Chapter 28- Lonely for a Thousand Years

Lin Xiao was extremely aggrieved. 

"Who would have thought that she would play such a trick on me? Worst still, she even took pictures of me. What if she shows those pictures to my classmates and friends?"

Xu Man looked at her daughter's tender face, her features distorted because of her anger.

With a sullen expression, she said, "Until next Wednesday, you have to be nicer to Lin Rui, so that she can let her guard down. If you get bullied by her and end up in such an embarrassing state, or if you ruin my plans, I'll send you home and make you stay there for a while." 

Lin Xiao was stunned.

She realized that her mother was really furious. 

Deep down, Lin Xiao's hatred for Lin Rui grew stronger, but she didn't want to go back to her hometown. 

The miserable life of poverty in her hometown was not as comfortable as being the daughter of the Lin Family in Jin City. 

Lin Xiao immediately nodded and said, "Mother, I was wrong. From now on, I'd definitely be able to bear with it and stay calm! For the next few days, I'll treat Lin Rui well like she's my biological sister!" 

Xu Man's stern gaze became tender again. 

She reached out and rubbed her daughter's long hair and said gently, "Lin Xiao, you don't have to worry. In the future, your life will definitely be a hundred times more glorious than Lin Rui's. In the future, everything that belongs to the Lin Family will definitely belong to you and Lin Feng."

"Yes!" Lin Xiao's eyes immediately lit up. 

Just as the pair were whispering to each other, Lin Rui had already returned to her room and continued to go read the books that covered the middle school syllabus. 

She would never forget what she had read. 

However, she would have to do many practice questions to internalize the information. 

Besides, Lin Rui even placed some snacks and a tablet into Qi Bao's space. 

"I've downloaded a lot of variety shows, movies, cartoons and so on in this electronic tablet. Qi Bao, see which category you like, I'll download it for you later. However, this is temporary. Once I can start cultivating, my spiritual power will be able to support the connection between this world and your space. You can then surf the internet."

However, even if he could not connect to the internet, for the time being, Qi Bao was still excitedly sizing up the electronic tablet. 

He clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and said, "This item is interesting. It'd be a good recreational artifact in Canglan too."

After all, he was a child at heart and would marvel with excitement at things that he liked. 

Lin Rui reached out and rubbed Qi Bao's soft, fine hair, feeling a little heartache for him. 

'This child has been lonely for more than a thousand years.'

While her heart was aching for Qi Bao, Lin Rui immediately thought of her disciple Xing. 

'How did Xing spend those thousand-odd years?'

'I must find Xing!'

If she wanted to find Xing, she would have to transmigrate to various spaces.

In that case, she would have to cultivate, but now...

When she thought of the thunderstruck wood comb, Lin Rui pursed her lips. 

'I'd better wait and see.' 

'Perhaps, I can come across another treasure with spiritual power that can cleanse me?' 

On the following morning, Lin Xiao followed Lin Rui to school after breakfast. 

Lin Xiao no longer looked embarrassed about what happened yesterday. 

Lin Rui had to admit that she admired Lin Xiao for that. 

Lin Rui was wearing the unique blue school uniform of Experimental High School. 

The top was a short-sleeved snowy-white shirt, but the bottom was an ink-blue suit trousers.

Lin Xiao pursed her lips when she saw Lin Rui dressing up like a boy. 

However, she still remembered the instructions her mother gave her last night after all.

Lin Xiao said to Lin Rui affectionately, "Sister, we are still in the same class. It's a long journey from home to school. I'll be driving later, why don't we go to school together in my car?"