"Welcome back, dear viewers!" The host came to the front and following him was a row of cameras. "Are you ready for the new episode of 'Who I am'?"
Everyone shouted "Yes!", and he chuckled. "Of course you are! Today we will be revealing the winner of the last episode as well as a lovely surprise. Anyone up for a good guess?"
He pointed the microphone at us, but everyone was smiling. Looking around, Angel noticed that no one was grabbing the chance so she decided to talk. After all, it was free screen time.
"Is it, hmm, food?" she lowered her head to the microphone and said. She pulled her hair behind her ear revealing the simple silver earring on her lobe. Her visuals were innocent just like her name.
The host let out a mighty laugh before returning the microphone to his lips. "Are you a foodie? But I'm sorry to say it's not food this time."
"Doesn't that mean there is a next time?" She covered her mouth with 1 hand and giggled. The host laughed right after her, and as the contestants, we followed him with our laughter.
"Why yes, of course," the host agreed. "But today, the surprise is a live audience."
At his words, 2 doors opened up and people started walking in. The rows of seats, next to the stage, were quickly filled up. It was a sort of noisy chatter, but understandably, they were all excited to be near their idols.
"Everyone! Say hello to your fans!"
We all looked towards the audience and waved, calling out to them with a hello. They shook in their seats before standing up, finally couldn't contain their excitement, let out a roar shocking us all.
"I love you, Will!!"
"Sandra! Queen!! I'm your biggest fan!!!"
"Ship! Will and Sandra!!"
The host laughed once again, and said, "Seems there are a lot of fans of Will and Sandra. What about poor lil' lonesome me?"
Everyone stopped their screams at their idols and directed them at the host. The host looked at the cute audience cheering for him and laughed again. That's what they mean by fans are always cute!
"Okay, I won't tease you guys anymore. Let's quickly start the show with some lovely results."
The screen behind them lit up and a trailer played. There were clips from the last shoot stitched together into one mini-movie. Sandra and she had the most seconds in the trailer followed by Will's team. The last team had few views because of their consistent disagreements.
At the end of the trailer, a countdown started. 5...4...3...2...1… Congratulations Sandra and Wilona! After that, the winning picture was placed on and everyone looked with awe.
For the most part, everyone scouted their competition and knew what the photo looked like, but on the big screen, it was different. There were no flaws in their pose, cooperation, outfit, style, or makeup. It was perfection, and undoubtedly, the most deserving picture to win.
Everyone looked at the two ladies who made it possible. Sandra, of course, was perfection herself. But Wilona, how did this wallflower become a wild rose!? It was simply magic!
Avina would answer, "Because wallflowers are also beautiful. Stop discriminating against wallflowers!"
The host turned his head to us pretending to be shocked but sincerely happy, and said, "Congratulations! How does it feel to be the winners of the theme?"
Sandra stepped forward to accept the microphone. "I knew we could do it. After all, Wilona is such an amazing partner."
She turned towards Wilona and smiled confidently. A warm fuzzy feeling spread in Wilona's heart, and she took the microphone next. "I couldn't have done it without a great role model like you."
Wilona returned it with a sweet smile of her own. The cameras were focused on both of them and their smiles appeared on the big screen. The audience went "Aww" at their interactions.
Most of them had the same thought, "If Sandra liked Wilona, then we will support Wilona as well." Without her knowing, Wilona's followers were growing. The power of Sandra was not to be underestimated!
"How very sweet of you two." The host took back his microphone. "And I'm sure you two will do great in the next round as well."
He stepped back to the middle and faced them all. "And all of you! I'm sure you will do great as well! Now, I won't stall anymore. This is your new theme!"
The fake wall behind them lifted up and the stage was revealed. But this time, there was nothing except for two microphone stands in the middle.
"What does this mean?" Avina heard a soft mutter next to her. She peeked with the corner of her eye to see Angel.
