But I hate blood! 28

'So what's this liquid?' Avina shook the bottle and watched the blue sway around. It was a beautiful aquamarine reminiscent of the ocean.

5025 scanned the bottle waiting for the results to pop up. When it got the results, it was shocking.

'This is a malicious poison found only in a rare deep-sea creature! One drop of it can knock down 20 men making them disabled for life! And this bottle has more than just a drop!'

Avina wasn't shocked to hear it was poison, but hearing its effects was definitely something bewildering. She hadn't expected it to be something so rare and even more than "Winter" could get her hands on it.

Whoever was disguising themselves to be Winter and giving her this entire bottle of poison wasn't someone to underestimate.

'Check who that person was,' Avina told 5025. She couldn't have this person ruining her plans. She got so far and it wasn't to fail.