

I hated empathy.

No one really liked empathy. I felt disgusted when people felt sorry for me. I always wanted everything to be doing okay . I never wanted to go to someone to ask for help. Humans were wierd people and wicked. It was in many occasions that people you trusted the most turned on you. There were secrets that you would never tell anyone but only told one person. They would use it for their own benefit or hold it on your head over something.

I never wanted to feel inferior before someone I always tried to make my life look as normal as possible. Asking for help was too much help for me and asking it from alot if people was the gravest mistake someone would ever do. What if you guys had a quarrel one day and they blurted it out to people? How would people see me? I never wanted people to judge me so the bubble around my life was pretty tuff but it does not always stay like it. It pops and all hell breaks loose.