Talented Me! 33

Someone had locked her in! The remaining time she had was just enough for her to get to the show, but how can she get out!

'Who locked me in?' Avina turned to ask 5025. She was busy concentrating on her work and didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. If she did, how could this happen…

5025 turned on their monitors carefully tracing the latest movements. At the last minute, it caught a figure in a black hoodie stealthily coming closer to the room. Making sure she wasn't paying attention, they locked the door and escaped. Zooming in closer, 5025 identified the mysterious figure to be Adi!

But, even if they knew who the culprit was, it wouldn't be of much use. Adi had long escaped and her plan worked, they were trapped.

Avina placed the matter down focusing on how to get out of the room. Her plan was to dial her friends to let her out or at least to get help, but facts proved that would be impossible. Apparently, this classroom was the dead zone of the entire school with the weakest, non-existing, connection.

Frustrated, Avina had a sudden urge to complain to the school about this. How can a student learn if there isn't a good connection! Her options were dwindling, and she was growing anxious. Her next and maybe final resort was to call out for help.

"Help! Is there someone there! I'm locked in the classroom!" Avina cried out. Her voice echoed back to her, but no one came.

The school was nearly empty at the moment except for a few teachers and cleaners. Her teacher allowed her to use the classroom and reminded her to lock it before she left, but now she was the one locked in!

'Do you have a plan, 5025,' Avina sighed. 'Because I'm running out of ideas.'

5025 revealed itself next to her feet and began exploring the room. Searching behind the tables and corners, it tried to find a key of some sort. However, nothing was found.

'Do you know how to pick locks?' 5025 asked as it looked at a tin of paper clips. The shiny metal glistened in the light, and it sounded like a good plan. Don't all the cool spies use paper clips to get into and out of rooms!

'Lockpicking?' Avina recalled the cool tricks Bea showed her, including lockpicking, and regretted not asking her to teach her. If she had known there would be such a use in the future, she would have joined! But what was the use of regret now, she couldn't even see Bea!

'I don't know how to…' Avina sighed. Another plan combusted, no one was coming, and they couldn't get out. She glanced around the room scanning for anything to help.

Maybe she could break down the door...

She looked at the chair debating the damage costs, until something shined in her eyes making her squint. The light of the sunset flowed into the room casting an orange glow onto the floor and one ray onto her eye.

'Maybe I can jump out the window…' Dumb as it may be, it was better than nothing.

Avina walked towards the window looking down. It was quite the height, not too tall nor short. Her skills could maybe cushion her landing. She gulped at the dangerous deed she was about to accomplish, but if it worked, then it worked.

Grabbing the lock, she turned it. She pushed it gently and the panel swung open. A light breeze blew her hair back and she took a deep breath. Her hands on the edges buried into her palm, but she still hoisted herself onto the ledge. Looking down, the height seemed to have gotten taller.

'Host! What are you doing!' 5025 screeched. It was busy looking for something of use, but the moment it looked back, its host was trying to commit su*cide!

'You can't die! We can still complete the mission!' 5025 pounced towards her side and leaped. It grabbed her skirt with its mitten paws and relied on gravity to pull her to safety.

Avina could only follow her kitten pal to the ground. 'Su*cide? What are you talking about? I was just going to jump out the window to the ground.'

'That's exactly what su*cide is!' 5025 shouted. Its Host was never this dumb before! Maybe all that homework muddled her brain!

'Ok, ok, fine,' Avina relented to 5025. If her cat bud didn't want her to jump out a window, then so be it. 'Then, what's our next plan?'

5025 sighed relieved. None of its seniors warned him that hosts may or may not do this! Bah! All system training becomes useless if their hosts suddenly die!

'Don't we have the dataweb?' 5025 pointed out. 'We can learn lockpicking skills!'

It was a smart idea Avina admitted, but there was one flaw. 'But we don't have that much time. I still think going down by window is feasible.'

'Yeah! If you want to break your legs and bones!' 5025 retorted. It huffed letting out a puff of air from its nose.

'Then, you go down the window and carry a note to someone,' Avina gave another idea. 'After all, cats have 9 lives.'

5025 looked at its Host in horror. 'That's a hoax and you know it!' When did its Host think it was fine for it to die!?

'Ok, ok. I can't bear to let my cute system get hurt,' Avina pacified 5025. 'But how can we get out?'

