

Enzo's POV.

Earlier in the day....


I wonder what it was this Camila girl had against Ella. It's not everyday that someone just shows up who you are not in good terms with and joins your circle of friends. I wonder what Jade knows about this.

I drive to Ella's place and wait for her as she grabs some of the things she wants. We pass by the grocery shop to buy some stuff we need and head over to my place.

I glance at my watch and realize it's almost time for my therapy session.

"Uuuhhh cupcake I gotta rush somewhere I'll be back later ",I tell her as I kiss her on the cheek.

"Where are you going if I may ask?"she asks .

"Am supposed to go over at the house my dad wanted to talk to me about some stuff",I lie .

"Well okay ,be safe",she says as I grab my car keys from the coffee table.

"I sure will",I say as I get out of the house.

I make my way to the coffee shop and buy two coffees like always and head over to Dr Potter's office.