Chapter 38 - I Want To Marry You Because I Love You

In the Gu Family residence. 

She could not avoid it forever and she had to go home someday. She couldn't stay in someone else's home for the rest of her life anyway. 

Ji Anyao did not blame Han Yi. He was the kind of person who would rather suffer himself than let her be aggrieved. Perhaps, his decision was right.

The successive blows had left her exhausted.

Yet, she had to perk herself up and force herself to face the harsh cynicism without showing any vulnerability. 

She was not indestructible or emotionless, nor was she guarded by walls of steel. Now, she had someone to stand by her, show her support at the lowest point of her life, help her solve all her problems, and protect her so that she wouldn't get hurt... That unconditional love and warmth was coveted by everyone. She was not as strong as she thought she was. She could not stand alone to face all storms.

Han Yi was right. She ought to give him a chance.

'I should also... give myself a chance.'

Seeing Ji Anyao standing outside the door, Han Yi's eyes glistened subtly. He could guess what would happen after she opened the door. That situation was not what he wanted to see. 

"Anyao, if you really don't want to go back, why don't you..." 

Before he finished, Ji Anyao had already walked away. 

She was taking larger strides than before and she kept her back straight. 

"This is my home, I can go back if I want to."

Han Yi understood what she meant, so he didn't say anything else. He took a big step forward and stopped beside her. 

He held her hand and said softly, "I'll go in with you." 

"Okay, don't say anything later. No matter what you hear, don't say anything." 

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Gu Mingyuan had already entered the house long ago and did not wait for her.

Everyone in the house probably already knew that she had returned and were ready to see her making a fool out of herself!

It was not the first time that Ji Anyao encountered this kind of situation. Although she was tired of it, she could deal with it with ease. She had already become familiar with it long ago. 

When she entered the hall, she saw that everyone was gathered together and looking at her in unison, just like what she had expected!


Fan Lingyu took the lead. As soon as she voiced up, Ji Anyao interrupted and took over the conversation. 

"Hey! What's going on? Why are all of you standing here in the middle of the night instead of sleeping? Are you waiting to see an opera? Or is there going to be a trial?!"

"Well, it's all thanks to someone who caused a huge stir and made it impossible for others to get a good sleep. She's had fun outside and now, she's dragging everyone down with her..." 

Gu Ningxi yawned and put up a good pretense. However, there were no signs of sleepiness in her eyes at all. 

Ji Anyao sneered, glanced at her in disdain, and then stopped paying attention to her. She walked across the lobby to go upstairs.

Gu Ningxi's beautiful face immediately became sullen. 

She said in a sharp voice, "Ji Anyao, after causing such a huge trouble and embarrassing the Gu Family, how can you still look as if you are at peace with yourself? Have you got any shame at all!?"

"Huh? Does the Gu Family still have any pride to save? Hasn't the family already been utterly disgraced by a mistress more than ten years ago? I think you should ask your mother if she had any shame when she stripped naked and seduced a married man." 

Gu Ningxi was obviously not her match. She turned red with fury after hearing her words, but there was nothing she could say. She could only glare daggers at her. 

Fang Lingyu was exasperated. How could she be calm after being insulted about something she was sore about? She immediately stood up and started berating Ji Anyao! 

"Ji Anyao, don't falsely accuse others and spout nonsense! What do you know about what happened back then? Do you really think I like seducing men like you do!?"

"Yeah! You gave birth to a bastard child out of wedlock. You're not shameless at all..."

"That's enough!" Gu Mingyuan hollered, his face full of infuriation. "All of you, shut up! Don't you see that there's a guest here? The younger one is insensible and the older one doesn't know any better. You guys are embarrassing!" 

Ji Anyao smirked and turned around to look at Han Yi nonchalantly. 

"I'm going upstairs. It's very late, go home early and get some rest."

Han Yi did not intend to leave. 

"Anyao, I... would like to have a word with you in private." 

"Come upstairs then." 

Watching the two of them go upstairs side by side as if nothing happened and as if the person who caused a stir wasn't Ji Anyao but someone else, Gu Ningxi was boiling with fury.

She made another sarcastic remark in a high-pitched voice, "Strange, a receiver really exists in real life." 

Despite the fact that Ji Anyao repeatedly cautioned him not to interfere in her family affairs, Han Yi couldn't help but be angered. He turned around to snap back at Gu Ningxi after hearing her words. 

"What do you know? The person who has an affair with Anyao is me, so I will marry her and be responsible for her."

Gu Ningxi obviously didn't believe that Han Yi was the one who slept with Ji Anyao, but she was still astonished to hear that he wanted to marry her!

She knew that Han Yi carried a torch for Ji Anyao and thought that after Ji Anyao's scandal was exposed, he would just abandon her... but she didn't expect to hear him saying that he wanted to marry her! 

Wouldn't she have rejoiced for nothing then!?

Fan Lingyu was just as shocked. 

She turned around to face Gu Mingyuan and asked in disbelief, "Is what he said... true? Is there something wrong with his brain!? Would his parents agree to let him marry an indecent woman?" 

"My daughter isn't indecent." 

"Hah! You know clearly whether she's innocent or not!" 

Filled with infuriation, Fan Lingyu had a look of dismay on her face. Seeing that Gu Mingyuan was defending Ji Anyao, her mood was aggravated and she turned around to leave after making the snide remark. 

The two of them stood on the balcony upstairs to enjoy the breeze. 

Ji Anyao enjoyed the scenery instead of facing Han Yi. 

"What do you want to tell me?" 

Han Yi was still concerned about that matter. After hesitating for a moment, he finally asked that question. 

"Was that man... really not Yan Lie?" 

"It wasn't him. He left to handle something urgent afterwards. I heard him picking up a call and he seemed to be in a hurry... I also checked with the hotel and confirmed that he didn't come back again." 

Ji Anyao turned to face him. 

"Why? Does it bother you?" 

Han Yi stepped forward to hug Ji Anyao from behind, and then he lowered his head slowly and rested his chin against the nook of her neck.

"I'd be lying if I say that I'm not bothered..." 

Ji Anyao smiled again. 

"Do you still want to marry me then?" 

Han Yi folded his arms and hugged her even more tightly. 

"I want to marry you… because I love you."