Chapter 15 - Biased

Lin Rui maintained a composed expression as she picked up another slice of meat for herself, right in front of the recalcitrant child. 

She even deliberately chewed on it slowly. 

The recalcitrant child Lin Feng was speechless. 

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva! 

When old Mrs. Lin wanted to say something, Lin Rui spoke up slowly. 

"Lin Feng, how did you lose that ball?" 

"I threw it... the ball accidentally rolled to your room, and you threw it away!"

Although he was young, he knew that he should deny whenever he did something wrong. 

Lin Rui was not surprised. 

She picked up another slice of meat before asking, "Didn't you say that the ball rolled to my room, and then you told me to return it to you?"

Lin Feng nodded and exclaimed, "Yeah!" 

"I then tossed the ball at your balcony, didn't I?"


"In the end, you failed to catch it, and it flew away. Then, you told your babysitter to take it, right?" 

After being asked several questions in a row, Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded. 

He thought about it carefully and felt that there was nothing wrong with those questions.

Hence, he nodded again and said, "Yeah." 

Lin Rui concluded, "So it's your babysitter who didn't find your ball. I know that ball was signed by Mei Dong, and it's very precious. So, you have to get your babysitter to pay for it." 

Lin Feng was speechless. 

Seeing that old Mrs. Lin really enjoyed eating the 'Buddha Jumps Over the Wall' dish, Lin Rui said to her, "Grandma, Lin Feng accidentally broke my glass window with his soccer ball when he was playing with it. I know he definitely didn't mean to do that, so I didn't get angry either. I returned the soccer ball to him, but I didn't expect him and his babysitter to not catch the ball and cause it to go missing. This is an accident. Grandma, you really enjoy 'Buddha Jumps Over the Wall', don't you? I'll cook it for you another day. This dish takes quite some time to cook, and I won't have time to do it today. I'll wake up early tomorrow to cook it for you." 

Old Mrs. Lin was at a loss for words. 

After successfully retorting against everyone, Lin Rui was full too. 

She stood up, and when she walked past Xu Man, she said in a serious tone, "Auntie Xu, you should really discipline Lin Xiao. Tsk, regardless of whether or not I will play darts in the future, it's so rude for Lin Xiao to enter someone else's room without knocking on the door. Fortunately, I'm a woman. If I were a man and I was undressing or something when she came in, how terrible would that be?"

"You!" Lin Xiao panicked. 

Xu Man's face turned red then pale, and then red again. 

Pressing her daughter Lin Xiao's hand, she said smilingly, "Yes, I will educate Lin Xiao properly in the future." 

"Yeah, look how well you've taught me. Lin Xiao is your biological daughter after all. Don't be biased." 

Her words struck a chord in Xu Man's heart, and her body trembled. 

At the same time, Xu Man felt a little uneasy. 

She wondered, 'Has this girl discovered something!?'

Old Mrs. Lin was stunned, thinking that her granddaughter seemed rather sensible today. 

During dinner, everyone had complicated emotions. 

When they were done eating and returned to their rooms, Lin Xiao rushed directly into her mother's bedroom.

As soon as she entered, she burst into tears and said, "Mother, Lin Rui caused me so much pain when she hit me today! She slammed a thick book on my face, and I was almost disfigured!"

Xu Man was seated in front of the dresser and touching up her makeup. She was rather frustrated after the incident that Lin Rui caused today. 

Xu Man rebuked with a frown, "Blame it on yourself for entering her room without knocking on the door." 

"I didn't use to knock on her door in the past, and she was never bothered. Who would have thought that she would..." Lin Xiao paused and once again recalled the uneasy feeling that made her heart jump. 

Lin Xiao exclaimed softly, "Mother, why does Lin Rui seem to have changed!?"