Chapter 29 - Found Xing!

Since Lin Rui's sports car had been reimbursed, she had yet to ask Lin Zikang to buy her another one. 

Worried that his precious daughter might get into a car accident while driving again, he did not mention the matter of a sports car.

Of course, if Lin Rui wanted to buy another sports car, Lin Zikang would definitely not turn down his baby daughter's request.

Lin Rui looked at Lin Xiao quietly before saying, "No need for that. I've developed a psychological trauma from riding in your car." 

After Lin Rui said that, she walked towards the door.

On the other side, Uncle Zhong had already stopped in front of the mansion in a black Mercedes Benz. 

Lin Xiao thought for a few seconds before she understood what Lin Rui meant.

She was so infuriated that her face was red and pale. 

If her mother Xu Man hadn't admonished her yesterday, Lin Xiao would have rushed over and scratched Lin Rui's face.

'I threw up in the car, all because of you, Lin Rui!'

'How dare you despise me!?'

  Lin Rui had already gotten into the car.

After she got in the car, she took out the books inside her schoolbag and read them quietly. 

The sunlight shone through the car window, making it seem peaceful and serene. 

Uncle Zhong had seen all of Lin Rui's changes. 

The gaze in his eyes had become more and more benevolent as he was heartened to see her changes. 

"Miss Lin Rui, I'm going to move off now." 

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Zhong." 

It was still early and Experimental High School was just a short distance away from home. 

Besides, Lin Rui was reading with her head down, so Uncle Zhong drove the car very steadily and slowly.

Just as he was about to arrive at the Experimental High School, Lin Rui suddenly heard the excited voice of Qi Bao ringing in her head. 

"Master Master! I've found Xing!"

Lin Rui tightened her grip on the book. 

'Stay calm, stay calm, Uncle Zhong is still in the car...'

After taking two deep breaths, Lin Rui quickly adjusted her emotions and then used her spiritual power to communicate with Qi Bao.

"Where is Xing?"

"Master, Master, Xing is on the tablet!"

Lin Rui was speechless. 

There was too much joy in Qi Bao's voice which revealed his emotions. 

Lin Rui missed Xing even more. 

While Uncle Zhong was concentrating on driving, Lin Rui quickly took her electronic tablet out from inside the space.

A variety talk show was being displayed on the screen. 

At the set of the program, there were two red couches, and a beautiful female host in her thirties was seated on one of them, clad in a red dress, while on the other couch...

Lin Rui's pupils constricted.

It was Xing!

She hurriedly put on her headphones and then pressed the play button.

The female host said, "Yun Ze, rumor has it that you are going to switch to a different career. That's such a shame! You know, you are the youngest actor to win the 'Best Actor Award' in history."

"Yes, I'm planning to switch to a different career."

Yun Ze was wearing a navy blue bespoke suit, and he had a full head of broken hair, with his bangs faintly cutting the bright light from his eyes.

He had exquisite features, and his smile was perfect. One would feel comfortable and warm after just taking a single look at him.

He was so handsome that he looked like an angel that had landed in the mortal world. 

After hearing his words, the female host was immediately excited. "Yun Ze, what do you plan to do next? Are you still going to stay in the entertainment industry?"

"Yes, it's still going to be in the entertainment industry, but what exactly I'm going to do shall remain confidential for the time being."

Yun Ze smiled faintly and continued, "Of course, I won't let my fans down."

When he finished saying that sentence, he turned his head to smile at the camera.

His smile made it feel like the breeze of spring blew over, and flowers seemed to have bloomed in his eyes. 

The screen was covered in pop-up comments the moment Yun Ze smiled.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, my son is smiling at me! I can't take it anymore, my heart has stopped beating!"

"Get lost, my son is obviously smiling at me!"

"Everyone else, get out, my husband has been staring at me!"

"Your face is too large, I can't even see the screen clearly!"

Lin Rui gently stroked the spot where her heart was and suddenly burst into laughter. 

'Why does it seem like he's looking at me too?'