

It was today .....

I wanted it to as normal as possible I was dressed ready for school .

"Hey sure you don't want to stay in today?",asks Enzo.

"I want it to be a normal day I don't want to stay in and be sad all day,I'll be fine",I say .

"Okay if you say so",he says.

I wait for him as he finishes getting ready and we head to school together.

The moment I reach school the first person I bump into it Soffie.I know what she is about to say before she even starts speaking.

"Are you okay ,I thought you weren't coming to school today?",she asks .

"Why wouldn't I come to school is something happening in school that I don't know off",I try to shrug it off knowing damn well what she is talking about.

"Isn't today your sisters anniversary?"she asks.

"It's wierd you guys call the day someone dies an anniversary and yes it is ,so what about it?",I ask .