ji Anyao's face instantly became much more sullen and she spoke harshly to him too... Since Gu Mingyuan cared more about his pride, she would embarrass him!

"What are you doing here? Don't say you're here to find me, that would be too interesting!"

Mrs. Yin interjected to persuade her, "Anyao, don't talk to your father like that... You two are father and daughter, why act like enemies? Old Gu is here because he cares about you."

"He doesn't care about me, and I don't need his concern. He didn't care when my mother died, and now he doesn't need to care about my life either." 

Gu Mingyuan's face was gloomy and it became glummer after hearing her words. 

"Ji Anyao, if your mother knew how you turned out after growing up, she would be furious at you!"

Ji Anyao sneered. 

She retorted aggressively, "Mother has already been driven to her grave by you. Why would she be furious?" 


Ashamed and furious, Gu Mingyuan raised his hand and was about to slap her! 

"Uncle Gu!"

"Old Gu! What are you doing?!"

Han Yi and Yin Mei'er's mother hurriedly went forward to stop him.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely awkward and overwhelmingly oppressive.