Chapter 16 - Unforgettable Dreamboat

Xu Man was wiping her lipstick when she heard that. Her hand suddenly jerked, and her lipstick got smudged. 

On the other hand, Lin Xiao immediately said, "Mother, she used to believe everything you said. Yet, ever since she regained her consciousness after the car accident, she snipped off her colorful hair and stopped putting on heavy makeup. Also, Lin Rui used to adore Brother Jin to bits, but she agreed to Brother Jin's request to cancel their engagement without saying another word. Besides, look at how she managed to trump Lin Feng today. Also, since when has she ever dared to hit me? Mother, do you think Lin Rui..." 

Xu Man suddenly turned around and asked, "What?" 

"Do you think she's possessed by a ghost!?'

After saying that, Lin Xiao felt chilly all over but that feeling vanished again afterwards. 

Still feeling afraid, she said, "Anyway, I just feel that Lin Rui has been acting strangely ever since the car accident. Regardless of whether she is possessed by a ghost or not, it won't be good for us if this goes on." 

The last thing her daughter said had struck a chord within her. 

"Regardless of whether she is possessed by a ghost or not, it won't be good for us if this goes on."

Xu Man had a feeling that Lin Rui would soon be out of her control.

That feeling made her feel extremely displeased!

It had been many years since Fang Yuluo passed away, and she had become a goddess-like figure who was deeply etched within Lin Zikang's heart. He would never forget her. 

There was nothing Xu Man could do about that. 

However, she would never let Lin Rui become a competent girl!

She would not let her turn over a new leaf and change for the better! 

At the very least, her daughter, Lin Xiao should be trampling all over Lin Rui! 

Only then would Xu Man feel that she had trumped Fang Yuluo. 

Looking at herself and her red-lipstick-stained lips in the mirror, Xu Man raised the corners of her lips. 

'Is she possessed by a ghost?'

'We'll put her through an exorcism then.' 

Lin Zikang returned home late that night, and the thoughtful Xu Man meticulously filled the bathtub with water and prepared a fresh set of clean clothes for him. 

Knowing that Lin Zikang would keep a watchful eye on Lin Rui all the time, Xu Man obviously wouldn't be so silly as to tell him about putting Lin Rui through an exorcism. 

She could control her temper and was patient enough. 

She did not say a single word about the conflicts that happened between the children in the day and was acting normally. 

However, Lin Zikang mentioned Lin Rui. 

He asked, "How is Lin Rui today? She has just been discharged, and her body hasn't fully recovered yet. Look after her." 

Xu Man pursed her lips. 

'That wretched girl Lin Rui first bullied Lin Feng and then beat Lin Rui up. In the end, she even managed to perfectly dupe old Mrs. Lin.' 

'You call that not fully recovered?'

'She's already very nimble and agile!'

Of course, that was what Xu Man thought to herself. 

She immediately nodded and said, "Of course, I've always doted on Lin Rui. Kang, you know that very well." 

Lin Zikang nodded and answered a phone call before going to the study to read his emails again.

Just as he turned around, a wicked gaze formed in Xu Man's eyes. 

'When Lin Zikang goes on a business trip abroad in a few days, I will teach that wretched girl Lin Rui a hard lesson!'

After all, Xu Man was a scheming woman who could stay patient and was full of tricks. 

Otherwise, she wouldn't have managed to stay firm in her position as Lin Zikang's wife for so many years. 

After all, Lin Zikang struck a fortune at a young age and was only 40 years old now. He was a handsome, refined, and wealthy dreamboat whom many young girls coveted.

However, Lin Zikang respected himself, and Xu Man had been guarding him closely in all aspects. Hence, he had never committed adultery. 

Lin Rui did not know or care about what was going on in the master bedroom. 

However, due to the possibility that Lin Xiao might enter her room without knocking on the door again, Lin Rui locked the door after she returned to the room. 

Holding onto a plate of freshly made claypot meat, she turned around and entered Qi Bao's space.