The man who had spoken was stout. He wore his suit properly, but his buttons struggled to hold his clothes together. He was short in stature and on his face was always a calculative grin.
"I'm Mr. Tet. I would like to sign you into our company," he raised his hand motioning towards the chair in front of him.
Avina glanced at the people lining the walls and then at Mr. Tet. She could only comply with his invitation and sit down. Stall? She can do that.
Mr. Tet grinned knowing all too well how this would play out. It wasn't the first time he recruited a starlet, and he never failed either. The temptation of being rich was all too alluring for people like her.
"That's correct. I am a part of B Corp, and we work together with talented individuals to bring out their full potential. I think you would develop well in our company."
"Talented? I don't think I have anything like that," Wilona blushed. Talented? Her? She could never.
"I am more than confident-"
"How could I be talented? I'm just an ordinary girl," Wilona interrupted. She was as ordinary as ordinary could ever get!
"I'm sure-"
"Even this show was a stroke of luck! I don't have any sort of talent you're looking for," Wilona started to ramble. There were plenty of words to describe her but 'talent' wasn't one of them.
"I think you should look for someone else. Someone-," Wilona continued to speak not letting him speak another word.
"Now! I am sure you are more than worthy!" Mr. Tet couldn't contain his annoyance and raised his voice. Each of his words was stressed and pronounced concisely overriding Wilona's voice.
It echoed in the room with no other voices, and Wilona was scared to silence. Mr. Tet was huffing and puffing. His buttons were even more threatening to pop off his chest. Mr. Tet clenched his hands trying to find that last piece of calm. Negotiations worked best when he was calm. He couldn't fail this one, absolutely not. Especially when his opponent is but a little girl.
"Now that I have your attention, let's discuss a little more. Maybe you will realize that you are indeed talented and well suited to grow in our company," Mr. Tet sat down across from Wilona.
He looked at his bodyguard, and the bodyguard walked over to the door. With a simple click, the door was locked. It sounded extremely apparent in the quiet room, and Avina knew this was going to be one tough battle. She took a cold breath in and prepared herself.
"Then, why do you think I am talented?" Wilona asked. She was being scouted but when did he ever get the chance to see her?
Mr. Tet looked over Wilona's face and couldn't find a single trait suitable to be a star. Wilona was too plain with no distinguishing features that could attract fans. But no matter, that's what lying is for.
"You have this- this captivating aura. I can't quite put it into words, but it's something that all big stars have."
Sure, of course, Avina knew that she had star quality. What else is new?
"And you have such a magnificent poise to you unlike no other."
She was the Crown Princess in the last world with nobles surrounding her. To not have poise is to simply not survive a day in that world. Anything new?
"You have so many different talents that I can't even name them all! Overall, there's a lot of talent hidden in you, and we wish to help you develop it."
"But," Avina started her stalling again.
"No buts. Only yesses. You are a flower in the blossoming stage and this would only help more," Mr. Tet waved his hands in front of her, imitating the beauty of flowers. Except his hands didn't look like flowers but pig trotters. Although it's offensive to pigs to compare them to the evil Mr. Tet.
"I- I don't know what to say," Avina stuttered to say. "I never thought a day in my life that I would get scouted."
"Well, today's-"
"I mean, I'm but a frail little girl. I never thought I would ever get to live in the spotlight." Her eyes sparkled with shimmering tears. Wilona was emotional thinking of what was happening in front of her. A dream come true!
"Yes yes, and that is why-"
"But I don't think I'm worth the effort," Wilona sorrowfully looked away and sniffled. "I- I don't seem to have the talent for it."
"No, that's why I said-"
How could Avina let him utter another word? She came this far already! It's stalling not playing!
"Your company is so great and all, but I shouldn't tarnish it. I am nothing!" The tears in her eyes verging puddles of tears.
"Will you stop interrupting me!" Mr. Tet slammed his hands down onto the table creating a loud thud. It resounded in the room and shook the contents on the table. Even the water placed in front of her started to ripple.
