It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 04

Johan, who was always watching the two, immediately headed over. With his quick hands, he peeled Avina off of Chris.

"Even if you're a fairy, shouldn't you have some decency as a lady!" he shouted. His brows wrinkled together as if he was looking at a leech with no decency.

Avina pouted at his reprimands. "What's wrong with what I did? I think you're just out to get me because I'm Dark Fairy."

"I'm not as petty as you," Johan refuted. Seeing that he succeeded in what he needed to do, he got back to his work.

Avina threw a tiny glare at him before mumbling under her breath.

"Petty? Aren't you the petty one here, mister? Yadda yadda yadda. Chatter chatter chatter. Stupid glasses guy," she murmured as she poked the ground with a random stick.

Chris watched the whole thing happen in front of his eyes barely holding in his laughter. No one had ever called Johan "stupid glasses guy."