Chapter 4 A Law-Abiding Good Young Man

After discussing with his mother, Yun Kai headed straight back to school.

The car was very quiet, when suddenly the ringtone of the mobile phone burst forth. Yun Kai pulled out the phone, glanced at it with a gleaming cold look, and answered the call.

"Yun Kai… where are you? I drank a bit too much last night, fell asleep the moment I got back to the dorm, and only realized today that you didn't come back,"

From the other end of the phone came a crisp, sweet voice. Liu Xixi, once her best friend, and also one of the culprits who had pushed her into hell.

Yun Kai lowered her eyelids, and said indifferently, "I went home for a bit, and now I'm on my way back to school."

Liu Xixi replied with a long "Oh," "I see… I'm not at school right now; I'm eating with classmates at the 'Elegant Room.' You should come too, my treat."

Yun Kai's eyes darkened, and her lips curved into a mocking sneer.

Was it really to treat her to a meal, or was it to make her the scapegoat?

In her previous life, she woke up in a hotel, completely terrified, and called Liu Xixi in a panic, hoping she could help piece together what had happened the night before.

Liu Xixi told her it was nothing, but then turned around and spread the story as gossip during the banquet at the 'Elegant Room.'

She hadn't attended this banquet; after canceling her engagement with the Huo Family, she went to find Xu Jianan.

By the time she heard the rumors, it was too late. Her reputation was ruined, and the school was abuzz with scandalous talk of her lacking decency, allegedly sleeping with a producer for a chance at an audition.

But her audition opportunity had come from her mentor's recommendation!


The 'Elegant Room' was opulent, luxurious yet dignified and elegant. Yun Kai went directly to private room 999 as Liu Xixi had mentioned.

She reached out to push open the thickly carved mahogany door, which was abruptly halted by a piercing scream.

"I was wrong, I was wrong; I'll never dare to do it again!"

Yun Kai saw a man kneeling on the ground, his hair disheveled, with a bruised and swollen face, ceaselessly kowtowing and begging, "Seventh Master, I will never dare again, please have mercy and spare me this time."

His head was already broken, and the blood dyed the carpet, leaving behind dark traces.

Yun Kai widened her eyes in shock, instinctively looking towards the man called Seventh Master.

He was a very young and handsome man, sitting in the shadows. His bold and severe features made him look sharp and icy, with deep, cold eyes that vaguely settled on her, like the blade of a cold and fierce knife, threatening to slash towards her slender neck.

Under the dim, lavish light, he seemed dangerous and attractive, provoking unconsciously endless fantasies.

Yun Kai immediately remembered the man standing by her bedside.

It was him————

Her mind seemed to be struck by something, going blank, and Yun Kai was so frightened that she lost her ability to react for a moment.

A man holding a dining knife in the private room coldly asked, "Looking for someone?"

Her heart uncontrollably thumping with anxious intensity, Yun Kai struggled to suppress it.

The man kneeling and begging for mercy, the Seventh Master sitting on the sofa, and the man next to them holding a dining knife… This couldn't be a murder scene, could it?

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place…" apologizing, Yun Kai immediately retreated, closed the door behind her, and ran off in a hurry.

The man holding the dining knife watched the door close and the panicking girl run away. He waved the knife in his hand and laughed: "This little sister, she didn't think I was committing a murder, did she? I, Ji Huaiyu, am a law-abiding good young man!"