
The Jorks

Soffie stayed over for the weekend and I was so glad not being home alone. She kept on asking me about Jade and I told her were just friends but she didn't believe me . Actually it was true I wasn't interested in any relationship. I figured sometimes it's better to just be friends with people instead of being in an intimate relationship. It complicates alot of things. I looked at my watch and realized I was an hour early to school today. As obvious I didn't prepare breakfast so I decide to go and grab coffee and some muffins as I wait for Soffie.

Thirty minutes later I see Soffie's car pull up to the parking lot. She locks her car as she comes over to where I am.

"Good you remembered to buy me some coffee but isn't it cold,"she says.

"It's really not I just bought yours like right now ",I say . "Okay thanks for the coffee can we go now",she says as she continues walking to the direction of the lecture halls. On our way we meet Jade and his friends. I actually pass him like I don't know him ."Hey Hazel you now gonna pass me like you don't know me huhh",he says . Busted, "well I didn't really see you ,"I tell him. Lying bitch I just bluntly lied.

"Hey guys,"I greet them.

" Hey pretty ",says some guy who I don't even know I then realize I don't know any of them .

"Sooo...am Ella not Hazel"

I later learn there names the one who called me pretty is called Enzo, then there is Luis ,his brother Calleb and Harry .

We walked to our lectures together and they were fun being around I even missed Tyra...wait what nooo she was a backstabbing bitch who I didn't even want to remember.

Sometimes I felt like we should have something that can make you know what's fake or real. I mean it would save us alot of tears that we shed for people who didn't deserve it. Bad things happen to good people but then am not good or so I think....

"She always zones out like that it's her thing", Soffie's voice brings me back to reality. We are all sitted together eating. By all I mean Soffie ,Jade and his friends and me. They said that we barely have any friends so we should always hang out together I mean really are we in highschool still that one has to have a gang or something.

I apologise for my bad friendship skills I know Soffie can be friends with anyone but am glad she sticks around my annoying ass.

"Are you even listening to us pretty ",asks Enzo.

"Am sorry guys what were you saying ?" I ask them. "I am throwing a party this Friday I'd be happy if you came"says Enzo. I want to come up with a lie but I can't so I end up saying yes. It's been long since I went to a party. What you thought am some naive bitch who hasn't ever went to a party . Well sorry to burst your bubble but I used to go to alot of parties not because I liked but I guess when you love someone you tend to do stupid things in the name of love. I used to go to party well because my ex was a party wreck and I had to tag along. If the people in my previous life met me they'd say it isn't me . Am calling it previous because I went through death .

I look at my watch and realize it's thirty minutes past 4 and I have to go grab some groceries because apparently Soffie likes cooking so I have to restock .

By 5:30 I am already at my place . I take the groceries to the kitchen and put everything wherever it's supposed to be as I go to take a shower . After my shower I wear my work uniform and let my hair loose.

I glance at my watch and it's thirty minutes until 7 since am doing nothing here I might as well go early. I check my necessities and they are all in my bag . I grab an apple as I make my way out of my apartment and close it . I greet Don on my way out and promise to bring him a burger later in the night.

The dinnery is full when I reach there . I go to the changing room and leave my bag there.

I immediately start my shift and to say by the end of it am tired is an understatement.

As promised I take a burger to Don. The rest of the week goes on smoothly and it's already Friday. I almost forget I promised to go to Enzo's party why the hell did I even tell him I'd go. He already gave me the directions to his place and asked if am sure if I will be fine driving there on my own or he'd come pick me up. I obviously said yes. Am already at my place and I have made up my mind , I am not going to that party.

I know Enzo will be mad at me but please I don't have energy to start getting ready for a party. I change into my pyjamas and settle down on my couch trying to figure out what to watch tonight.

"I thought you were never going to come pretty",says Enzo as he gives me a party cup."Here I am, I couldn't miss your party now would I?


Hey guys please remember to vote when you're done I'd really appreciate it please also share. Add it to your library to get all the updates. The previous chapters may have some errors am sorry for that I'll try to reread at least thrice to make sure there are no mistakes.

The picture attached to this chapter is how I imagine my Enzo all the bad boy look facade.

Love y'all ❤️