Wilona yelped and flinched at the sight of the angry man in front of her. His brows burrowed deep into his forehead creating immense tension. His chest was hovering up and down with heavy breaths and fury was evident in the tension remaining in his body.
"Now, don't think I'm nice and all just because I scouted you," Mr. Tet began. Slowly, his business smile returned to his face but heavily forced this time.
"I came to seek a talented and confident individual, not some low esteem complaining little girl," Mr. Tet squeezed the sentence out from his teeth.
"Now, do you accept or not? I'm sure the answer is quite clear at this point."
He smiled and waved his hands out signaling his bodyguards. Each of them stepped forward in sync making a distinct sound in the room. Their faces were hard as stone unyielding to any emotions or situations.
Avina gulped and repeatedly wished for Daisy to come sooner! She stalled as long as she could at this point, and it's going to be hard to stall any longer.
"Well, um. How should I choose? It's quite a difficult situation." Wilona slightly scooted away from the table.
"I mean, I got school, and I have to take care of the house." She slowly stood up from the seat carefully eyeing the people around her.
"And I just don't think I can do this. So have a nice day! Thank you for the invite, but no thanks!"
As quick as her legs could carry her, Avina ran to the door and unlocked it. She turned the doorknob and the door opened. But just as quickly as the door opened, it slammed shut once more. Avina looked at who closed it and saw the assistant giving her a small grin.
"DIdn't I say that the choice was obvious?" Mr. Tet said slowly.
He stood up from his chair and snapped his finger. The bodyguards removed themselves from the wall and stood next to him ready to heed his orders.
"Then how could you choose the wrong one?"
Another snap and they all walked towards Wilona. Their footsteps sounded like hammers to her ears as they walked closer. Eyes of steel looked at her small body. She took a step back but the door was closed. The assistant who closed it looked at her face and grinned once more, this time even bigger.
Avina took a deep breath and prepared herself. She didn't know if she could do it against so many people, but she was willing to try. She shifted her foot into position and concentrated on her core.
"Isn't it illegal to force someone?" Avina said. Her voice was not nervous as Mr. Tet expected but calm. Her eyes were narrowed revealing not a slit of thought.
"Illegal? I'm only here to scout little girl," Mr. Tet said before laughing out loud.
'Then, fine. You asked for this.'
As soon as she felt her body releasing its tension, a flow of power went into her veins imbuing it with a sense of confidence. Her body was light and flew with no effort against the current of the battle.
Bodies were thrown her way in an attempt to subdue her, but Avina dodged them. When she was trapped, Avina instead chose to push a body against them knocking them down like bowling pins. Chairs fell and groans were heard. The once serious meeting room was turned into a battlefield in mere seconds.
Avina looked at the wreckage she made and let out a whistle. Her arm felt sore from the punches thrown, but a simple turn of the wrist relieved the pain. She knew that she wasn't weak, but it still surprised her a bit.
Professionally trained bodyguards and they didn't stand a chance against her. Bodies of steel and muscle and not a single of their attacks landed on Avina. Even Adi was better! But she also played dirty by pulling her hair.
"If you would excuse me, I have cats to see and a dirty slug to bid goodbye."
Avina picked up her bag and left the scene. She paid no attention to the stunned faces of Mr. Tet or the assistant. They were simply not worth a princess's attention.
Once she stepped out the door, Avina made a mad dash for the stairs. Nothing was going to stop her this time, and she was going to run! At the turn of the corner, Avina crashed into someone. She stood up quickly, uttered a sorry, and prepared to run again. A hard pull from her arm suddenly made her fall backward and she looked up.
"Wilona! I'm here!" Daisy's happy voice sounded against her ears, and a tight hug squeezed the tension from her body. At the sight of her friend, Avina was relieved and could finally rest just a little bit.
"I'm so happy," Avina said hugging Daisy back.