Angel wasn't as disappointed as she thought she would be. Avina knew how important this show was to anyone in the field. Sandra and Will didn't need it, but she and Angel did. It was something that would gain them massive followers and screen time if they won. Angel, Avina guessed, was content with the exposure of just being here.
"This is your next theme, singing!" The host smiled his signature toothy smile.
This was one of the most popular themes of all time in their show. It was an easy theme, but also one that allowed a live audience. All behavior would be exposed and none would escape from public condemnation if something were to happen. It had happened once, and there was a possibility that it may again. The participant, then, was blacklisted by everyone.
"You will, with your partner, work to create a song to sing. We will give you a full hour to tinker with some musical instruments and interact with the fans to gain inspiration as well as write the song and practice. Afterward, you will go up on the stage with your partner and sing."
A cartload of instruments was rolled out onto the set. There were all instruments imaginable and some with more than 1, such as the keyboards; the studio provided more instruments commonly used.
"And now, begin!"
Everyone ran towards the cart picking out their most familiar instruments. The other civilian contestants were, once again, arguing, but hush this time, about who would choose what. Will didn't care as much and allowed Angel to choose whichever one he wanted; his instrument was his voice. Only Sandra and Avina stayed behind.
"Oh dear," Sandra sighed, cradling her head in her hands. "This is Will's forte. We won't be able to win this one."
"You never know," Avina comforted. After all, she can hum now!
Sandra looked at her and laughed. "Did you suddenly gain some amazing singing abilities?"
"No, but I did gain some amazing humming abilities!"
Sandra laughed even louder at Avina's comment. How far can humming get them? But if Wilona was willing to give her all even with humming, then Sandra was willing to too.
"Then, let's go. I can play a little piano." Sandra pointed to the last keyboard on the cart. It wasn't the exact same, but it will do.
"I can play the triangle!" Avina pointed at the small metal instrument next to the piano.
At school (Avina's, not Wilona's) she was the top triangle player in the whole school. Her small ding at every concert was magnificent! Even Bea said so!
"Then, you take the triangle, and I'll take the piano." Sandra stifled her laugh at her cute comment, but Avina saw it. She glared at Sandra.
How could she not believe in my great prowess! I am the greatest triangle player of all time! G.O.A.T!!
They moved towards the audience ready to gain inspiration for their winning song. The moment they saw Sandra walking close, they screamed.
"OMG! Sandra! Hello!"
Sandra smiled her usual relaxed smile and said hello. "We're thinking of what our song should be."
The fans stopped their fanatic screams and began to think of a good answer. Their idol asked for their help! They must provide the very best!
"How about one about summer?"
"Or about love!"
"Oo oo! Or about friends!!"
Sandra rubbed her chin debating which answer was best. "What do you think, Wilona?"
Avina wondered the same. All of them were decent answers. It's what most songs were about. Something about the weather going cold or raining, or new love, or maybe some good ol' fun with friends.
"How about love?" Avina suggested. Humming goes great with love songs.
"Oh? Love?" Sandra pretended to think deeply about that idea. "I think that would be great!"
"Thank you, my lovelies," Sandra said, winking at the fans. They all screamed once saying how she was their "husbando" and Sandra laughed. Her fans were all so cute!
Sandra took Wilona's hand and pulled her back to the back.
"Do you know how to make a love song? I don't," Sandra whispered. She may play the role of lovers, but that doesn't mean that she knows what love is!
Avina had not thought about this. She was only concerned about where her humming would be best. "I don't know either. But it shouldn't be that difficult!"
Most love songs sounded the same anyways. You got a lover, you got a kiss, and you got a lifetime of sadness or happiness! Just depends on how it ends!
So, they, two people with little experience in love (We aren't counting George), began to write about love at first sight under the moonlight with the fireflies twinkling next to them. Yes, yes there are flowers. Yes, yes there is also the "I love you, baby" lyric. Yes, yes it was cringey. Yes, both of them had the most fun ever writing a lovely, but highly generic, love song.