

I did not know how much I had missed this place until I came back. It had changed so much but the things that happened in the past had not changed a bit.

My mum greets me on the doorstep immediately I get off the car. She was so excited when I called her and said I'll be coming home for Christmas. The smile on her face makes her look more lively not forgetting the fact that she looked like she had lost a couple of pounds since I last saw her seems like it was due to the chemo.I EVer knew how much I missed my mother until I saw her. No matter how much she had wronged in the past all I could think about was if I was in trouble she was the person I could come to. She always felt like home because she was home and everybody needed that .

"Hey",I greet her after entangling myself from her embrace .

"Hey come on in , you actually came in time I am baking some cookies come help me",she says.