

I wake up thirty minutes to seven. I take a quick shower as I get ready for work. My hair is literally a mess now I have to comb it and untangle it .I successfully untangle my hair and style it to a low bun.

I wear my work uniform which is literally a dress as I check if I have everything

1. Pepper spray check

2.Phone check

3.Earphones check

Well looks like am ready for work.I grab an apple from the kitchen on my way out . I close my apartment door as I wear my hoodie .

Ten minutes later am at the dinnery and am greeted by Miss C "Hey Ella", she says smilling at me. "Hey how's work today",I say as I wear my apron ready to start my shift ." Just the usual sweetie", she says as she goes to her office.

Let the day begin "hey freak ",says Cora . The nerve of this bitch I feel like pulling her hair from her skull.

I relieve a sigh of relief as the door opens as a couple enters the dinnery.

I walk over to them with a smile on my face, " hello welcome to The Hab dinnery my name is Ella I'll be your waiter for tonight what can I get you", I say . "Hello too well we'll give you our oders in a bit",the man says as I go back to the reception desk.

My night goes on pretty smooth after that with me getting tips from the tables I serve.

Some fifteen minutes to the end of my shift when everything was going smoothly the least person I expected to see comes in the dinnery.

Too bad Cara already left and everyone else is busy at different tables so I have to serve him.

"Hello welcome to The Hab dinnery my name is Ella I'll be your waiter for tonight what can I serve you", I say the lines I have come to master.

He literally looks me up and down doesn't he have some manners uuuhhhff guys are just..."well are you on the menu tonight hazel",he says like it's nothing bad . The nerve of this human who the hell does he think he is eye rapping me and asking if am on the menu ." Sorry sir I am definitely not on the menu ,are you stalking me ??", I ask this fine piece... what the hell am I thinking this is a result of being around Soffie all day.

"It's Jade not sir you could have asked me but you can also call me master you know..",he says while wetting his lips. I huff as I wait for his order "I'll take a milkshake and a muffin",he finally says.

I walk away from the wierdo, how do you order a milkshake and a muffin at this time well people are different I guess.

I tell Wesley the order as he hands me the order in a tray .

I make my way to Jade uuuhh nice name right .

I slide the tray towards him and turn to leave when he speaks up "aren't you going to sit down and keep me company pretty",.

"Too bad it's not in the rules of me being a worker here ",I tell him as I go to take my bag . I remove my apron and hang it in the changing room as I go to talk to welsey for a while because I have to be the one who collects the payment from Jade.

I plop myself on the stool near him as I take out my phone from my bag to check if I have any notification , well none and am singing in my head trust no one , love no one.

" Tell me you're here to invite me over to your place I can give you a nice massage I know you're tired",he tells me grinning like a baby who has been given a cookie.

"Am sorry but naaaahhh I'll pass ", I say as I see Jade making his way to were we are well it's about time I went home. He pays as I say my byes to Wesley and take my bag and leave.

Nights are peaceful do you know that ,I'll rather say here night's are peaceful I don't know about where you are. I take my phone plug my earphones in and put my music on shuffle as I walk down the street to my place .

I feel like someone's following me so I take my pepper spray and turn around ready to use it on whoever is following me . I turn around and find a grinning Jade he notices what I have in my hand and breaks into a non controlable laughter the kind you feel like not doing nothing than lying down and laughing your ass off .

I am officially pissed what's funny , does he think am some baby who doesn't know how to defend herself so I have to carry pepper spray around. It just makes things a little funnier you know . Am a big girl and living in this cruel world I had to take defense classes.

"What's funny asshole??",I ask him when he decides to shut up . "Nothing really ",he says , well good boy he saw am pissed already.

"Why are you following me if I may ask 'stalker'"?,I ask him as I continue walking with him following me . " I just wanted to walk you home you know streets are not safe ",he says scratching the back of his head .

Am actually almost at my place and wonder where he is escorting me to ooohhh he doesn't know my place .

"Thank you for wanting to be my escort but I don't need it am fine by myself",I say as I wait for Don to open the gate . "I still escorted you if you didn't notice Hazel",he says giving me a million dollar smile . Don opens the gate to let me in and I turn towards Jade "quit the nickname my name is not Hazel I remember telling you my name when I served you ",I say as I leave him there ." Have a goodnight Hazel ",I hear his voice as I give Don the burgers I brought him . He doesn't listen does he .... I reach my apartment open it remove my snickers change my clothes and get ready for bed . Tommorow is another day which I have to figure out when it reaches . I say a quick prayer and get under the covers and am pulled to sleep in no time .


Hey guys another update sorry the chapter is a little bit short .I don't know how you'll feel about this chapter . Please remember to vote after your done reading you can also comment and give me your views.

I'll be uploading pictures of how I picture the characters of this book so far I've only introduced six people in the book . I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try to update frequently.

Please don't forget to vote ❤️❤️