

"I know I never tell you guys this alot if times but I love you guys and I appreciate you. I never had anyone before I met you and you guys came into my life and made it fine. I may be not the best friend a person can ask for but am glad you guys understand. The best days I have had have been with you guys and am so happy for being your friend. You m an so much to me and I hope everyone else can have people like you. People who care about each other. I hope this friendship lasts a lifetime because I don't want to introduce myself to other people and have them judge me and tell me am wierd",says Ella as she chuckles.


"Don't get all smoochy and corny with us",says Calleb.

"Am serious dumbass I mean it ,I do not know how my life would have been in this city without you guys by my side",says Ella .