5025 leaped onto the counter next to the window. It looked down at the ground below full of dirt and dust. There wasn't a safe ledge to land, not to mention break their fall. That is when a shiny spot at the side caught its eye.

It was Mr. Greene! Wearing, what appeared to be, a flashing hat…

'Go, Host! Catch his attention!' 5025 called out to Avina. 'Do something! Before he gets into his car!'

Avina pushed her head out of the window spotting Mr. Greene in his otherwise hideous head accessory. She cupped her hands around her mouth and took a deep breath.

"Hey!!! Look over here!!!!! Yes, you, wearing the shiny hat! Come, unlock me!" Avina screamed her loudest out the window, however, Mr. Greene seemed to not have heard.

Anxious, Avina slipped one of her shoes off. She lifted it high and closed one of her eyes. Her hand went behind her head, and she hurdled the shoe. The shoe landed perfectly on his head knocking off his hat. She shoots, she scores!

Mr. Greene picked up the fallen shoe and looked around, baffled. How often did it rain shoes... Avina called out to him again, this time even louder, and he immediately saw her. He waved at her and ran back into the school.

Avina closed the window, leaped down, and ran to the door. It didn't take long, but it felt like an eternity! His long legs apparently weren't long enough to walk!

At the sight of him at the door, Avina planted her face onto the glass. She watched him jiggle his set of keys and unlocked the door.

"I believe this shoe is yours?" Mr. Greene lifted the shoe up and smiled, half teasing half complaining. It wasn't a lie to say it hurt a little to have a shoe hit him/

Avina exhaled and claimed the shoe. "Yeah, that's mine. Fits like a good shoe."

"So, what brings your good shoe to my head?" Mr. Greene asked as he dusted off his hat.

Avina wished to complain about his terrible fashion choices, but now wasn't the time!

"I got locked inside, and I need to get to the show! Can't talk, need to run!" Avina blurted before stuffing her foot into her shoe and prepared to do a mad dash.

Mr. Greene reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her back. "Wait. I'll take you there. You're late aren't you."

He placed his hat back on his head and gestured for her to go first. Avina rubbed her sore arm and walked. It was a free ride regardless, and whatever she was about to do could never compare to a 40+ MPH driving car.

"Hop on," he said as he went to the other side of the car. Avina opened the door and sat down buckling up.

'5025, shield my face or something,' Avina requested. Adi already got pictures of the meeting, and she couldn't let another set of pictures of her explode. Right now was the most important part of the mission.

"Hold on tight," Mr. Greene reeved. "I've been told my driving skills were atrocious."

And it was. Any butterflies remaining in her stomach died in the next few seconds. Forget about pictures, they're all blurry from how fast he was driving!

Avina held on tightly to the seatbelt knowing it was the only barrier between her and the window of death. She already suffered once from a car window, no need for a second one.

Mr. Greene hit the brakes and the car abruptly stopped. Avina, fearing for her poor life, was almost sent flying to the window.

"You're driving… It's definitely a little more that atrocious…" Avina mumbled under her breath. Her hands started to shake trying to unbuckle. As she stepped out, her legs started to wobble shaking like maracas.

'Gosh,' Avina whispered. 'How fast was he driving! It definitely wasn't 40 MPH.'

"Bye bye, Wilona," Mr. Greene called out. "Good luck!" He waved her farewell before speeding off again.

Avina wobbled her way into the building completing the same procedures as last time. Except, she walked like an elderly, struggling to push the door or walking 3 steps without having the urge to barf onto the clean red carpet.

Knowing her lesson from last time, Avina pushed her way through the crowd and rode the elevator all the way up. A few curious people looked at her, but she smiled it off. As a future star, she had to be fully ready for a couple of curious stares.

The ride up top allowed her ample amount of time to calm herself and regain the feels in her leg. It no longer tingled as much as before letting her walk smoothly out to the room.

The same assistant greeted her but this time there was a touch of flattery. Avina smiled politely avoiding her otherwise touchy hands. Her bad intentions of trying to get on her good side only made Avina reject her even more.

She went to the changing room, changed into her outfit for the day, and headed out. The rest of the contestants were already in a single filed row waiting for the start of the episode. Avina walked up towards Sandra's side.

"Good evening," Sandra greeted with a bright smile. Her smile, different from the ones she showed to others, was warm.

"Good evening," Avina gave her an even bigger smile. Sandra and her were about to win the second phase!