

Ella's POV

I was bored . I mean who isn't bored scratch that maybe an the boring one. I've run out of stuff to do at home. I decide to redecorate my room. I don't know what I should paint obviously not pink that's too girlish . I'd really want to paint black but then uuuhhhmmmm naaaahhh I'll do some other thing. My room is just plain white and it's boring. I decide to do a sky blue with some splashes of white I don't know how it's gonna turn out but I'd like to try. So know I have to rush to the store and buy some paints and brushes. I grab my car keys from the coffee table as I go out . I drive to the store near my apartment it's not like near it's a little far .

"Hey",I greet the guy at the store. He glances up at me and greets me "Hey ,how can I help you miss?" "Well I would like some blue and white paint with some brushes",I tell him as he writes it down and hands the sheet to his assistant I guess, though he looks young to own this huge place. "Do you want someone to help you in painting I'll be free in like thirty",he says smirking." Naaaahhh am good I can manage alone",I tell him. " If you say so , well uhhmm am Xander ",he says . "Ella",I tell him as the guy I assume to be his assistant comes with my orders. I pay for the stuff and head out. "See you around Ella ", says Xander. "I sure don't think so ",I said under my breath but guess what he heard me."We sure will ",he says and I can't stop the laugh that escapes from my mouth. I go to my car and open it as I put the paints and brushes in the back seat . I start the car and hit road back to my apartment.

I reach my place and move my bedroom furniture as I try to figure out what to paint. If I paint the way I wanted previously it may end up not being that cute ,so I decide to paint some walls blue and the other part white I hope it turns out well. I change my clothes and start painting . It's alot of work than I had expected earlier. As I paint I realise how alone I am I mean if I had someone like a friend apart from Soffie of course I wouldn't be painting alone. Loneliness is peace sometimes but it sucks at some point I mean look at me . Am so used to being alone to the point when I get to know other people I see it as a bother when they invite me out. Let me die in peace pleasee people. I look around and the part I've painted looks good. Two and a half hours later am done. I've changed the beddings to blue and there is a drawing on the wall near the headboard. It looks cute actually. I look at my work and I can proudly say I am a certified painter. I am tired and all I need now is foo and sleep. I decide to shower first time I'll cook something. I get rid of my clothes and go to my shower . I scoop some shampoo into my hands as I rub it on my palms and apply it on my hair . I let the shower run once am done and I really like the feeling of the water its relaxing in an unexplainable way. I take two towels from the towel rack and tie one on my head so my wet hair doesn't drip water everywhere and cover myself with the other. I open my bathroom door and almost fall down because am startled with who is in my room. ""Scared you pretty",he says . Wtf I mean how is my privacy going to apply here . "What are you even doing here?"I ask him. "Can't I say hi?"he says . Stupid motherf****r ."if you haven't noticed yet I am not wearing any clothes so get out I need to put on some clothes"I say. "You'll be cute even without any clothes on pretty ",he says as he stands from my bed and makes his way to the living room. Jerk , pervert he can really get to my nerves. To be honest I am happy seeing him. I dry myself and apply oil on my body as I take the clothes I chose which consist of grey yoga pants and some tank top.My undies are missing I thought I put everything here but then maybe I forgot . I pick a clean pair and wear my clothes.

I go to the living room and Enzo is looking at some pictures of me and Ryan if am not wrong . "Is this your boyfriend?"he asks told yah. "Quit snooping around my stuff ,he is just someone I know no one special", I tell him as I go to the kitchen. I can't believe I don't have grocery so I have to eat take out today. " Hey I don't have groceries so I'll definitely order what do you want me to order for you ?"I ask him . "I just want Chinese ",he says that's what I was gonna order anyway . I make the order and seat on the couch opposite him as we wait for the delivery."Do you like have any siblings?"he asks . Sneeky little thing okay ,"yeah a brother"I say. "Older or younger", he asks again ." Older",I say. " Mmmmhhhhmmm so like where do your parents stay?"he asks again . "You ask alot of questions",I tell him and I hear the door bell signaling that delivery has arrived.


Hey guys 🤩so here is another chapter. I am really trying so hard so I can get to update on a daily basis. Please remember to vote 😍😍. You can also share it and it's only available on this app I've not written it in any other app .

Thanks for the support guys ❤️❤️.