It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 19

The battlefield remained the same as it did before, this time just a new location. Groups of soldiers lined up around the base carrying either their food or swords. Laughter infected many as it spread throughout the soldiers.

Upon seeing the spectacle, Avina was not shocked nor curious. She was used to these groups of musty, dirt-covered, sword-wielding hotheads. The ones not used to her were the soldiers.

As she made her way through the rows of men, she could feel their gazes on her back. Their cheerful laughter from before turned into low whispers. Occasionally, as she passed by one, they would move out of the way before continuing to stare.

Avina could only guess what was going through their minds. One, it could be that they had never seen a woman in a long time. Two, they don't know what to do. Having been away for so long, she seemed like an intruder to those young men. But at the same time, she was too confident to look like one.