It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 03

Avina knew her lie was exposed. At this point, it was foolish to believe it was *not* exposed. Sad as she was, at the very least, she met her target.

"Okay, fine, I lied. I'm a Dark Fairy but I am truly lost," Avina chose to admit defeat.

"A fairy lost?" spectacle guy asked sarcastically. "First time I've heard about it. A fairy's natural habitat *is* the forest."

'Okay, first time it was fine. But second? No way! Spectacle guy, you are now my enemy!'

Even though she wasn't lying this time, she was still refuted. Left with only bitter emotions, she threw another glare at him.

"Don't you humans get lost too? And I thought living in your self-made habitats meant you couldn't get lost," Avina argued back. With a humph, she despised looking at him a second longer.

"And put me down! It's not nice to treat someone like a sack of potatoes," Avina said to Chris. Her little face scrunched up looking like an angry cat.