

Dedicated to Jeff.

Enzo's POV.

I had to make a decision as I made my way to the doctors office I kept thinking of what it will be...

I know I was being selfish holding her back but she was my strength. A mother was everything she could always make you feel believe that you could get yourself out of any situation.

I haven't talked to my sister since the fight we had . I hope she would come . I had to let my mum go it is the right decision.

"Enzo you're back huh",says the doctor as he walks out of his office.

"Yeah I had to come sooner or later"I say .

"Your sister and father are actually here they were waiting for you",he says as he walks to the direction of the elevator.

We reach my mum's room and my sister and dad are out sitting on the bench .

Cindy stands up and walks to me the moment she sees me.

I feel like my world is shattered when I see her teary face.