

I don't remember falling asleep but I wish yesterday could just not have to end.

I never wanted today to reach but then I didn't have control over time , because if I did I could change alot. I stood up and went to the bathroom . I couldn't go to school ,I looked like shit . I had dark circles under my eyes lack of sleep . I have been crying my eyes out for days.

I only smiled a couple of times when I could remember the times we had fun together as a family now they were memories.

I brush my teeth and wash my face as I go back to bed under the covers. My bedroom is a mess pictures scattered all over clothes but I don't have the energy to pick them all up. Soffie has been trying to talk to me but I can't let her ,I don't want her to see me this broken. No one knows today is my dad's anniversary new beginnings right?? I wish Becca was here with me right now she was my strength but now she is not. It's funny how someone's life can go from happiness to sorrow in seconds.

As a person who overthinks I can never tell someone how I feel I don't want any person seeing me as a weakling. I don't want pitty. Becca was my motivation ,when she left I felt like life was meaningless , you will never understand how it feels though. She took the news of our dad's death better than I could.

So today I had to be strong for her but I couldn't I had to cry to see if the pain could be less. I found the film's of us during our birthdays and I would watch them . The big teddy my dad bought me for my seventeenth birthday was wet with my tears. I smiled when I see my dad playing soccer with Hugho , my elder brother. Speaking of Hugho I miss him I haven't talked to him in while. I decide that I have to call him later . He is kinda the only family I have left . He lives in LA we just talk over phone time to time. He is like every big brother always protective wanting to know what is going on in my life , which guy he should beat up and shit like that. I chuckle when I remember telling me not to have a boyfriend , well I guess fate listened to him cause I don't have one. I stand up and grab my phone from the bedside let me talk to this shit I have as a brother. I dial his number and he keeps up with the second ring."How's my favourite human being in the world doing",he says way to lift up my moods."Hey am coping if I can say that am doing good , how are you?" I ask him " Am doing well pumpkin",he says . He is talking as if he doesn't remember what today is why is he so relaxed." Did you forget what today is?"I ask him ." Of course not I can never forget that ",he says ." Well why do you sound so relaxed then??"I ask ."Well because I realized me sulking will never bring him back life goes on he will always be present in my life here or not am sure he wouldn't want us to be crying for him he would want you to be happy right?" He says . He is right he wouldn't want this , he would want us to have fun live to the fullest make him proud and what an doing isn't in the list," your right this time round ",I tell him laughing. "Am always right shithead so where are you ?"he asks. " Am at home ", I tell him knowing he'll be mad I didn't go to school. " You're a big girl I can't scold you for that , got any plans for the day?" He asks . "Yeah but I'll pass I had this date but I can't go ",I tell him. "Wow I can't believe my baby sister is growing up so fast you have a boyfriend now huhh", he says between laughs. " Crap I don't have time to date now that shit is full time employment",I say.He laughs even harder ," is that how much he poisoned your heart and mind??"he asks . I know who he is talking about but I'mma act as if I don't get ,"who are you talking about?" I ask him " Don't give me that shit you know who am talking about ",he says . He knew how much my last relationship left me fucked up. "It's not about that am just not ready for anything serious",I tell him. " Are you sure about that or is it the fact that you're just scared it will end up like the last one",he says . I don't want him to remind me am scared of loving. "Enough of me , who are you seeing are you still with that brunette what's her name again Leah or what?"I ask him " Her name is Alexa gods do you want me to remind you a thousand times and yes am still with her",he says . " You decided to settle now huhhh",I say chuckling remembering how he was the girls boy when we were in highschool fuckboy much . " Yeah am done with this other hoes ", he says while laughing. " Wow I can't believe my brother is saying this it's a miracle",I tell him. " Quit making fun of me , I think we'll talk some other time I have a meeting in the next ten minutes wish me luck ",he says . "Are you signing a business deal?"I ask " yeah it's with so e Russian company it's a good deal", he says . " I give you all my blessings I don't need them right now ", I tell him while chuckling. "I love you shithead", he says . " Love you too dinassour ", I cut the call before he gets to curse me . Dinassour was his nickname back in the days . Calling him was good choice I feel better and I think he was right my dad wouldn't want me to be mopping around like this I need to get my act together.

I have to start with cleaning . I hear the door bell chiming and wonder who it is it definitely wouldn't be Enzo . I go to open the door and I have never been this happy in my life in the past two weeks precisely. There on my door step is Hugho and Max . Max is my brothers best friend maahhhnnnn they made my day I mean I felt like shit in the morning and now two people who were my happiness were here .

I jump hugging my brother tightly not wanting to let go . " Hey pumpkin" he greets me. " Hey shithead", I greet him chuckling . I let go of him as I hug Max , " you couldn't tell me you were coming huh", I say . " That would ruin the suprise " says Max . I let them in the apartment as they take the bags they have to the kitchen which I assume to be groceries and take out food. " I thought we were Bros" ,I say to Max faking a pout . " It's fine ill give you a heads up next time cute ", he says. " Ewwwwww how can you call me cute that's gay",I say . " Shut up your place looks like shit", he says . My brother decides to come then ," why does your bedroom look like shit ?" Ihe says . I knew he would ask so the next hour is spent in cleaning my apartment which is just messy not dirty ,most of the time is just used in inside jokes. I missed this wierdos way fucking much and am so happy they are with me here . We sit down in my living room as Max chooses the movie to watch as my brother brings the food they bought so we eat an farmished. Pizza with pepperoni and pineapple toppings , I don't know how they want us to finish this two large pizzas. But I never underestimate them. We eat while reminding each other our embarrassing moments together and shit is funny. I didn't realize how much they were a part of my life . We ate and we're tired of eating so we were just talking and watching until we heard the door bell. Max volunteered to go check who it was . " Hey there is someone here for you ", he said to me. . Who could it be now?? He comes and sit down as I go to check and then remember I had a date when I see Enzo there with a busted lip . He looks pissed . " You could have told me your boyfriend is coming over instead of not picking my calls , I thought we were going somewhere?" Well boyfriend who is he talking about . " You know what I don't care go have fun with your dude " he says as he walks away . I burst out laughing as I go back to the apartment , he thinks Max is my boyfriend . Lame , he can believe whatever he wants I don't fucking care just like he doesn't two can play this. I go sit down and take my phone I have five missed calls from Enzo woww I didn't even hear my phone . I guess that happens when you're with good company so you even forget to check your phone.

"About that Russian deal how did it go??"I ask Hugho and we all burst out laughing.


Hey loves😍 here is another chapter I hope you like it I'll be trying now to update daily . Please remember to vote after you done . I noticed there are some errors in the previous chapters I'll try not to mess up with the rest of the chapters. I love y'all ❤️❤️.