Chapter 39 - Young Master Bai Visits

There were tall and densely packed trees along the streets that led to the Gu Family's residence. The tree leaves rustled with the wind and a few yellow leaves would fall every now and then, forming a cold and lonely arc under the light of the street lamps. 

In the darkness of night, a silvery white car was pulled up beside the road and the headlights were switched off, but no one alighted, though the windows were completely rolled down. 

A gloomy shadow was leaning close to the window and it seemed to flicker a little under the dim light. 

A pair of dagger-like eyes were fixed on the couple who was in each other's embrace on the balcony. 

Squinting, Bai Siyu opened the door of the car and alighted. 

After flicking away the cigarette butt that burnt his finger, he pulled out another cigarette from the box and lit it up. He leaned against the car and took a gentle puff out of it before exhaling fumes of white smoke. 

He fumbled around for his brand new cellphone and then slowly dialed the number that he had already memorized. Bai Siyu stared at the balcony of the Gu Family residence. 

Soon, the figures who were hugging each other parted. 

On the other end of the line, he heard a familiar voice which contained a tinge of puzzlement. 

"Hello, who's this...?"

Placing the cellphone in front of him with the microphone facing him, he answered with an indifferent smile, "Do you still want your bag?"

Ji Anyao's face stiffened a little when she heard Bai Siyu's voice. 

'This guy... called me with a different mobile number?'

'Isn't he very arrogant and aloof?'

'He didn't fall out with me despite knowing that I've blocked his number. Unbelievable.'

Sensing that there was something wrong with Ji Anyao's expression, Han Yi couldn't help but ask, "Anyao, who's calling you at such a late hour?"

"Oh... it's just a friend. She changed her mobile number after going abroad, so she called to inform me about it. There's a difference in time zones, so she didn't pay attention to the time... Hurry and go home! Otherwise, Uncle Han is going to be worried." 

Han Yi was still a little apprehensive, but he decided not to probe further since Ji Anyao had already said that. 

Thus, he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll take my leave. Rest early."

Forcing herself to smile, Ji Anyao moved her cellphone away from her. 

"Goodnight, drive safe."


Only after Han Yi made his way downstairs did Ji Anyao close the door and walk into her room to speak softly over the phone. 

"Are you at Verias Hotel now? Wait for me, I'll head there to collect my belongings at once!"

Under the tree, Bai Siyu said casually, "I'm right below your home."


Ji Anyao panicked and quickly pulled the curtains open to look out. 

She looked around but failed to catch sight of Bai Siyu until he pressed the honk of his car. The sound was the proof of his presence. 

Ji Anyao squinted and looked in the direction of the sound. Although it was dim and she couldn't see clearly, she managed to catch a vague glimpse of a car parked on the asphalt road outside her home, followed by the tall and lanky figure standing leaning against it. 

"You have three minutes."

After saying that, Bai Siyu hung up. 


Ji Anyao grunted and was about to say something when she heard the beeping tone in her ear. 

She called back again, only to realize that he had already shut off his cellphone. 'How quick.' 

He was extremely petty and would take revenge whenever it was due. 


Ji Anyao slammed the cellphone onto the table with a frown. 

Staring at the distant figure, she could still feel the insidious aura that was mixed with a tinge of annoyance coming from him even though he was far away. 

It was late at night and Ji Anyao subconsciously didn't want to leave the house. However, she couldn't help it since he had something against her and even showed up at her doorstep. 

She was clear that if she refused to go out, she would never get her bag back. 

He's ruthless indeed! 

Gritting her teeth, Ji Anyao suddenly turned around, opened the door, and scurried downstairs. 

Gu Mingyuan was still downstairs. Seeing that she was about to go out, he immediately questioned sternly, "Where are you going?"

"Where else can she go? Of course she's going to a rendezvous with a random man!" Gu Ningxi interjected sarcastically while trimming her fingernails. Casting a disdainful glance at Ji Anyao, she remarked sneeringly, "Han Yi has just left moments ago and you're already so eager to go out to meet your adulterous lover. Tsk tsk... I really can't believe that I'm related to such a promiscuous woman by blood."

Hearing her words, Gu Mingyuan looked even angrier. 

"Aunt Yang, close the door! No one is allowed to go out tonight!"

Ji Anyao quickly made up an excuse and pressed onto the door handle. 

"Han Yi left his cellphone here."

Gu Mingyuan did not compromise. 

"Hand it to Aunt Yang, she will pass it to Han Yi."

Ji Anyao turned around and smiled. 

"If you insist on guarding against me like I'm a thief, go ahead. I won't go out and you can return the phone on my behalf... how about that?"

Apprehensive about what she said, Gu Mingyuan knew that she was going to defy him and looked over at her. Seeing that her eyes were not shifty, he decided to let her off the hook. 

"Come back immediately after you're done. If you come back any later than 11, you can forget about coming home."

Ji Anyao sneered and turned around to leave. 

After putting down the nail clippers, Gu Ningxi thought about it and felt that something was off. Hence, she got up and went upstairs where she stood on the balcony to keep a close eye on Ji Anyao with a pair of binoculars. 

Indeed, she did not chase after Han Yi or showed any intentions to get inside his car. 

At this point, it had already been a long while since Han Yi left, but Ji Anyao ran all the way outside the gate and made a turn before hurrying to a car that was parked by the road. 

There was a figure standing outside the car. 

It was a tall and slim man. 

With a faint smirk, Gu Ningxi turned around to go back in and quickly went to fetch her camera. 

The weather was gloomier at night, unlike the clear skies in the day, there seemed to be a layer of fog in the dark sky. 

The street lamp was quite a distance away from them and so it was rather dim. There were two bright lanterns at the main entrance of the Gu Family's residence. The warm red light cast over and intertwined with the bright white lights of the street lamp, forming an orange glow. When it scattered on Bai Siyu's handsome yet austere face, it seemed to soften the sharp contours of his face. 

As the night breeze blew for a while, his hair, which was tidy in the day, began to get blown all over to the sides, leaving some strands of black hair draping loosely over his forehead, making it look a little messy and unruly. 

  Bai Siyu took a puff of his cigarette every now and then, the end of the cigarette flickering like the way Ji Anyao's anxious heart was beating. 

Clearly, his agenda for showing up at her home was not as simple as returning her bag to her. 

If he was that kind, pigs would fly. 

Besides, during the day... she had even blocked his phone number. 

It seemed more likely that he was there to pick fault with her instead of returning her things.