It Is I, the Fairest of Them All! 20

Lines of soldiers stood face to face with their opponents. On the other side was a group of monstrous black beasts. Comparing both sides, it was the same as mere ants fighting giants. The human side could not compare.

"I hope this will be our last fight, human," a high-level demon said with much contempt. He placed his hands behind his back while looking down at the humans from the sky.

"I cannot fathom how you managed to stand out for so long, but this is the last time you can oppose us."

He lifted his hand up and commanded the demons below. "Go! Defeat the humans!"

The demons all let out a roar before approaching the humans, The soldiers held onto their weapons and gritted their teeth. They could not run away. They must fight.

At the sign of their commander, the soldiers also let out a riveting scream and charged forth. Their weapons blessed with light mana struck the demons. Blood rained on the ground.