But I hate blood! 27

With nothing to stop her, Avina ran all the way to her room. It felt like an ominous black fog was chasing her, suffocating her, and making her unable to think. All she felt was a sense of dread and fear of the unknown.

Slamming the door close, Avina tried to calm down. Her breath was unsteady, rushing in and out and her heart was racing.

She was fine. It was okay. She did great. She only needed to wait for the King. There's an antidote. It's in her pocket. Everything was going to be fine.

Avina's words of comfort spun in her head. For what seemed like an eternity of darkness, it only took her 5 minutes to find peace.

'My heart can't take this,' Avina complained.

Eyes closed and brows weakly wrinkled, she slumped to the ground with her back to the door. Her arms encased her head in them holding it with a hug. Muffled noises passed by her door but she wished the world would be silent for just a minute.