Talented Me! 19

However, to begin any other plans, Avina had to meet up with her friends at the cat cafe. It was currently 5 pm, and they said they would be at the cafe until 7 pm. There was no time to waste!

She headed to the changing room and began removing her clothes. Looking down at the designer clothes she just wore, she picked up the dress she bought with Daisy. White versus blue, both of them were beautiful, but only one was used.

In the very end, she barely spent 10 minutes with the dress before having to remove it. After edits, she probably wouldn't have more than 5 minutes in her dress! In the original plot, Adi was never mentioned to have changed clothes during the shoot. Therefore, Avina along with Daisy picked out the best dress possible to compliment Wilona's traits. It was unexpected that the dress would barely be used, and a different outfit, in the end, was worn through the whole shooting.

A tinge of regret filled her heart, and along with it came guilt. In the situation she's been placed in, the choice to buy a dress was at the expense of Wilona's years of saving. Avina didn't know how she would use the money otherwise, but it didn't stop the guilt from rushing in.

Who knew what Wilona was saving for, but she felt as if she ruined her efforts. It was a stinky guilty feeling, and she blames it on this dress. No no, the plot! And Adi!! Yes, it can only be those two!!

But for now, she had to return these clothes to the crew. There was a cat cafe calling for her!!

Avina neatly folded the blouse and trousers before moving onto cleaning up her mess. She placed her brush and accessories back in along with the dress. Upon wearing her ordinary simple clothing, she returned back to the innocent girl she was just like Cinderalla once the clock hit 12.

She looked satisfied in the mirror proud to say that today's work was deserving of a pat on the back. Her bag was ready, the clothes were neatly stacked, and she was ready to head off.

A knock on the door turned her head around. She quickly hurried to open the door. What greeted her was the assistant from earlier.

She held a clipboard with one hand and her smile was a lot more pleasing, at least less annoyed. Most likely her performance from earlier was enough to garner a hinge of respect in the assistant.

"Hello," Wilona spoke first. "If you're looking for the clothes, I have them right here."

Wilona quickly took the clothes in her hands and tried to hand it to the assistant. However, before she could attempt to, the assistant started speaking.

"You've been requested to go to Room 202. Don't be late, and have a nice day."

As quickly as she said her sentence, the assistant left.

"But- What about the clothes!" Wilona shouted, but the assistant had already left. Her heels clicking on the floor were the last sounds to be heard.

Avina looked at the clothes still in her hands and then remember Room 202. Don't be late? But why?

Closing the door, Avina started to make her way out of the set. She passed the clothes onto another crew member and looked once more at her first set. It was definitely a rare experience, and one she would like to remember even in worlds to come.

'Check who's in Room 202. I don't think it's anything good.'

This time, the elevator was not full, and she managed to successfully hitch a ride. It was definitely a shorter time than running upstairs. Just remembering it made her legs weak...

'Here's the monitor,' 5025 pulled up a separate monitor showing the room.

Inside was a thickly built man with bodyguards surrounding him. On his face was a lecherous grin full of greed and desire. Avina was repulsed staring at the image on the monitor. Her footsteps, which were originally slow, became even slower showing clear dislike to be in the same room as him.

But not knowing the possible effects her avoidance may cause for her, Avina still made her way towards the room. Just, very slowly. Extremely slowly. Snail pace slowly.

The time spent dawdling in the hallways was not for nothing. Avina managed to pick up several clues from analyzing the monitor. For example, the guy probably had no good deeds in his life. He treated his bodyguards with no respect and had his assistant change his coffee 5 times already. It was hard to find a single good trait on the man, and Avina gave up after the second coffee change.

Scrunching her brows, Avina was about to close the monitor. Then, his phone rang and Avina managed to get a perfectly clear look at the number. It was a number she knew all too well - it was Adi's.

The following conversation had no other words to describe than a simple deal. Mister Mean would be mean to Wilona and Adi would pay him. Several questions went through her head, and luckily, she didn't need to guess. Every single sentence said explained everything perfectly.

'So how did checking that number earlier go?' Avina had a hunch, but it was best to verify.

5025 went to check its inbox and there it was, the information regarding the number. It scanned it quickly and placed all the important parts in front of Avina.

'A stockholder of B Corp. Lots of scandals. And yep, overall scum.'

B Corp was the company of Adi's great grandfather. Unfortunately, her father did not get the chance to claim the throne to the company. But as a potential heir in the past, his words held a lot of weight in them including letting his daughter order around a stockholder to harass Wilona.

Whatever dark secrets Adi may have held or whether her father knew and still allowed it, Avina did not know. But the mere fact that Adi stooped so low to order another to harass Wilona disgusted her. She was already a hateful bully and now she was just committing a crime.

'How do we get out of this one, Host?' 5025 may be stupid at times, but as a perfectly functioning system, it could still understand.

If the Host avoided this meeting, as a wealthy individual Mister Mean had full forces to block Wilona's rise to fame. Adi herself could have done it, but why do it yourself when you have a perfectly usable chess piece?

If they had the full support of Graham, maybe there would have been a chance at simply avoiding him. However, they did not. Sandra could be helpful except she was a star just like any other even if she was popular. Stardom had some vulnerability in it and wealth was perfect to kill it.

'I'll arrive there and somehow manage to escape. Maybe, I really don't know.'

Avoiding it was terrible, going was terrible, there just wasn't a perfect choice.

'How about asking your friends? Maybe they could help?' 5025 suggested.

Avina had no other ideas so she started dialing Daisy.

"Hello? Wilona? What's wrong?" Daisy immediately replied. In the background, there were cats meowing proving Daisy was at the cat cafe.

"I think I may be in danger. There's a creepy man ordering me to see him, and I can't avoid him either."

Silence came and went in seconds. Avina held her phone anxious about Daisy's answer. She could fight her way out in mere seconds, sure, but her road would get blocked off just as quickly. Avina couldn't risk it. Not now, not when she was just beginning.

"Okay, I'm heading straight to the building right now. You try to stall as much as you can and stay safe. I'll be right there." Daisy promptly hung the phone up, and Avina could only brace herself for the upcoming fight.

She continued to walk as slowly as she could, but even a slow journey would reach its end. The door was right in front of her, 202, and she had to knock on it. Her hands rose and the sound echoed in the hallways. Her heart started to pound, and at the sound of the door opening, it pounded even faster.

Cold sweat drenched her back, and she anxiously tried to fight the urge to vomit out of nervousness. Her hands clutched each other trying to find the remaining calm in her. It seemed impossible to salvage her sanity when she knew she was walking into a grand trap. Her only hope was to rely on Daisy, but she didn't know exactly how long she was capable of stalling for.

It was a huge ball of nervousness hitting her guts and no amount of deep breathes would ever help her. The sight of the door opening and the people inside greeting her eyes plunged her into a dark, deep sticky feeling.

"Welcome, I was expecting you, Wilona."